Perhaps some of the interior elements from Stage Center could be utilized in what ever ends up in the Film Exchange building /museum in Central Park.
Perhaps some of the interior elements from Stage Center could be utilized in what ever ends up in the Film Exchange building /museum in Central Park.
How old are you, Boulder? Much of the demolition for the Pei Plan took place. I watched it in real-time. Pei's vision for replacing a good part of the core was only partially implemented. The Myriad Gardens, complete with the botanical tube, was in the earliest of plans of Mr. Pei.
I think what Boulder means is that though most of the demolishion for the Pei Plan took place, most of what was promised in its place was never built. It ended up being a lose-lose situation and is largely responsible for many of OKC's lingering image problems today.
Let me say thank goodness that it didn't get finished. We would be like Brasília. We dodged a huge bullet, even if we did take one in the gut.
You don't give Brasilia enough credit. It's not good urbanism, but the architecture itself is way cool in a mid-century/Jetsons futuristic sort of way. If the Pei plan had been implemented we would have looked like a generic Soviet city. Or the campus of Texas A&M.
Watch this video (posted by JTF awhile back):
Urban planning in Albany, New York - YouTube
When you get to the part (about midway through) on the Empire State Plaza, you can get a good idea of what we probably would have been stuck with.
I'm hearing a lot of pushback from people throughout OKC. It would seem if they are to blame anyone it is not the buyer, it would be OKC Community Foundation.
OKC definitely would have been unique had it have been implemented. No other city in the US looks like OKC would have with a finished Pei Plan. It's terrible urbanism though. I wonder how the city would have transitioned to today's era when classic art deco urbanism, like what was destroyed by Pei, has become cool again.
This is an example of a 29 story tower in Nashville called The Pinnacle at Symphony Place which was built a few years ago, sits a little over 400ft, if the Stage Center Tower ends up being 30 stories, we could see something like this, now this wouldn't be so bad,now would it?
On another board I frequent, someone said it best when they said, "someone needs to throw an angry bird at Stage Center." lol
I know it's a sentimental thing for a lot of folks... but it's time.
Hey now, I don't know what's going on with the ramp on the left and all of that, but that lower facade is flirting dangerously close with makes-JTF-happy territory.
Take into consideration the fact Mr. Rainey is highly connected with "old money" in Oklahoma City and also on the board of Enogex. I believe behind the scenes discussions are occurring within the MLP partners as to the location of the HQ. Not a public fight, just good stewards loyal to either Houston or Oklahoma City lobbying for their respective city.
Mr. Rainey, with the backing and pledged support of other loyal OKC business leaders have purchased the SC property to aid in the recruitment of the Enogex HQ. As a director, Mr. Rainey may not want to directly profit from a non-arms length transaction, but could receive a generous finders / consultant fee for brokering the deal.
The first, and most desired option, is be to build out a tower for the Enogex HQ on the SC property at "more than 20 floors". (Think Devon equivalent size) Enogex will likely NOT directly purchase or develop the property/tower as their current (90 days) capital and debt position is still in development. If Enogex makes the decision to HQ in OKC within the next 90 days, they will likely enter into an agreement as the "anchor" tenant for all but the first 2 floors of the tower and evaluate the outright purchase 5 - 15 years after completion.
The second option truly reflects the strength of OKC as there is enough pent up demand for new Class A office space in a somewhat spec building. This option would likely be closer to the announced 20 floor height. An out of state investor/developer may not build a spec 20 floor tower, but Mr. Rainey likely has an "understanding" with some of the major players that if the first option does not materialize, the OKC crowd supporting the recruitment of Enogex will locate enough business into the new tower to make it financially viable.
Either way, OKC gets a new tower and there is no public rejection of OKC should Enogex not HQ here. It's very important for the city's momentum and the key players to not suffer public rejection for such a visible and national project. This is a true Win/Win for all involved.
The original Pei plan for the gardens was different from what was built. His design had 2 tubles side by side, though smaller. Also, there use to be a large model in the engr. office of the Myriad Gardens that showed a large hotel at 45* on plan from the CB in the northeast corner sloping down to the lake. That is the reason the east side was finished last, they were waiting for the funding to come through - it never did so they redesigned it and moved berm walls adding a small parking lot and sidewalks around the top of the lake. Also, in Pei's plan there were store fronts on the pond level of the gardens beneath the upper gardens. In the tunnels there were 'cut-outs' where the tunnels were going to be extended (under the upper sidewalks). There was an large open area behind a class curtain wall with 2 sets of esculators going up to the parking lot on current site of the Devon tower (though hidden, this was built - and flooded during heavy rains). What was built was a 'shell' of what was in the Pei design.
Steve Lackmeyer said it was going to be a 20 story tower with no current tenant for space A office space - wow, what a joke!
This backlash is why I said this shouldn't have been announced until there was a definite plan in place. You don't tell the city you are going to destroy one of its most beloved landmarks without at least showing the public what the plans are and what it is going to be replaced with. The city needs to be sold on why this is a good idea.
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