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Thread: Rehearsals

  1. #1

    Uptown/23rd Rehearsals


    Address: 1923 NW 23rd
    Phone: (405) 606-7899
    Hours: 11 am - 10 pm every day
    Development: OCU
    Status: Opened January 2014
    Official Website
    Facebook Page
    Urban Spoon

    Information & Latest News

    11/15/13: Application for beer & wine permit

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    New restaurant going in at 1933 NW 23rd to be called Rehearsal. This property is owned by OCU.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Awesome. I live across the street from this. I would love to have a restaurant with a patio I can just walk across the street to.

    Hopefully it is not overrun by the fat and creepy panhandlers and homeless people that overrun that intersection.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    I'm assuming OCU is running this operation and if so, they better bring someone in from the outside, or this is not going to be a very successful venture. About the only reason students dine @ OCU is 1. Because they have to and 2. Because it's convenient

  5. #5

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUPeterson View Post
    Awesome. I live across the street from this. I would love to have a restaurant with a patio I can just walk across the street to.

    Hopefully it is not overrun by the fat and creepy panhandlers and homeless people that overrun that intersection.
    You're right, that intersection is busy and filled with all slices. Anyone know the story of the guy with no feet that panhandles by the 7/11?

  6. Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    OCU's stewardship of their chunk of NW 23rd is really odd. I don't get it..

    This is a ranch house. Ranch houses do not need to serve any other purpose than a house... I passionately believe that. It also looks better painted white than beige brown.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    OCU's stewardship of their chunk of NW 23rd is really odd. I don't get it..

    This is a ranch house. Ranch houses do not need to serve any other purpose than a house... I passionately believe that. It also looks better painted white than beige brown.
    While I agree on this particular property, Speakeasy and 23rd Street Courts say hello

  8. Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Let's not sneer at adaptive reuse, now.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  9. #9

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    I'm assuming OCU is running this operation and if so, they better bring someone in from the outside, or this is not going to be a very successful venture. About the only reason students dine @ OCU is 1. Because they have to and 2. Because it's convenient
    This will be managed by Sodexho (campus dining services). As I understand it, they'll accept meal plan money as payment, and may, just may, serve alcohol. I think they're targeting students, faculty and staff as much as anyone else, and depending on the menu, I don't see why it wouldn't be as or more convenient than on campus options.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    I'm assuming OCU is running this operation and if so, they better bring someone in from the outside, or this is not going to be a very successful venture. About the only reason students dine @ OCU is 1. Because they have to and 2. Because it's convenient
    Unless they've gone down hill in the last three years, Sodexho had really improved their quality from when I was a student (2002-2006) to when I was employed at the university (2008-2009). Hopefully they've kept up the improvements they made and this will succeed in whatever form it takes.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Sodexo (I kinda can't, since my mother works for them ).

    However, in response to several of the thoughts above:

    1. Cafeterias are not restaurants

    2. The food is, to me, not the problem with the Caf or Alvin's (Sodexo)...It's the borderline horrendous service and work ethic...and most of my friends seem to be in agreement (I was a student from '06 - '10 but lived off campus...Spent a decent amount of time on campus last two academic years as well)

    3. It won't be as convenient because it's essentially off-campus...the only things closer to "Rehearsal" than the Caf are Draper/Harris and the Kappa Sig house. Now, it will be an alternative, and that alone will make it popular enough for people who don't have class to worry about, but it won't draw a massive lunch crowd.

    4. A cafe is not a restaurant

    5. I'm 98% positive there will be no liquor license...so it will be 3.2 beer at best...but I think even that is doubtful

    6. A cafeteria/cafe is not a restaurant.

    I hope it works out well, but I'm skeptical of Sodexo's ability to put together a convincing restaurant concept and for OCU's food-service team in particular to hire the staff that will make it a great option/change-of-pace/value.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    I think this statement is pretty debatable or at least deserves more clarification.
    Yeah...that's my bad. I'm talking about Cafe as in "Alvin's Cafe" which is the on campus catch-all food/beverage shop. You go there to get coffee, a sandwhich, slice of pizza, salad, chips, soda, energy drink, etc.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    I really like the idea of trying to bridge the gap between the general community and the university.

    College campuses are great places and OCU is a fantastic resource for OKC, yet right in the middle of the city I doubt too many people use the facilities that are not directly related to the university. That's a shame for both the school and the community.

    I live right next to a college that is similar in size to OCU and they are just now starting to develop new facilities (athletic, dining, performing arts) that are specifically designed for the community at large as well as their students. I find myself over there much more and have even contributed to the school and would consider taking night classes.

    I think OCU would be wise to look for more such opportunities and the 23rd Street corridor is the perfect foray.

  14. Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    While I agree on this particular property, Speakeasy and 23rd Street Courts say hello
    Those are NOT ranch houses. If you wanna see some awesome ranch house reuse action, check out SW 44th.

  15. #15
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Just so I'm clear on points 1, 4, and 6, you believe that a cafe/teria is not a restaurant? haha, I kid!

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Sodexo (I kinda can't, since my mother works for them ).

    However, in response to several of the thoughts above:

    1. Cafeterias are not restaurants

    2. The food is, to me, not the problem with the Caf or Alvin's (Sodexo)...It's the borderline horrendous service and work ethic...and most of my friends seem to be in agreement (I was a student from '06 - '10 but lived off campus...Spent a decent amount of time on campus last two academic years as well)

    3. It won't be as convenient because it's essentially off-campus...the only things closer to "Rehearsal" than the Caf are Draper/Harris and the Kappa Sig house. Now, it will be an alternative, and that alone will make it popular enough for people who don't have class to worry about, but it won't draw a massive lunch crowd.

    4. A cafe is not a restaurant

    5. I'm 98% positive there will be no liquor license...so it will be 3.2 beer at best...but I think even that is doubtful

    6. A cafeteria/cafe is not a restaurant.

    I hope it works out well, but I'm skeptical of Sodexo's ability to put together a convincing restaurant concept and for OCU's food-service team in particular to hire the staff that will make it a great option/change-of-pace/value.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Those are NOT ranch houses. If you wanna see some awesome ranch house reuse action, check out SW 44th.
    They seem like Ranch houses to me? If they were not previously ranch houses, what types of homes were they? It seems like every house I've seen with similar builds is categorized as Ranch-style homes w/ the County Assessor.

    I trust you, since you're definitely more knowledgeable on the subject than I...just genuinely curious.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I really like the idea of trying to bridge the gap between the general community and the university.

    College campuses are great places and OCU is a fantastic resource for OKC, yet right in the middle of the city I doubt too many people use the facilities that are not directly related to the university. That's a shame for both the school and the community.

    I live right next to a college that is similar in size to OCU and they are just now starting to develop new facilities (athletic, dining, performing arts) that are specifically designed for the community at large as well as their students. I find myself over there much more and have even contributed to the school and would consider taking night classes.

    I think OCU would be wise to look for more such opportunities and the 23rd Street corridor is the perfect foray.
    I definitely agree with this. I just wish they would collaborate with other entities on these types of projects. I think if they hired out A Good Egg or another local restaurant group to help design the concept and get it off the ground, that it would have a much better chance of succeeding as a bridge piece.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Sodexo (I kinda can't, since my mother works for them ).

    5. I'm 98% positive there will be no liquor license...so it will be 3.2 beer at best...but I think even that is doubtful

    6. A cafeteria/cafe is not a restaurant.

    I hope it works out well, but I'm skeptical of Sodexo's ability to put together a convincing restaurant concept and for OCU's food-service team in particular to hire the staff that will make it a great option/change-of-pace/value.
    i guess your 98% was incorrect .... the ABC 2 was granted at last weeks planning commission meeting

  19. #19

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    And Rehearsals (on 23rd and owned by OCU) looks like it is close to opening, with an application for a new sign:

  20. #20

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    It looks like the University will now sell the building to the operator, rather than lease it to them, and the University will no longer receive any profits from the operation.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Cotter View Post
    It looks like the University will now sell the building to the operator, rather than lease it to them, and the University will no longer receive any profits from the operation.
    Ahh, that makes more sense. Thanks.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Cotter View Post
    It looks like the University will now sell the building to the operator, rather than lease it to them, and the University will no longer receive any profits from the operation.
    Yes, that's how I read it as well.

    The operator has already invested a ton into the building and were very close to opening. So now, it seems they will buy it but the operation will be the same.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    i guess your 98% was incorrect .... the ABC 2 was granted at last weeks planning commission meeting
    Looks like we were both right...

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