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Thread: News Sources.....

  1. #1

    Default News Sources.....

    I was wondering if anyone knew of some other newspapers or news sources... for the OKC metro area......besides the ones listed below:

    1. Oklahoman
    2. OKCBusiness

    anyone have others???

  2. Default Re: News Sources.....

    oklahomacitynews.net is a compilation of sources
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  3. #3

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    the Journal Record and the Gazette

  4. #4
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    You can get a free 1 day online account at the Journal Record website. That's usually what I do. They always have great info on Bricktown and downtown.

  5. #5
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    I don't think the Gazette is very newsworthy as development goes. The Oklahoman is clearly the victor, the only thing the Gazette can do for you is give you directions to every party in the city.

  6. #6

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    I can't stand the Oklahoman. It's a booster paper. Their "journalists" don't know what the word "investigate" means. They are primarily concerned with putting a pretty face on every under the table scam pulled on the taxpayers. They put a pretty face on the way the Bass Pro thing went down, and I doubt they will do anything to investigate the way that the hotel tax money will be spent. In many major cities, the newspaper acts as a check on the ability of politicians to get away with murder. Here it does everything possible to make us look the other way.

    That being said, the Gazette is a pretty good weekly for local news. They also occasionally have a really good investigative piece. The Journal Record isn't bad either. The Oklahoman was once ranked as the worst newspaper in the country by the Columbia School of Journalism. I don't know their methodology or criteria, but the newspaper stinks by my standards.

  7. #7
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    That is because the mis spell captians just so they fit.

  8. #8

    Default Re: News Sources.....


    Is it just me or does the "On Line Edition" link not work??

    As of June 15, 2006 (2:18pm CST) I could not get it to work. I got a page cannot be displayed message repeatedly.

  9. #9

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    nevermind... works now... but wow....one year for online access is $112.00. Seems steep... how is their news content...when compared to how much they charge?

  10. #10

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    Here is just a few I can think of:

    Daily Oklahoman
    Journal Record
    OKC Business
    MidCity Advocate

    Oh and Bricktown guy, the Journal Records content is well worth the price. IT and OKC Business are the only real papers around, that and the free weekly Gazette. MidCity advocate is pretty good too.
    downtown magazine

  11. #11
    streuli Guest

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    $112/year for a daily paper (Journal Record) is pretty cheap. That's $9.33 per month. What's the Oklahoman charging these days?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    I agree with most here.

    The Gazette, The Journal Record, and Mid City Advocate are going to give you better coverage on inner city development and are more representative of the changing dynamics in Oklahoma City. As mentioned before, The Oklahoman is largely a booster paper, that only really covers what is in line with its interests, that being OPUBCO itself. It's very slow with reporting and kind represents the old good ole boy ways of Oklahoma City.

    The Gazette's features will give you good in-depth reporting of many interesting topics you won't even find mentioned in some other publications. The Journal Record is great local business coverage and is usually at least 2-3 days ahead of the DOK and much more detailed in its reporting. The Advocate is more of a community paper for the inner city. It may not be as interesting if you don't live in the core or its immediate surrounding, but would be of interest to anyone excited about that area of the city.

    A good digestion of all these sources will keep you fairly well in the loop (except when it comes to the Urban Renewal Authority. You got to be a member to know what's behind their logic)

  13. #13
    streuli Guest

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    Bricktown guy:

    If you're not familiar with the Journal Record's content, I'd be happy to set you up with a two-week trial subscription at no cost. If you'd like me to do that, let me know and I'll set it up.

  14. #14

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    Streuli, assuming you work for the JR, where did y'all move to? I sometimes hand carry things down there to be published.

  15. Default Re: News Sources.....

    Some of these may not apply or be what you are looking for but I have these bookmarked and get some interesting tidbits from them on downtown or other happenings in the metro area - feel free to disregard those that you don't find useful.









    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  16. #16
    streuli Guest

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    We moved to Corporate Tower, across the street from Quiznos. 101 N RObinson, Suite 101.

  17. #17
    quailcreekgal Guest

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    Fridayland will have a bit of real news now and then - mostly people and community news. It did mention the property with a gas station on it now at Hefner and May has been sold to a "national drug store chain - not Walgreens." very interesting......

  18. #18

    Default Re: News Sources.....

    Streuli, please check your PM box.

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