I don't think they can ever actually reproduce that east deck appearance on the west side - again, that parking garage is in the way. Keep in mind that the current west deck is cantilevered over the lower tier, whereas the suites and decks on the east side start flush with the top of the lower east stands. Remember, too, that a good portion of what was exterior structure on the east side was removed and the interior reworked, which is an option not really available on that west side - among other things, SoonerVision (which controls the scoreboards and video production materials) is housed in brand-new facilities in the upper section of the lower west stands. If structural reinforcement of some kind were necessary on the east side, but the west side were unable (for whatever reason) to accommodate it, it would make duplicating that east deck appearance even more difficult if not impossible.
I just don't see how you'd tear down 10K seats, then turn around and rebuild 10K temporary stands to re-seat the same people. Last few times I've sat in that west upper deck, they've got people crammed cheek-to-cheek, so the temp stands would end up necessarily occupying a great deal of the same area you're tearing out. And I suspect the lawyers would have an absolute conniption at the idea of letting ANYONE within any marginal distance of a construction site that expansive, eg partially torn out, temporary stands, large existing structure being removed, new structure being built, etc etc. Just seems to me a logistical and liability nightmare.
What really amazes me is that TPTB at OU let that parking garage go in apparently without thinking about how it would adversely affect any plans to alter the structure of the west side of the stadium. I'm guessing the parking facility is outside the influence of the Athletics Department, but man, you'd at least have thought someone might have made a phone call

Right now, that structure is severely limiting the expansion/upgrade options for both the deck(s) and the press box. Now, I, personally, am not so concerned about duplicating that east side look. I have no problem with how the west deck looks, and think you could put a perfectly attractive brick facade on it as it sits to perpetuate the styling of the rest of the stadium. I also suspect one huge factor against any big west deck rebuild is that it likely won't add any substantial seating. In fact, if you made it all chairbacks like the east side, it'd probably drop the deck's capacity by around 30%. As for me, my bigger concern is getting that pressbox redone.
Wish someone could get Joe C to talk about current status of this issue, at least from his perspective.
The "bowling of the corners" has been something of debate and conjecture for years. I do believe there is a "rake" issue in that the south stands are built at a different angle than the rest of the stadium, so you couldn't construct a perfectly neat "bridge" section as many assume you would. Another issue is the location of the Switzer center, and whether it would have to be torn down/moved to accommodate that corner of the stadium.
Easily the biggest story, one I consider to be mostly urban legend although I've heard it more than once, was that a major third party some years ago approached OU about paying to have the existing south stands dozed, and completely bowling in the south end in a manner to match the north side. The catch was that they were a beer manufacturer, and wanted sponsorship and sales rights, so the legal issue of selling beer in the stadium made the project a non-starter.
Again, I've heard variations of that over the years, and it seems more urban legend to me than fact, but who knows. I don't know if Joe C. is too excited about putting a fund raising project together to filling in the corners - not ideal seats, and considering you can pick up endzone seats outside the gates at most home games for next to nothing, the aesthetic notion of filling in the corners hardly seems enough justification for what would be an expensive project...