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Thread: Problems at Washington State U...

  1. Default Problems at Washington State U...

    Marquess Wilson leaves WSU, releases harshly-worded statement - CougCenter

    I was hoping that Mike Leach would make a comeback, but there must be some major issues going on at Washington State.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Problems at Washington State U...

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerQueen View Post
    Marquess Wilson leaves WSU, releases harshly-worded statement - CougCenter

    I was hoping that Mike Leach would make a comeback, but there must be some major issues going on at Washington State.
    Why? Mike Leach is not that great

  3. #3

    Default Re: Problems at Washington State U...

    He is trying to purge the malcontents, every program does that in different ways. He sounds like a player having a fit because the new coaches are being mean to him. Just like pornography, much "abuse" is about the person interpreting the act, someone who is sensitive may see abuse in anything negative.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Problems at Washington State U...

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeesFan View Post
    Why? Mike Leach is not that great
    Well, he was pretty darn successful at Tech (for what Tech is).

  5. #5

    Default Re: Problems at Washington State U...

    Quote Originally Posted by KilgoreTrout View Post
    Well, he was pretty darn successful at Tech (for what Tech is).
    Yeah and he still got fired anyway, like I said, he is not that great

  6. #6

    Default Re: Problems at Washington State U...

    Mike Leach was the best thing that ever happened to texas tech... He had them ranked #1 in the country! texas tech! And, they were so stupid that they let that idiot craig james get him fired because he was mad his son didn't play more. But, it shouldn't be surprising given this is coming from the school that hired bobby knight.

    Mike Leach will succeed at Washington State and if the administration there is smart they will tell these complainers where to stick it. This is quite obviously a kid that's upset because he finally has a coach telling him he's accountable and actually has to work hard and do things the right way. He didn't like that so he left and tried to burn a good coach on the way out.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Problems at Washington State U...

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeesFan View Post
    Yeah and he still got fired anyway, like I said, he is not that great
    Averaging a lot of wins year in and year at at a place like Texas Tech isnt easy. If you dont want to say he is great, fine, but he was pretty dang good coach there. Have you not noticed what theyve done since hes left? Thats right, nothing.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Problems at Washington State U...

    Mike Leach might be a little excentric, but he's an outstanding offensive genius to say the least....

    He's one of the better coaches that thinks outside of the box...... he started the 'go for it on 4th down' craze if you're on the opponents side of the 50.......with a lot of success.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Problems at Washington State U...

    Quote Originally Posted by WichitaSooner View Post
    Mike Leach was the best thing that ever happened to texas tech... He had them ranked #1 in the country! texas tech! And, they were so stupid that they let that idiot craig james get him fired because he was mad his son didn't play more. But, it shouldn't be surprising given this is coming from the school that hired bobby knight.

    Mike Leach will succeed at Washington State and if the administration there is smart they will tell these complainers where to stick it. This is quite obviously a kid that's upset because he finally has a coach telling him he's accountable and actually has to work hard and do things the right way. He didn't like that so he left and tried to burn a good coach on the way out.
    Yeah and what happened to #1 Texas Tech? The Sooners destroyed them 65-21

  10. #10

    Default Re: Problems at Washington State U...

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeesFan View Post
    Yeah and what happened to #1 Texas Tech? The Sooners destroyed them 65-21
    Yes, we can't ALL be Oklahoma... But, it doesn't discount how much of an accomplishment it is to get TEXAS TECH to the #1 spot... and it CERTAINLY doesn't diminish that Mike Leach is a great coach and a good man that got a raw deal in favor of a bunch of idiots. But, it most definitely still refutes your argument that he "isn't that great."

    I'm rooting like hell for him to do well in Pullman... And, if I had a son that played football at that level, I would gladly send him to Mike Leach for his collegiate experience.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Problems at Washington State U...

    Quote Originally Posted by WichitaSooner View Post
    Yes, we can't ALL be Oklahoma... But, it doesn't discount how much of an accomplishment it is to get TEXAS TECH to the #1 spot... and it CERTAINLY doesn't diminish that Mike Leach is a great coach and a good man that got a raw deal in favor of a bunch of idiots. But, it most definitely still refutes your argument that he "isn't that great."

    I'm rooting like hell for him to do well in Pullman... And, if I had a son that played football at that level, I would gladly send him to Mike Leach for his collegiate experience.
    Okay, you win, you got a good point

  12. #12

    Default Re: Problems at Washington State U...

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeesFan View Post
    Yeah and he still got fired anyway, like I said, he is not that great
    He had a huge bonus due and he evidently didn't kiss the main donor's (and regent) rear end enough. They were looking to can him for those reasons.

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