I'm sure to many here this imagery will have no impact and will be justified by, "They're 'adults', its their business." Or, "How is that different from just dating some older well-to-do dude?"
I just find it ironic that within 1.5 miles on the same stretch of I-35 you find two such polar opposite messages - one seeks to exploit our young people, while the other seeks to protect them.
I draw a pretty distinct line in what types of prostitution I target and what types I tolerate..... My biggest beef with this advertisement is the fact it specifically target 'Students.'
Sure, legally when girls turn 16 in Oklahoma they can consent to sex with a 50-year-old man and when they are 18 they are legally adults - and many men will use those facts to justify their perversion. But I seriously doubt many parents of those 16 and 18 year old daughters have the same opinion.