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Thread: The Rise

  1. #126

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by amaesquire View Post
    Can't believe nobody has mentioned this. Or I missed it. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php...072034&sk=info

    FlashBack Retro Pub -- Coming to Uptown 23rd.
    They haven't identified a location as of yet, but The Rise is a good possibility.

    Looks like one of the principals is in charge of sales & marketing at Aloft OKC.

  2. #127

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by amaesquire View Post
    Can't believe nobody has mentioned this. Or I missed it. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php...072034&sk=info

    FlashBack Retro Pub -- Coming to Uptown 23rd.
    Oh wow this is amazing. This is exactly the kind of bar I wish we had in OKC. When does it open?

  3. #128

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by amaesquire View Post
    Can't believe nobody has mentioned this. Or I missed it. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php...072034&sk=info

    FlashBack Retro Pub -- Coming to Uptown 23rd.
    I want to like this idea, but I really don't want to hear Whitney Houston anymore. I'm sure someone will like it, but it seems kinda cheesy. To each his / her own.

  4. Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I want to like this idea, but I really don't want to hear Whitney Houston anymore. I'm sure someone will like it, but it seems kinda cheesy. To each his / her own.
    Well luckily, they will have hundreds of thousands of people that could potentially visit the place. Being newly 21, I will go anywhere and everywhere I can find, ad I'll bring all my friends with me. Hell, me and my friends found a hole-in-the-wall called Blue Bayou on the Southside and had a blast. Whitney won't be a problem.

  5. #130

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I want to like this idea, but I really don't want to hear Whitney Houston anymore. I'm sure someone will like it, but it seems kinda cheesy. To each his / her own.
    Again, this sounds like "The Max" in Tulsa, which is pretty popular.

  6. #131

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Sounds totally rad!!

    If done right, I bet it would be a huge success.

  7. #132

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    Again, this sounds like "The Max" in Tulsa, which is pretty popular.
    Agreed. A lot of young people from OKC go to Tulsa just to go to The Max. It's a unique place that's really popular with the hipster crowd and it will be great to have something like it here.

  8. #133

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    I have it on good authority that there will be two new restaurants going into The Rise (in addition to the stand-alone Pump Bar). Should be able to share more in a couple of weeks.

    Not heard of any retail tenants, though.

  9. #134

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I have it on good authority that there will be two new restaurants going into The Rise (in addition to the stand-alone Pump Bar). Should be able to share more in a couple of weeks.

    Not heard of any retail tenants, though.
    Ya I heard one was going to be a higher end seafood restaurant from a popular local restaurant group.

  10. #135

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Ya I heard one was going to be a higher end seafood restaurant from a popular local restaurant group.
    Deep Fork has been pretty quiet since their deal on the founders tower fell through. Good Egg just opened Kitchen 324, but this location is right in the middle of everything else they're doing. Not sure what other popular restaurant groups would put something there unless it was Pearls.

  11. #136

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Ya I heard one was going to be a higher end seafood restaurant from a popular local restaurant group.
    This is good news as OKC really needs more seafood options. Hopefully it is truly upscale and not a fried seafood joint like so many of the existing options.

  12. #137

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    Deep Fork has been pretty quiet since their deal on the founders tower fell through. Good Egg just opened Kitchen 324, but this location is right in the middle of everything else they're doing. Not sure what other popular restaurant groups would put something there unless it was Pearls.
    ...You mean Tower Theater? Founders Tower is the steakhouse and I don't think that was DFG.

    Also, there is HSRG and the BTT/Mutt's group...but they don't usually go high-end.

    Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was HSRG...but high-end is good.

  13. #138

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    ...You mean Tower Theater? Founders Tower is the steakhouse and I don't think that was DFG.

    Also, there is HSRG and the BTT/Mutt's group...but they don't usually go high-end.

    Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was HSRG...but high-end is good.
    It was a few years ago, but I thought I read somewhere that Deep Fork was looking to put a steakhouse in the old Nikz space in the founders tower. If they were, it obviously fell through. Kevin George split off from the Interurban group and is currently renovating that space for his steakhouse.

  14. #139

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    FlashBack RetroPub just announced they are going into The Rise, taking the corner spot on Walker & 23rd (the old Hotel Liquidators spot).

    We are also hearing a very well loved local restaurant operator will be opening a seafood concept here.

    Not hearing of any retail leases as of yet.

    The means with Grandad's, FlashBack and Pump Bar, there will be three new bars in close proximity with the Blue Note within easy waking distance.

    That's a bar district my friends!

    The Tower Theater is right between FlashBack/Pump and Grandad's/Blue Note. If that would get off the ground, that area would be raging.

    This is a photo from FlashBack showing the large parking lot and alley torn up to the north of The Rise.

  15. #141

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    I was/am soooo excited about this. I am a Vidiot of the old school. While I was raised primarily by a my mother, a television set, I did have summers and weekends with my father, a video arcade. One thing I've missed since moving here is a retro arcade, and especially pinball.

    That being said, after I read this article I am a little worried. These retro arcades need to be a labor of love. Old coin-op machines need a lot of maintenance and care. The best retro arcades are actually outgrowths of private collections of old machines, with the owners being something of hobbyists with an expertise in electronics and coin-op machines. These guys seem cool, but they also seem like a couple of guys who bought some machines on Ebay and don't really know what they are getting themselves into. I hope I'm wrong, but I predict that six months after opening we'll be seeing a forest of "Out of Order" signs taped to the screens of these old games. I also predict no pinball machines. All of this is I wrote about arcade machines is doubly true for pinball, which, because of all the moving parts, is particularly time-intensive to maintain.

  16. #142

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    I think it should be noted that there will be no food at the RetroPub, but with so many restaurants around, I think it will work out very well. Also, it will be non-smoking which is great.

  17. #143

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorTaco View Post
    I was/am soooo excited about this. I am a Vidiot of the old school. While I was raised primarily by a my mother, a television set, I did have summers and weekends with my father, a video arcade. One thing I've missed since moving here is a retro arcade, and especially pinball.

    That being said, after I read this article I am a little worried. These retro arcades need to be a labor of love. Old coin-op machines need a lot of maintenance and care. The best retro arcades are actually outgrowths of private collections of old machines, with the owners being something of hobbyists with an expertise in electronics and coin-op machines. These guys seem cool, but they also seem like a couple of guys who bought some machines on Ebay and don't really know what they are getting themselves into. I hope I'm wrong, but I predict that six months after opening we'll be seeing a forest of "Out of Order" signs taped to the screens of these old games. I also predict no pinball machines. All of this is I wrote about arcade machines is doubly true for pinball, which, because of all the moving parts, is particularly time-intensive to maintain.
    That has been the issue with The Max in Tulsa each of the 3 times I've been there. A lot of Out of Order signs, but there are also a lot of machines and the majority work.

  18. #144

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Not to be a design snob, but I just looked The Rise rendering and hopefully they're not going to go with that terrible script font for the logo. Not exactly sending the kind of message they're trying to send.

  19. #145

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Not to be a design snob, but I just looked The Rise rendering and hopefully they're not going to go with that terrible script font for the logo. Not exactly sending the kind of message they're trying to send.
    I totally get you. That font and the Flashback Retropub font aren't retro... just ugly. I hope they work on the typography... That said, I'm extremely excited for these developments.

  20. #146

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Not to be a design snob, but I just looked The Rise rendering and hopefully they're not going to go with that terrible script font for the logo. Not exactly sending the kind of message they're trying to send.
    What's wrong with the script font? Honestly I think a large, bold font would be more appropriate, but I don't think the script font is that bad.

  21. #147
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    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    My guess is the architect did the script logo. Architects like to think they are graphic designers.

  22. Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Maybe the problem is that it doesn't really need a name.

  23. #149

    Default Re: The Rise

    I'm bumping this up because we just created a dedicated thread for this development.

  24. #150

    Default Re: The Rise

    Cafe 80s?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cafe-80s-snap.jpg 
Views:	64 
Size:	32.8 KB 
ID:	4513  

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