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Thread: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

  1. #101

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Here is the wiki account of what happened. I don't think most drivers would appreciate being followed around by someone and then pull up next to you asking for sex, especially coming from a 60 year old man, though doing such a thing in the Habana Inn parking lot would make it less surprising:

    On Tuesday, January 3, 2006, Latham was arrested and booked into the Oklahoma County Jail by members of the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office.[6] The misdemeanor charge was that of "Offering to Engage In An Act of Lewdness," a charge carrying penalties of up to a year in jail and a US$2,500 fine. Reports sourced to a police department spokesman said that he had propositioned a plainclothes police officer for oral sex in an area of the community which had been the subject of public complaints of cruising related to male prostitution.

    Latham was arrested around 9:45 p.m. and his automobile was impounded. The arrest took place in the parking lot of The Habana Inn.[7] Reportedly, Latham followed a plainclothes police officer's car for several blocks, ultimately pulling up beside it. Latham told the officer that he enjoyed "a particular lewd act" and then solicited the police officer to perform the act at a room Latham said he had booked at the nearby Holiday Inn Express. Latham did not offer money in exchange, so he was not charged with soliciting prostitution.

    Upon posting bail, Latham contested the charge to local television reporters, saying "I was set up. I was in the area pastoring to police."[8]

    "I was involved in a prayer ministry in that area, and I had a dialogue with police," he said, according to the website of the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. "The officer made many suggestions."

    According to police officials, Latham made no mention of prayer, told the officer his name was "Luke," and said he was from Dallas and worked frequently in Oklahoma City and Tulsa.[9]

    This was not Latham's first visit to the area. Public records show that on December 2, 1998, at about 11:30 p.m., Latham was issued a traffic ticket for "failure to stop for a stop sign" at NW 39th and Frankford. This intersection is only blocks from where Latham was arrested and serves as rear access to the Habanna Inn."[10]

  2. #102

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    "rear access to the Habanna Inn" no pun intended lol

  3. Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Here is the wiki account of what happened. I don't think most drivers would appreciate being followed around by someone and then pull up next to you asking for sex, especially coming from a 60 year old man, though doing such a thing in the Habana Inn parking lot would make it less surprising:

    On Tuesday, January 3, 2006, Latham was arrested and booked into the Oklahoma County Jail by members of the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office.[6] The misdemeanor charge was that of "Offering to Engage In An Act of Lewdness," a charge carrying penalties of up to a year in jail and a US$2,500 fine. Reports sourced to a police department spokesman said that he had propositioned a plainclothes police officer for oral sex in an area of the community which had been the subject of public complaints of cruising related to male prostitution.

    Latham was arrested around 9:45 p.m. and his automobile was impounded. The arrest took place in the parking lot of The Habana Inn.[7] Reportedly, Latham followed a plainclothes police officer's car for several blocks, ultimately pulling up beside it. Latham told the officer that he enjoyed "a particular lewd act" and then solicited the police officer to perform the act at a room Latham said he had booked at the nearby Holiday Inn Express. Latham did not offer money in exchange, so he was not charged with soliciting prostitution.

    Upon posting bail, Latham contested the charge to local television reporters, saying "I was set up. I was in the area pastoring to police."[8]

    "I was involved in a prayer ministry in that area, and I had a dialogue with police," he said, according to the website of the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. "The officer made many suggestions."

    According to police officials, Latham made no mention of prayer, told the officer his name was "Luke," and said he was from Dallas and worked frequently in Oklahoma City and Tulsa.[9]

    This was not Latham's first visit to the area. Public records show that on December 2, 1998, at about 11:30 p.m., Latham was issued a traffic ticket for "failure to stop for a stop sign" at NW 39th and Frankford. This intersection is only blocks from where Latham was arrested and serves as rear access to the Habanna Inn."[10]
    You have to keep in mind, the above account is not sworn testimony - its assumptions made from public record (jail booking info) and a local TV news station (and an image of a ticket in the area I once had posted).

    I was present for all oral arguments (no pun intended) and it wasn't a case of Latham simply following a random stranger and asking for sex.

    The officer had seen Latham cruising the Habanna parking lot and the officer made himself known to Latham on two occasions prior to Latham assuming he was being hit on and started following the undercover officer.

    The officer then engaged in friendly chit-chat with Latham and never expressed any uneasiness or displeasure to Latham's advances.

    The officer tried to get Latham to agree to a dollar amount but Latham refused.

    This was a setup by police and they assumed Latham would agree to either a dollar amount or to public lewdness - when he didn't they detained and arrested him anyway.

    Had he been following some random stranger that had not shown interest in him, ignored any rebuffing and continued with lewd suggestions or offered to pay or engage in public lewdness I would have been blasting him on JohnTV. As the facts revealed themselves - none of those scenarios were the case.

    This would be like arresting guys at City Walk if they went up to a random girl, flirted with her, she flirted back, and when he suggested they go back to his place he's then arrested.

  4. #104

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    You have to keep in mind, the above account is not sworn testimony - its assumptions made from public record (jail booking info) and a local TV news station (and an image of a ticket in the area I once had posted).

    I was present for all oral arguments (no pun intended) and it wasn't a case of Latham simply following a random stranger and asking for sex.

    The officer had seen Latham cruising the Habanna parking lot and the officer made himself known to Latham on two occasions prior to Latham assuming he was being hit on and started following the undercover officer.

    The officer then engaged in friendly chit-chat with Latham and never expressed any uneasiness or displeasure to Latham's advances.

    The officer tried to get Latham to agree to a dollar amount but Latham refused.

    This was a setup by police and they assumed Latham would agree to either a dollar amount or to public lewdness - when he didn't they detained and arrested him anyway.

    Had he been following some random stranger that had not shown interest in him, ignored any rebuffing and continued with lewd suggestions or offered to pay or engage in public lewdness I would have been blasting him on JohnTV. As the facts revealed themselves - none of those scenarios were the case.

    This would be like arresting guys at City Walk if they went up to a random girl, flirted with her, she flirted back, and when he suggested they go back to his place he's then arrested.
    Because in Oklahoma, hitting on someone of the same sex is still illegal... *sigh*

  5. Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Because in Oklahoma, hitting on someone of the same sex is still illegal... *sigh*
    Not true (not sure if you were being sarcastic or not). Many people still think same-sex sexual activity is illegal in Oklahoma and it hasn't been since the early 2000's. Latham was charged with a good ol' gender neutral 'offering to engage in an act of lewdness' offense.

    The problem was a bigot holier-than-thou Minister of Justice DA by the name of Wes Lane who would often re-interpret the laws if it suited his agenda.

    Latham was fortunate that these types of stings are routinely audio recorded and that the arresting officer(s) were honest on the stand and in their reports. Had that claimed 'the taped malfunctioned' and/or lied, he would have been convicted.

  6. #106

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Not true (not sure if you were being sarcastic or not). Many people still think same-sex sexual activity is illegal in Oklahoma and it hasn't been since the early 2000's. Latham was charged with a good ol' gender neutral 'offering to engage in an act of lewdness' offense.

    The problem was a bigot holier-than-thou Minister of Justice DA by the name of Wes Lane who would often re-interpret the laws if it suited his agenda.
    Yeah, I was being sarcastic. I can even understand these type of stings at lake hefner, where there has been a history of lewd acts in public, but in a hotel parking lot, where the assumption is that two consenting adults will go get a room? What? I don't think they can claim anything other than attempting to criminalize same sex hookups, and they would never do this for heterosexual hookups.

  7. #107

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Not true (not sure if you were being sarcastic or not). Many people still think same-sex sexual activity is illegal in Oklahoma and it hasn't been since the early 2000's.
    If you mean such laws are no longer on the books, then Oklahoma state legislators must have done it as quietly and secretively as they could to get by with it.

  8. #108

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    If you mean such laws are no longer on the books, then Oklahoma state legislators must have done it as quietly and secretively as they could to get by with it.
    Bunty, fergit about da legislizards and see the following instead:
    Sodomy laws in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  9. #109

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    If you mean such laws are no longer on the books, then Oklahoma state legislators must have done it as quietly and secretively as they could to get by with it.
    I think it's more a consequence of evolving constitutional law.

    Lawrence v. Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  10. Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by ThomPaine View Post
    It seems strange that there is an ad at the top of the page when I view this thread that shows photos of three attractive young Ukrainian women. It doesn't say what the "company" is, and i'm not going to click on it (even if it would generate revenue for the site).
    Haha mine shows motorcycle helmets and other riding gear, probably because I have been buying a bunch of gear online lately. We must look at different things on the Internet!

  11. Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Aw man...after reading the rest of this thread, pretty much everybody on the entire Internet beat me to it.

  12. #112

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    And mine shows an Inspire recumbent exercise bike because I have been shopping for those recently. They keep free sites free, so I'm glad the ads are there.
    C. T.

  13. Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    I sortof wish mine was showing an exercise bike. I'd probably be a lot healthier and have a lot more money right now.

  14. #114

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by BDK View Post
    I think it's more a consequence of evolving constitutional law.

    Lawrence v. Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Supreme court decisions don't automatically remove state laws from the books. They're simply not enforced. Legislators can have the guts to formally repeal them, if they want. I don't blame, if its true they never repealed them. They don't want to take a chance on any loony opponents challenging them for reelection by them sending out mass mailings pointing out what they did. That was the reason why House Republican legislative leaders did not want to hold a vote on a Democrat authored bill that would have reduced the 2nd possession of marijuana from a felony to a misdemeanor.

  15. #115
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    "The problem was a bigot holier-than-thou Minister of Justice DA by the name of Wes Lane who would often re-interpret the laws if it suited his agenda."

    Amen to that. He loved his corporate customers too. You could buy the justice you wanted with the right donation.

  16. Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

  17. #117

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Saw you on Channel 9 tonight. Good report!

  18. #118

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Haha mine shows motorcycle helmets and other riding gear, probably because I have been buying a bunch of gear online lately. We must look at different things on the Internet!
    I'm gonna have to plug.. I'm involved with an app called "Biker Laws" on iphone and android which shows all relevant state laws for bikers. It's worth checking out if you get a chance.

  19. #119

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    I'm gonna have to plug.. I'm involved with an app called "Biker Laws" on iphone and android which shows all relevant state laws for bikers. It's worth checking out if you get a chance.
    I looked on my Android and didn't see it.

  20. #120

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

  21. #121

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Found it... thanks

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