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Thread: The Rise

  1. #26

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    I mean...part of me says just go ahead and have The Edge @ 23rd

    There are obviously better uses, but if you said take The Edge @ 23rd or roll the dice, I'd lean towards the bird in the hand.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    I'm hoping for something along the lines of a small mixed use town center development proposed by the Land Run LLC.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Does anyone know anything about Land Run LLC? What have they done so far in OKC?

  4. #29

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    They already boarded up the apartment building and a house on the north side of 24th, towards the east end. A dumpster is on site at the Tull Garage Building. I really love that building and am so glad it is getting fixed up.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    They are wasting no time here. Clean up crews on site with front loaders and 4 dumpsters.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by wschnitt View Post
    they are wasting no time here. Clean up crews on site with front loaders and 4 dumpsters.
    BUT iT'S LABOR DAY!!!!!!!

  7. #32

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Labor Day is a holiday that has lost its meaning.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Here's an updated map with some of the more significant newer developments identified:

  9. #34

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Looks like we'll find out Land Run's plans in a few weeks, as the planning commission has asked them to submit their redevelopment plans in order for them to fully consider closing the alley just behind 23rd Street.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Article in today's Journal Record.

    I've heard really good things about Land Run's plans, which will most likely feature brick store-fronts along 23rd.

    Uptown whirl: NW 23rd Street lots sold as neighborhood’s comeback picks up steam

    By Brianna Bailey
    Oklahoma City reporter. Contact: 405-278-2847, brianna.bailey@journalrecord.com, @briannabailey80.
    Posted: 09:53 PM Monday, September 10, 2012

    OKLAHOMA CITY – The revitalization of the Uptown NW 23rd Street neighborhood continues to gain momentum and at least one real estate firm has redevelopment plans for it.

    Over the past nine months, a limited liability company with ties to Oklahoma City-based Land Run Commercial Real Estate Advisors has bought up most of the block between NW 23rd and NW 24th streets between N. Dewey and N. Walker avenues. The properties include several vacant lots on NW 24th and a vacant, dilapidated service station facing Walker. The company also recently purchased the old Hotel and Motel Liquidation store at NW 23rd and Walker.

    Mike and Janet Jezdan, who own Hotel and Motel Liquidation, confirmed that they have sold their property to Land Run, but declined to comment further. Situated in an old department store building, the liquidation store has been in operation for 21 years at 519 NW 23rd St. For the past several years the store has had signs in the windows advertising that it was going out of business. The signs have been taken down.

    Calls to Land Run were not immediately returned on Monday.

    Land Run has asked the Oklahoma City Planning Commission for permission to close an alleyway behind the Hotel and Motel Liquidation store.

    Commission staff recommended that Land Run present its redevelopment plans to the city, but it hasn’t done so yet.

    “There’s potential redevelopment happening there, but I have not seen anything firm yet,” Oklahoma City Planning Director Russell Claus said.
    Several business owners in the area said Land Run’s redevelopment plans include a new shopping center at NW 23rd and Walker.

    “We are very enthusiastic about Land Run being a part of Uptown 23rd,” said Jennifer Seal, an organizer for Uptown 23rd, a merchant’s association that is drumming up volunteers to promote the neighborhood. “They are very visionary and forward-thinking in their plans.”

    The NW 23rd Street corridor is quickly becoming one of the city’s trendiest corridors for restaurants and shops.

    Two new restaurants, Pizza 23 and an Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt, are preparing to open at 600 NW 23rd St. Across the street, Grandad’s Bar also is getting ready to open within the next few months in a long-empty storefront at 317 NW 23rd St.

    A recent Uptown 23rd meeting drew anywhere from 35 to 50 people anxious to volunteer to help promote the area, organizers said.

    A Good Egg Dining Group, which owns two pioneering Uptown restaurants, Cheever’s Cafe and Tucker’s Onion Burgers, has purchased a long-empty building at 2500 N. Walker Ave. and plans to fix it up to use as an office and a production center for its growing catering business. The building was once the home of Tull Overhead Door Co., but has been empty for the past eight years.

    “We’ve had our eye on that building for five or six years,” said Keith Paul, one of the founders of A Good Egg. “We knew it would make a huge impact for that area when we bought it.”

  11. Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by mcca7596 View Post
    I'm hoping for something along the lines of a small mixed use town center development proposed by the Land Run LLC.
    John Belt, who basically owns Paseo, told me it could be mixed-use.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    They couldn't possibly do retail for the entire property, as it's very large and would require a lot of zoning changes.

    I would expect retail along 23rd and maybe just behind, then housing and/or office to the north.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    They couldn't possibly do retail for the entire property, as it's very large and would require a lot of zoning changes.

    I would expect retail along 23rd and maybe just behind, then housing and/or office to the north.
    What are the odds that the development spans the entire block?

    Do we know a ballpark amount they are planning to spend on their development?

  14. #39

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Here is a map of everything they own in yellow and pink.

    I'm sure they are working on the couple of parcels that remain of the 23rd Street frontage:

    These are the two parcels not owned by Land Run:

  15. #40

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Here is a map of everything they own in yellow and pink.

    I'm sure they are working on the couple of parcels that remain of the 23rd Street frontage:

    These are the two parcels not owned by Land Run:

    Saw a presentation from Johnathan Russell of Landmark regarding plans for the 500 block properties. It looks very promising. Re-skinning all the buildings on 23rd Street. Parking on the north side. Restaurant with a roof-top terrace. Mostly retail as far as I can tell. Said it will get started before the end of the year. TAP Architecture was working on it. I'm sure it will have its fair share of detractors, in a manner similar to the response on the downtown parking garage.

  16. Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalo Bill View Post
    Saw a presentation from Johnathan Russell of Landmark regarding plans for the 500 block properties. It looks very promising. Re-skinning all the buildings on 23rd Street. Parking on the north side. Restaurant with a roof-top terrace. Mostly retail as far as I can tell. Said it will get started before the end of the year. TAP Architecture was working on it. I'm sure it will have its fair share of detractors, in a manner similar to the response on the downtown parking garage.

    As in Landmark Land Company? Where did you see this presentation?

    I suspected Land Run might have a big development partner.

    All of this is supposed to come before the planning department and Urban Design Committee so hopefully we'll see some definite plans soon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    As in Landmark Land Company? Where did you see this presentation?

    I suspected Land Run might have a big development partner.

    All of this is supposed to come before the planning department and Urban Design Committee so hopefully we'll see some definite plans soon.
    I believe that Pete may have meant Land Run. Johnathan Russel is the president of Land Run Commercial Real Estate Advisors

  17. #42

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Ah, makes sense.

    Looking forward to seeing their plans. I know the merchants along 23rd Street are excited by them.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Sorry. Land Run, not Landmark.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalo Bill View Post
    Sorry. Land Run, not Landmark.
    Where did you see this presentation?

  20. #45

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Where did you see this presentation?
    In his Heritage Hills home. It was a General Meeting for the neighborhood, but there were plenty of other attendees. I believe Johnathan is presenting it to the Uptown 23rd group soon.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Thanks so much for the information. Very interesting.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    Saw a TV commercial that HML is finally Liquidating. PRAISE JESUS

  23. #48

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    A Grandads update by Steve.

    Grandad's brings 'old school' back to Uptown NW 23rd Street in Oklahoma City | NewsOK.com

    And a video about "The Rise" in the same area. I would like it better if the sidewalk tables fronted 23rd or Walker but it is still a good concept.

    OKC Central: Development along NW 23 includes The Rise | NewsOK Videos

  24. #49

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    I noticed they said they already had enough merchants lined up to fill the center. It will be interesting to see what the type and calibre of merchants are. It would be nice to see an eclectic mix of primarily local stores of nice quality. That might be a stopgap for our lack of downtown retail.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Uptown 23rd Development.

    In the video they do not show the parking very well. I wonder how much is actually going to be there.

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