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Thread: The Rise

  1. #76

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bailey80 View Post
    This looks a lot different than the renderings I initially saw for the project. The images I saw were of red brick storefronts on NW 23rd Street with peaked rooftops. I wonder if it was an earlier concept that got shot down.
    Since this project has yet to be submitted to and design review committee (just the proposed closure of the back alley) it was probably more a matter of just changing their design.

    This is pretty fully modeled with 3D imaging, so I suspect this will be what they go with when it does get formally submitted.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Since this project has yet to be submitted to and design review committee (just the proposed closure of the back alley) it was probably more a matter of just changing their design.

    This is pretty fully modeled with 3D imaging, so I suspect this will be what they go with when it does get formally submitted.
    I could pretty much do that design from existing drawings or survey and have it done and render in a couple of days. With programs like Revit or Archicad you could take the same basic model and have three different versions built and rendered in a week or two barring major changes in direction midstream....which always seems to happen.

  3. Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bailey80 View Post
    This looks a lot different than the renderings I initially saw for the project. The images I saw were of red brick storefronts on NW 23rd Street with peaked rooftops. I wonder if it was an earlier concept that got shot down.
    I like modern better.. 23rd was historically a mid century Route 66 area. This art moderne design would be far better than going Chesapeake along here.

  4. Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    The Rise is a silly name, but I like the urban spirit behind it. With all this new development, 23rd is looking to be OKC's longest stretch of true streetfront retail.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  5. #80

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Saw a TV add for hotel motel liquidators. Said they were not going out of business. Is this just an ironic add?

  6. #81

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by ABryant View Post
    Saw a TV add for hotel motel liquidators. Said they were not going out of business. Is this just an ironic add?

  7. #82

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by ABryant View Post
    Saw a TV add for hotel motel liquidators. Said they were not going out of business. Is this just an ironic add?
    Perhaps they're moving their business. I believe their current property has already legally sold.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Perhaps they're moving their business. I believe their current property has already legally sold.
    New red and white signage on the building says that "Yes We Are Open". They are doing business there daily and it looks like nothing has changed. Also the For Sale sign has not been removed from the building.

    I suspect that the deal may have not gone through or either the new owners are now leasing the space back to the liquidator business.

  9. #84

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Looks like this building sold last month. They are probably allowing them to stay until they can get tenants for the new shopping center lined up.

    Leonard Sullivan Oklahoma County Assessor Real Property Detail Sheet

  10. #85

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Land Run said they wanted to get started on The Rise right away and they have their application before the design review board for approval next month.

  11. #86

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    If anyone has been in that building, they know just how much stuff is in there. I would bet they are going to stay open as long as possible to sell as much as possible before Land Run moves forward. And they'll probably sell it at unbelievably ridiculous prices. Probably worth heading over there.

    Also, every time I've been there, all I've heard the owner talking about is selling the business. I would assume he won't be reopening at a new location, but that's just guessing on my part.

  12. Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    He already has a second location, which is a giant warehouse and yard in the Del City area. I've been there, and it makes the 23rd location look tiny. I'm guessing he's month-to-month on his lease on 23rd, and Land Run will give him notice to vacate, if they haven't already. And as full as that place is, it won't take long for a bunch of experienced guys to get it all cleared out.

  13. #88

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    The Land Run people have today submitted an application with the Urban Design Review Committee for The Rise.

    Can't see the details other than it will be a renovation with a new parking lot -- probably very similar to the renderings that have already been released.

    Will be reviewed at the 3/27/13 meeting.

    A good sign of this project moving forward.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    I also noticed today that Land Run has added for lease signs on the property directly east of The Rise, address is 603 NW 23rd.

  15. #90

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    ^ West of the rise

  16. #91

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    With The Rise getting ready to start, I'm now hearing the Land Run Group is bringing in an experienced multi-family developer to build apartments on the area shown in pink below.

    Also, there is a design application to renovate the old service station on the SW corner of 24th & Walker into a bar.

    If we could just get the Tower Theater on track, this area would be close to critical mass.

  17. #92

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Good. People living within walking distance of that stretch of 23rd will only help the momentum.

  18. #93
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Yep. Teo and I posted the other day about just this. 23rd needs more mixed use with housing to really explode. This could be a good step in that direction. Any word on who they might be bringing in?

  19. #94

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    With The Rise getting ready to start, I'm now hearing the Land Run Group is bringing in an experienced multi-family developer to build apartments on the area shown in pink below.

    Also, there is a design application to renovate the old service station on the SW corner of 24th & Walker into a bar.

    If we could just get the Tower Theater on track, this area would be close to critical mass.
    So what would they do with the old Bora Bora/Paseo Underground?

    Also...the Multi-Family tag scares me a little bit, mainly because I don't know what that means over against "normal" development for apartments. What makes Multi-family development as opposed to Single Family or non-family?

    I'm just hoping for a decent quality development here. Would it be too much to ask for something on the level of Legacy? Maybe some retail along Walker?

  20. #95

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Haven't seen any building permits or design applications for the old Bora Bora building but I'm sure it will be renovated.

    Mutli-family is just the general term for apartments or condos.

    I would expect the apartments to be of good quality and design.

  21. #96

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    The Rise has it's application in front of the Urban Design Review Committee next week.

    Nothing new in the renderings but it's the first we've seen of the site plan. Looks like the plan is to ultimately build another structure on Dewey just north of 23rd and renovate the two buildings along Walker.

  22. #97

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Man the RISE is going to be a sharp project, I don't get this whole Rehearsals deal with OCU, I give it 2 years tops.

  23. #98

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Man the RISE is going to be a sharp project, I don't get this whole Rehearsals deal with OCU, I give it 2 years tops.
    Might be working on something a la Jazz Lab. . . .they have been around for a while.

  24. #99

    Default Prediction: 23rd street doesn't hit critical mass until

    I'm predicting 23rd doesn't hit critical mass until The Rise is finished, housing is in place, AND the old Rainbow Records building is rehabbed. Driving by yesterday I realized how bad a shape the current owners (vacuum store) are letting the place get. Broken windows, boarded up windows, paint flaking off, etc. Sad to see such a gem rotting away on one of the most prime intersections in the state.

  25. #100

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    It would help turn things if The Rise gets some good tenants, which I fully expect they will.

    If they could land Trader Joe's that would be a game-changer.

    Very interested to see the residential plans for the Land Run properties north of The Rise. That will be a biggie as well.

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