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Thread: OKC Mayor Race 2014

  1. #151

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Mayor Cornett has IMO earned another term as Mayor. He has been nothing short of phenomenal as a champion or all things OKC. I do not have a vote, but, I truly hope the citizens of OKC realize how effective he has been in marshaling disparate interest into a single voice as well as his superb marketing of OKC to the world.

  2. #152

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    One of the best points made by Ed Shadid, Police and Fire. Mayor Cornett has made no secret of his disdain for these two departments. He has been known to refuse to acknowledge or even shake hands with firefighters at different events. Any reasonable person can see that the population has risen, Police and Fire personnel levels have dropped. As typical with our Mayor, he is taking credit for hiring new Officers and getting Firefighters the training they need. Cops have been budgeted, none hired yet. Sitting at the station listening to him say he's getting us the training we need. We were completely baffled. What training? We have always done vast amounts of training, every shift. Nothing has changed about that since he's been Mayor. He will use Police and Fire as props, just listen to him.

  3. #153

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I don't know what Shadid is for, but only what he's against. That sounds like someone I want (sarcasm).

    Count me as a somewhat suburban OKC resident who loves the downtown spending. Downtowns are the center piece of every town, why wouldn't you want it to be nice?

  4. #154

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by krisb View Post
    I confess I am disappointed with Shadid's tone coming out of the gate. My hope is that he will find his distinctive voice and brand among Oklahoma City voters without going over to the dark side. We forget that Cornett only won by 58 percent of the vote in 2010 by a less-than-desirable challenger with no political experience. Don't overestimate or underestimate anyone's chances.
    His problem is going to be that using this tone/message, he's going to wind up being Mr. Irrelevant on the City Council. You see this a lot with folks who are used to being in charge of large offices or former military NCOs or officers--their idea of leadership is that they dictate what everyone gets to do and execute the orders they receive from their superiors. Politics and civilian leadership is more of an exercise of herding cats. From what I've seen, Shadid doesn't quite get leadership and is not a very adept politician.

  5. #155

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I see police all the time, and I live in a poor suburb. Shadid is walking a crazy line. I agree we need to work on our busses. There is a difference between core projects and suburb projects. I didn't vote for him in the election, but I voted for him in the runoff. I kind.of wish now I voted for the other guy.

  6. #156

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikemarsh51 View Post
    One of the best points made by Ed Shadid, Police and Fire. Mayor Cornett has made no secret of his disdain for these two departments. He has been known to refuse to acknowledge or even shake hands with firefighters at different events. Any reasonable person can see that the population has risen, Police and Fire personnel levels have dropped. As typical with our Mayor, he is taking credit for hiring new Officers and getting Firefighters the training they need. Cops have been budgeted, none hired yet. Sitting at the station listening to him say he's getting us the training we need. We were completely baffled. What training? We have always done vast amounts of training, every shift. Nothing has changed about that since he's been Mayor. He will use Police and Fire as props, just listen to him.
    Can you tell me what the role of the mayor is in hiring police officers who have already been budgeted?

  7. #157

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Popsy was right, he's called Ed out since the beginning......

  8. #158

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    You burn enough bridges and eventually you are 100% correct, all alone on your island of ideals.
    So true, although I'm not saying this applies to Ed but it could if he's not careful.

    Political leadership is all about influencing and building consensus. Although it doesn't seem so from the outside, it's almost the polar opposite of a hierarchy where decisions are made at the top and then sent cascading down.

    It's exactly why I ruled out politics a long time ago. I am, like so many in the business world, largely an autocrat. I'm very comfortable abiding by clear direction given by one clear boss and similarly expect my subordinates to follow the course I set. They may have input, but in the end ONE person has the final say.

    And who is more of an autocrat than a surgeon??

    When I've become *too* autocratic even in the hierarchy of business, I've received this advice: "It's not always about being right." It's a horrible reality to have to accept but this is probably more true in the political world than anywhere else. After all, isn't "playing politics" pretty much another way of saying you are forced into doing things you don't really believe in, just to make progress?

  9. #159

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    I'd like to make a distinction if I may.

    There is a big difference between Politics and Governance. Outside of the local government, it is far easier to be politician all the time. Because you never have to work with department leadership and you're expected to tote a party agenda.

    At the municipal level, elected officials need to also be good at governing. So politics isn't as much about building consensus at the horseshoe. It is about getting votes. But being effective at governing, that takes friends. Friends who will help you further your prefered governance model. This is the mistake I see municipal elected officials make too often. Either they or their campaign managers watch too much TV and think campaigning at the local level is just like running for congress, but at a smaller scale.

    It's a fatal mistake I've seen made over and over again and right now, it appears (to me) Ed is making it.
    I'm not following this at all.

    Perhaps better explained over beers at Skinny Slims next week.

  10. #160

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    I'd like to make a distinction if I may.

    There is a big difference between Politics and Governance. Outside of the local government, it is far easier to be politician all the time. Because you never have to work with department leadership and you're expected to tote a party agenda.

    At the municipal level, elected officials need to also be good at governing. So politics isn't as much about building consensus at the horseshoe. It is about getting votes. But being effective at governing, that takes friends. Friends who will help you further your prefered governance model. This is the mistake I see municipal elected officials make too often. Either they or their campaign managers watch too much TV and think campaigning at the local level is just like running for congress, but at a smaller scale.

    It's a fatal mistake I've seen made over and over again and right now, it appears (to me) Ed is making it.
    Absolutely! Thats why I think, if we are to take him at his word that he is just a well meaning person who wants to work hard for this city, I don't see the mayor position as making any sense for him. His position on the council gives him the only real tools he needs, the microphone, and his vote. I don't in any way see him as the kind of diplomat / head of "state" that Cornett functions as. It just isn't him. I absolutely believe that this mayoral run will leave him exactly where he is, in his seat, only with a significantly lower amount of good will, gravitas, whatever, as he has now. In the terms of a local race, he's already blown it. So I guess I'm not too worried about him being my mayor now, I just still need to get off of my butt and go help out the Mickster... as a previous poster said, I think he has earned the term if he wants it, and in the current "field" he is definitely "my man"

  11. #161

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I couldn't find anything about term limits for the OKC mayor or council, so I assure there are none?

  12. #162

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I understand what Sid is saying pretty well.

    At at state and federal level, all you need to do is just throw out some red meat to your base and you are usually gravy. They are not accountable for their actions as near as much as folks on the local level, because there are usually several levels of bureaucracy separating politicians from their constituents. Just look at the paralysis facing Congress right now. I'm sure most of the people elected would like to do the right thing, but at the end of the day they must tow the party line. There is more incentive to do this than try and rock the boat with their own ideas.

    Local politicians have a much bigger impact on their communities. The state and feds may shape policy, but it is up to the local people as to how it gets implemented. They have the ultimate say where money get spent, what projects do and don't get built, what new initiatives are pursued, etc. They are much "closer" to the people. I can't shake my fist at Tom Coburn as to why my street has potholes, but I can at Mick Cornett (even though both have little power over stuff like this) because he is the one who signs off on the street budget.

    The way local government is structured, especially in OKC with a weak mayor-city manager form, it is of utmost importance to form alliances with others to get things done. And at a local level, the electorate generally rewards competency over politics. Thats why Mick Cornett, who is by most measures a conservative Republican personally, can talk about sustainability, public transit, raising taxes for improvements, etc. that would probably get him branded as a socialist in the state and national GOP orgs.

    And its why I an so befuddled at Shadid's latest strategy. This is not some race for state of federal office. You can't go on cable news or some other medium to rant on whatever to run for mayor like you can when you are running for congress, governor, or president. Likewise, you can't make moronic rants on facebook about literally nothing, except to tear down your candidate. That's amateurish and completely inappropriate for this level of office.

  13. #163

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I have to hand it to Pete. He had expressed concern early on that Shadid who wouldn't work well with others. His observation proved prescient. The part that is strange to me is Ed promised transparency, and demands it of others, and yet no one can articulate what his positions are on major issues. In fact, he conceals his motives and true agenda. He's actually quite opaque. He certainly assumed the role of "politician" very quickly, just not a very good one.

  14. #164

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Can you tell me what the role of the mayor is in hiring police officers who have already been budgeted?
    Expect more posts from some of the "Not This MAPS" folks who seemed to have vanished after MAPS III was passed, who will undoubtedly return to trash MAPS and the mayor.

  15. #165

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Politics is the act of politicking usually for the purpose of seeking votes.

    Governing is the act of implementing policy and requires a consensus of peers.
    I see.

    For the record, my points were then about the governing piece as you have defined it.

    Because even if you are a Governor or even POTUS, you still have very little unilateral power -- far less than most realize.

    So, if you are used to making tough decisions and getting things done through drive and ambition, the art of consensus building is not only foreign but often distasteful.

    And let's face it, it often comes down the favor-trading to further one or two key issues, then taking whatever stance is necessary on everything else.

  16. #166

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Expect more posts from some of the "Not This MAPS" folks who seemed to have vanished after MAPS III was passed, who will undoubtedly return to trash MAPS and the mayor.
    Seriously though, some of these idiots actually think the mayor hires police officers?

    Reading the comments section, apparently these folks think the mayor fixes potholes as well. Geesh.

    This is pretty much the Not this MAPS thing all over again. We can't have MAPS! We have potholes! If Shadid runs such an unprincipled and phony campaign as the Not this MAPS folks did--essentially appealing to people's ignorance to undermine one of the most trusted and valued brands in OKC, he's going to lose. He's also going to ruin whatever positive image he has. Especially when his surrogates are complaining about things like potholes.

  17. #167

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    A really bad sign for Ed Shadid is when there are many people on this board, who never agree with each other on anything, agree that Cornett should be re-elected.

  18. #168

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Expect more posts from some of the "Not This MAPS" folks who seemed to have vanished after MAPS III was passed, who will undoubtedly return to trash MAPS and the mayor.
    Soonerguru, This has nothing to do with Maps 3. You know it's was passed right? Maps 3 is the law of the land. Nothing will change that. This is about Mayoral leadership and who is best to do that. I think is is time for Mick to seek success elsewhere. All this talk about consensus building confuses me, Mick a consensus builder! That is funny, he has been a puppet of the big money since the beginning.

    Midtowner, being the mayor is about leading! If the mayor thought public safety was a priority he would lead the city in that direction. And could claim responsibility for all the public safety good. This Mayor has made it clear its is not a priority, yet the first few items he claims hes responsible for is public safety. Kinda like claiming responsibility for the sun coming up. The Mayor is the figure head leader of the city. It is the Mayors job to lead the city. Although He has one vote, he is more powerful than the other 8 votes. This Mayor has been almost 100% about downtown. Maybe some like that, maybe some don't. I'm happy to see this get feisty! A little spirited debate won't kill anyone. Oh, by the way how did you get to be so much better than some of the people on here? I mean referring to your fellows citizens as idiots, that's just mean man!

  19. #169

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Well you complained about police officers not being hired after the funds were allocated. It was real easy question, Mike, what does he have to do with that? Maybe you can educate us?

  20. #170

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    as far as considering "Not this MAPS" people idiots, the ones who believed that the MAPS3 tax would cost the average family $10,000/year (yes, that was posted somewhere during that campaign) are are certainly not bright

  21. #171

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Police officers don't just appear out of thin air either. Once the funds were allocated, OCPD resumed hiring. The police academy is six months long, not all recruits make it through. There isn't an instant solution to increasing the size of the force. One academy class just graduated and I think another is underway. It is going to take some time but some people fail to grasp this simple unavoidable truth. Blaming Mayor Cornett for this is childish unless public safety advocates can demonstrably show he has voted against public safety.

  22. #172

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I'd like to point out a few things. Public safety makes up nearly 3/4 of the overall city budget I am told. A budget generated from sales tax which is inherently derived from the performance of our local economy.

    Under Mick's leadership this city has weathered the national recession with flying colors. We have added jobs in this community and so far avoided a budget deficit.

    Count your blessings we're in OKC and not in Detroit or some other poor city cutting police/fire positions left and right.

    While some may demonize Mick, MAPS, and "the business establishment" they have sustained consumer spending and maintained growth for several years while other cities have suffered.

    It may not last, but the accomplishment in sustaining our economy for his tenure is profound.

  23. #173

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Well I for one support adding more officers, so I'm not about to debate that point of view. Apparently the mayor agrees since he voted to add them. As for "consensus building," it is important, and whether or not you think that applies to the mayor, it has been my observation that he has not caused unnecessary rancor and division in our city.

  24. #174

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptDave View Post
    I think he has already started the negativity. The divide and conquer strategy is clear is this first salvo. It will likely only get worse from here.

    Below is Ed's comment on the NewsOK.com story about Mayor Cornett's candidacy announcement Oklahoma City Mayor Cornett to seek fourth term, says 'work's not done' | News OK

    Ed Shadid commented on NewsOK.com.
    17 minutes ago ·
    Poll-driven chameleon-like marketing by anonymous big money is not going to work this time; not with the Mayor’s 13-year track record. Just as occurred in my city council race, and the more recent Ward 1 city council race, anonymous independent expenditure organizations are spending large amounts of money engaging in at least two major live polls (which would cost in the $50,000-$70,000 range) and other expensive support activity for the Mayor’s campaign. The seemingly coordinated strategy of the Independent Expenditure and the Mayor is easily predictable: take the Mayor’s weaknesses and portray them as strengths. The Mayor’s record on public safety, neighborhood advocacy (especially when pitted against special interests), and street and sidewalk investments is abysmal and yet, those issues dominate his messaging. The Mayor tells the same joke at national meeting after national meeting making fun of those neighborhood advocates who question the allocation of resources in OKC (Mick says some variation of “Many people in the suburbs do not like the emphasis on downtown, but I tell them you may not like it but your children and grandchildren will like it and you know what, they are angry because they know I am right”) and now wants us to know how much he enjoys getting out and meeting neighbors. The Mayor does not speak with the City Council with any regularity much less neighborhoods. Adding police officers? We have the same number of officers today as we had 20 years ago with 200,000 more people. The Mayor’s relationship with the good men and women of our police and fire forces is nothing less than toxic. Want to understand the situation? Walk up to any member of the OKC Police and Fire force, any random member, and ask them their opinion of Mick Cornett, his working relationship with them, his understanding of the police manpower study and the future needs of this city in terms of public safety and who they would prefer as Mayor. Those who are not already aware will understand how preposterous it is for the Mayor to portray himself as a public safety advocate. Spending large amounts on streets? Developer after developer was able to get their streets widened and sidewalks built in areas where virtually no one lives in the range of $200 million while the streets in neighborhood after neighborhood have to wait as long as 20 more years to get their potholes filled. The misallocation of resources in the ’07 Bond promoted by the Mayor makes concerns about MAPS3 projects pale in comparison.
    Notice how Roy Williams tries to turn a perceived weakness of the Mayor into a strength (“The fact that he is interested and wants to stay in that role, I think that bodes well for OKC”). The Mayor is tired. 13 straight years is a long time on the horseshoe. He spent enormous sums of money and almost every other week for two years during his last term getting a MBA in New York City (because OKC apparently does not have adequate MBA programs). Reports of the mayor actively searching for a mayoral replacement because he did not know if he would finish this last term led to uncertainty among some members of the city council. According to sources he had to be repeatedly lobbied by the Chamber to convince him to run. He offers no opinions much less solutions to the most controversial subjects in front of the council; in fact, he generally maintains complete silence. The Mayor was apparently looking for an exit strategy (one does not need an MBA from NYU to be Mayor of OKC although it might be useful for a board seat at Chesapeake), did not find one, was lobbied by those concerned that our campaign is going to be successful and is now running to stay on the horseshoe for years 14-17.
    There are much better ways to lead the city and make decisions. There is much which needs to be done.

    And I still find this appalling. One would hope fire/police union leadership will step carefully around this divisive and obviously personal rhetoric.

  25. #175

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I am baffled by Ed's early campaign tactics, but that doesn't negate the overwhelming response he has received at all of his town hall meetings. Despite his long-winded rants and tendency to overanalyze, he has brought together some of the biggest names in the city, state, and country to address issues like access to mental health and substance use treatment, tobacco use in public parks, LGBT rights and wellness initiatives for city employees, EMSA accountability, walkability, placemaking, and transit planning. I believe his efforts were a catalyst for a complete redirection of the boulevard project. He has empowered more citizens to take ownership and find their voice in the decision-making process when city officials would have rather pushed things through with a rubber stamp. He has some flaws that may turn out to be fatal (with regard to his campaign), but for some reason when he hosts an event people show up.

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