I'm glad the bond issue for the schools passed. I live in a part of OKC that has Moore schools, yet the closest "building" is at least 8 miles away. Although I don't currently have kids it seems as though the school is building my direction, close to Mustang, which I can only imagine will in the long term increase property values. I was hoping that the MNTC bond didn't pass as I have never been a huge fan of Vo-Tech's. I really can't complain as I unfortunately forgot to vote. I had the best intentions but due to the snow and everything going on, I just forgot.

I was curious, does anyone know where MPS will be buying land for future schools? I've never seen any areas in which they were looking, although I know it's been mentioned they wanted to acquire some. I think it's smart planning as the Southwest area continues to develop land is only going to become less available and more expensive.