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Thread: OKC Mayor Race 2014

  1. #401

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    You mean rehash the same old BS from a couple of years back? Not really, I couldn't even get a response back then. It just got tiring watching you guys trying to canonize the man.

  2. #402

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptDave View Post
    I think he has already started the negativity. The divide and conquer strategy is clear is this first salvo. It will likely only get worse from here.

    Ed Shadid commented on NewsOK.com.
    17 minutes ago ·
    Poll-driven chameleon-like marketing by anonymous big money is not going to work this time; not with the Mayor’s 13-year track record. Just as occurred in my city council race, and the more recent Ward 1 city council race, anonymous independent expenditure organizations are spending large amounts of money engaging in at least two major live polls (which would cost in the $50,000-$70,000 range) and other expensive support activity for the Mayor’s campaign. The seemingly coordinated strategy of the Independent Expenditure and the Mayor is easily predictable: take the Mayor’s weaknesses and portray them as strengths. The Mayor’s record on public safety, neighborhood advocacy (especially when pitted against special interests), and street and sidewalk investments is abysmal and yet, those issues dominate his messaging. The Mayor tells the same joke at national meeting after national meeting making fun of those neighborhood advocates who question the allocation of resources in OKC (Mick says some variation of “Many people in the suburbs do not like the emphasis on downtown, but I tell them you may not like it but your children and grandchildren will like it and you know what, they are angry because they know I am right”) and now wants us to know how much he enjoys getting out and meeting neighbors. The Mayor does not speak with the City Council with any regularity much less neighborhoods. Adding police officers? We have the same number of officers today as we had 20 years ago with 200,000 more people. The Mayor’s relationship with the good men and women of our police and fire forces is nothing less than toxic. Want to understand the situation? Walk up to any member of the OKC Police and Fire force, any random member, and ask them their opinion of Mick Cornett, his working relationship with them, his understanding of the police manpower study and the future needs of this city in terms of public safety and who they would prefer as Mayor. Those who are not already aware will understand how preposterous it is for the Mayor to portray himself as a public safety advocate. Spending large amounts on streets? Developer after developer was able to get their streets widened and sidewalks built in areas where virtually no one lives in the range of $200 million while the streets in neighborhood after neighborhood have to wait as long as 20 more years to get their potholes filled. The misallocation of resources in the ’07 Bond promoted by the Mayor makes concerns about MAPS3 projects pale in comparison.
    Notice how Roy Williams tries to turn a perceived weakness of the Mayor into a strength (“The fact that he is interested and wants to stay in that role, I think that bodes well for OKC”). The Mayor is tired. 13 straight years is a long time on the horseshoe. He spent enormous sums of money and almost every other week for two years during his last term getting a MBA in New York City (because OKC apparently does not have adequate MBA programs). Reports of the mayor actively searching for a mayoral replacement because he did not know if he would finish this last term led to uncertainty among some members of the city council. According to sources he had to be repeatedly lobbied by the Chamber to convince him to run. He offers no opinions much less solutions to the most controversial subjects in front of the council; in fact, he generally maintains complete silence. The Mayor was apparently looking for an exit strategy (one does not need an MBA from NYU to be Mayor of OKC although it might be useful for a board seat at Chesapeake), did not find one, was lobbied by those concerned that our campaign is going to be successful and is now running to stay on the horseshoe for years 14-17.
    It is this mindless and crazy rhetoric that actually underlies his campaign. I have personally seen it, I have heard it, and more of it is coming.

  3. #403

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    The doctor pegs Mick to a T, and you know what, he's angry because Mick knows he's right.

  4. #404

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014


  5. #405

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quite frankly, I'm thrilled we have a Mayor with an MBA. And if he really was looking to exit, I think its admirable that he'd run again to try to avoid the divisive politics Ed has already demonstrated he'll bring.

  6. #406

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    It is this mindless and crazy rhetoric that actually underlies his campaign. I have personally seen it, I have heard it, and more of it is coming.
    Yes, this alone would've been enough for me not to vote for this jackass and has actually inspired me to sign up to aid the campaign against him. For me this is now as much a campaign against Shadid as it is for Cornett. Completely unprofessional crap like this is what we've been fortunate to avoid in our local elections and politics. Save this bs for DC.

  7. #407

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    The doctor pegs Mick to a T, and you know what, he's angry because Mick knows he's right.
    Politically, Mick is looking at the Dr in his rear view mirror.......The informed public is on Micks side. Experience is way more valuable the the Dr's Bull Shirt....but there is probably a few green horns out there that the Dr can blow a little smoke at and they'll go googoo eyed over him.

  8. #408

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I'm curious how Dr. Shadid is going to reduce our state's incarceration rate as mayor -- and hire more cops, a couple of things he mentioned the other night. This is the kind of stuff that sounds great in a speech but has nothing to do with being OKC mayor. It's pretty embarrassing that a couple of people on this thread seem to have abandoned critical thinking when it comes to this kind of rhetorical nonsense.

  9. #409

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I'm curious how Dr. Shadid is going to reduce our state's incarceration rate as mayor -- and hire more cops, a couple of things he mentioned. This is the kind of stuff that sounds great in a speech but has nothing to do with being OKC mayor. It's pretty embarrassing that a couple of people on this thread seem to have abandoned critical thinking when it comes to this kind of rhetorical nonsense.
    A few of them are still butt hurt after the Maps 3 election.

  10. #410

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    A few of them are still butt hurt after the Maps 3 election.
    Police and fire union folks most notably.

    They need to realize that a rising tide is the only way to raise their ship and that in this economy, infrastructure investment in things like MAPS is the way to do it. MAPS spurs retail and residential development--the high end kind. That is where the money comes from for new officers and firefighters.

  11. #411

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Police and fire union folks most notably.

    They need to realize that a rising tide is the only way to raise their ship and that in this economy, infrastructure investment in things like MAPS is the way to do it. MAPS spurs retail and residential development--the high end kind. That is where the money comes from for new officers and firefighters.
    Shadid's only chance to win is to count enough votes from people who are angry at MAPS. I don't see that working out.

  12. #412

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Actually, his best shot is a combination of energized aginners and apathy on the other side. He's working on the first part of the equation. Only Cornett and his handlers can preclude the other. Whether they will or whether they'll try to skate remains to be seen. It's Cornett's to lose, and if taken too lightly, that could actually happen. Not where I'd put my money today, but it's a long race when a city race gears up this early.

  13. #413

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Wambo36 View Post
    You mean like the way Cornett used his position as Mayor to basically lie in multiple commercials during the last week of the M3 campaign? You remember, the ones that he came back to the council and asked them to make good on. They basically told him to see if his handlers at the Chamber would pony up the money to keep his promises made on their behalf. Are those the type of lies we're talking about?
    Let's see, Mayor Cornett didn't cave to the Public Safety Unions, therefore you think he's evil, I'm shocked. Some refuse to let defeat go.

  14. #414

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    It's Cornett's to lose, and if taken too lightly, that could actually happen. Not where I'd put my money today, but it's a long race when a city race gears up this early.
    Very wise comments.

  15. #415

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    It is this mindless and crazy rhetoric that actually underlies his campaign. I have personally seen it, I have heard it, and more of it is coming.
    Well, is OKC so bad off that Shadid's "mindless and crazy rhetoric" is true?

  16. #416

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    At the municipal level, I have little to complain about if the Council is the Chamber's lapdog.

  17. #417

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Police and fire union folks most notably.

    They need to realize that a rising tide is the only way to raise their ship and that in this economy, infrastructure investment in things like MAPS is the way to do it. MAPS spurs retail and residential development--the high end kind. That is where the money comes from for new officers and firefighters.
    Makes since and that is what they were told when they supported MAPS & MAPS for Kids...as soon as the investment comes, we will hire more folks (that the City has admitted for a long time they don't have). The investments came, population grew, the revenue poured in but the hiring didn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    At the municipal level, I have little to complain about if the Council is the Chamber's lapdog.
    I don't see a problem with both entities having common goals but the relationship is just too close for me. They cross the line when (from what I have read) the City is supposed to stay out of elections once the date has been set (that is why an outside group, like the Chamber, runs the campaign). Then the Mayor appears as the head spokesman of the campaign (and mentioned as "Mayor Mick Cornett") and former Mayors are listed in campaign materials as co-treasurers.

    You say you don't have a problem with it at the city level. Why? What about higher up?

  18. #418

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Makes since and that is what they were told when they supported MAPS & MAPS for Kids...as soon as the investment comes, we will hire more folks (that the City has admitted for a long time they don't have). The investments came, population grew, the revenue poured in but the hiring didn't.
    Why are you saying this? New officers have been hired, as has been discussed a great deal on this thread.

    Also, the MAPS sales tax is coming in ahead of projections. What is your problem with this and what are you trying to say? I don't understand.

  19. #419

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    we did just hire more police ..

  20. #420

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Soonerguru & BoulderSooner: Yes, we recently hired more. The point was they were promised for many many years that they would be hired. Wasn't until very recently that it happened (and still below the number the City has admitted is needed). Yes, MAPS 3 is coming ahead of projections (didn't say it wasn't). The amount raised thru the various incarnations of MAPS has risen each time. We are up from the original $60 million/yr avg to over $100 million a year for the same penny sales tax. The population has grown yet the total number of P.S. folks has remained stagnant.

  21. #421

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Sidburgess: that is all reasonable and expected. However the lag the P.S. folks are talking about go back to the time of the original MAPS (1993) with nothing but more promises from the City...that is a LONG time for the "confidence" to take hold...IMHO...agree?

  22. #422

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Makes since and that is what they were told when they supported MAPS & MAPS for Kids...as soon as the investment comes, we will hire more folks (that the City has admitted for a long time they don't have). The investments came, population grew, the revenue poured in but the hiring didn't.
    Are you just unpersuaded by facts? We added 40 new officers last year, will hire 40 more this year and for the next 3 years the Council is planning on allocating funds to increase the police force by 200 total officers.


    So what you're saying isn't actually factual.

    I don't see a problem with both entities having common goals but the relationship is just too close for me. They cross the line when (from what I have read) the City is supposed to stay out of elections once the date has been set (that is why an outside group, like the Chamber, runs the campaign). Then the Mayor appears as the head spokesman of the campaign (and mentioned as "Mayor Mick Cornett") and former Mayors are listed in campaign materials as co-treasurers.

    You say you don't have a problem with it at the city level. Why? What about higher up?
    The Mayor is an elected official. He has his First Amendment rights fully in tact. The City Manager, on the other hand, isn't allowed to campaign for things. This has been one of the areas where Cornett has been able to provide simply outstanding leadership. He has also made key appointments to committees which have so far protected the vision of MAPS. I absolutely don't have a problem with that really at any level. I'm smart enough to know what's going on and smart enough to figure out whether I support it.

    I support it. Most of OKC does. By wide margins.

    --and we've hired more police officers, so stop saying we haven't.

  23. #423

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Sidburgess: that is all reasonable and expected. However the lag the P.S. folks are talking about go back to the time of the original MAPS (1993) with nothing but more promises from the City...that is a LONG time for the "confidence" to take hold...IMHO...agree?
    So if we go and research it, we should have the same number of police officers now as we did in 1993?

  24. #424

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Soonerguru & BoulderSooner: Yes, we recently hired more. The point was they were promised for many many years that they would be hired. Wasn't until very recently that it happened (and still below the number the City has admitted is needed). Yes, MAPS 3 is coming ahead of projections (didn't say it wasn't). The amount raised thru the various incarnations of MAPS has risen each time. We are up from the original $60 million/yr avg to over $100 million a year for the same penny sales tax. The population has grown yet the total number of P.S. folks has remained stagnant.
    Some cities are declaring bankruptcy! Revenues were down. You don't expand government when revenues are down. In Oklahoma, we can't finance our government on bonds. We have to balance the budget every year. So OF COURSE we didn't hire during a recession. If Shadid is saying that he'll hire new city employees regardless of the city's finances, then he's either lying or he's an idiot. No way he'd win a majority on the horseshoe to do something that foolish.

  25. #425

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    If Shadid is saying that he'll hire new city employees regardless of the city's finances, then he's either lying or he's an idiot. No way he'd win a majority on the horseshoe to do something that foolish.
    Now we're getting somewhere. Is your memory so selective that you don't remember Mayor Mick doing exactly this same thing? Every 15 minutes on TV exclaiming that not only would a victory mean not hurting the number of public safety employees, it would mean more of them. And not some future, when the sales tax starts coming in type of thing, but almost immediately. And then, after the election, going to the council and asking them to come up with the funds to keep the promises(to hire more PS employees as soon as possible) made during the campaign. Only to be told that the council didn't make those promises, he did, and he did it at the behest of his handlers at the CC. You know, the one you don't have a problem with him being a lapdog for. He was told, by the council, that he should go talk to the CC and see if they would come up with the funds to keep his campaign promises. After all, they were the ones putting the words in his mouth. All of this was covered ad nauseum in a thread several years back, along with the video of the commercials and the council meeting when he was punked by the council. No one was interested in answering back then. So I'll ask you the same question I asked back then, in your words of course, was he lying or is he an idiot? Either way, he doesn't come off as a shining example of democracy in action. There's been some amused bantering about whether Shadid has actually seen the job description for mayor and that some of his statements might be due to a lack of knowledge on the position. The same can't be said for Cornett, he'd been mayor for 2 terms when he made the same comments that you can't seem to remember, but somehow render his opponent some kind of political imbecile. Now, Doug has expressed concern about the honesty of the mayor and the CC during the M3 campaign and done so without the dog piling that others seem to get by the ones here that want to rewrite history and make the mayor into some kind of benevolent saint. Hmm, I wonder how I'll fare. LOL Cue the junkster saying something humorous and stupid in 3,2,1......

    Oh, by the way, I think that Shadid should probably stay in his council seat and serve out his term there. He has a better platform to express himself there IMO. Also, I never hear anyone talk about how the police and FF unions are still "butt hurt" about M3 except on here. Just so you know, it's not even in the top 100 of things we talk about. Hasn't been since about a month after the election. Believe me, with Couch as CM, we've moved way past it in things we're concerned with.

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