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Thread: Finding OKC police report?

  1. #1

    Default Finding OKC police report?

    My sister was in a bad car wreck about 10 days ago and I know there was a police report taken.

    Is there a way to look up the report?

    I know there is an on-line system for court cases but I don't believe any charges have been made as of yet, so this would be a police report that is not related to a court case.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    I don't know of a way to look it up online, but if you know they agency involved, you can call them and ask about making a FOIA request for the information.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    What do you mean by "agency"? You mean insurance?

    Here's what happened: It was a weekday about 5PM and my sister was heading west on 150th somewhere west of May. It's only a two-lane road in that stretch and she noticed a car heading the opposite way that was weaving. She did her best to avoid it but the other car crossed into her lane and drove her car into the ditch.

    She is still badly injured: fractured pelvis, broken ribs and just had to have her spleen removed. They still don't know if she has further internal injuries or how well she'll recover from the pelvis breaks. 10 days later, she's still nowhere close to even being able to go home.

    I want to know what the heck this guy was doing. She thought he was in his late teens or early 20's and he was either texting or high/drunk.

    The whole thing makes me furious and has put my sister's family in a very tough situation, as she can't care for the kids and won't be able to work for quite a while. And of course, her long-term health is even at issue.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    You can get them at the Records Bureau, 2nd floor of the OKC Police Headquarters(Google map link). If I remember correctly, it was like $1 or $2. I think what hrdware meant by agency was "police department".

  5. #5

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    I'm sorry to hear about your sister and God's speed on a fast recovery. Brian may know what you need to do.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    You're going to need to go down to the downtown OKC police station records department. It's in the main HQ building up the stairs which are immediately visible when you go through the main entrance. You'll have to fill out a little form, pay a few cents for the report, etc. Best wait about a week from the event to make sure everything is turned in. What you're going to get there is the police report only.

    Once the police report is filed [generally], the case will go to the municipal attorney who will either take the case or send it to county for prosecution. Since we're talking about potential felonies here, I'm guessing (and this is just a guess) this'll go to Oklahoma County for prosecution. You can follow that case at OSCN.net. If you go to the site and then to the court dockets tab and then click "search dockets," you can just type in the soon-to-be Defendant's name and something should come up. If it's prosecuted in the municipal court as a misdemeanor, you have to go to the OKC ticket lookup site.

    Here are the links:


    If it is going to be prosecuted at the county, you might see a CPC-2012-xxxx case number come up next to the driver's name. That means a probable cause affidavit has been filed and that formal charges are pending. If a CM-2012-xxxx comes up, it's filed as a misdemeanor. If it's CF-2012-xxxx, then there's at least one felony charge.

    If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me or email me, since as administrator, I'm sure you have access to that information. She has 2 years from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit. Often insurance companies will try to give her the run around to run out the clock, so be aware of that.

    That aside, our thoughts are with you and we hope for your sister's speedy and full recovery.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    Thanks for the information and kind thoughts.

    I live in California so I can't physically go to the police HQ.

    I suppose I can just call and see if there is a way to do this over the phone.

  8. Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    FYI - If you are planning on having someone pick up a copy of the report, you should call the records dept first - 405-297-1000. There are restrictions on the release of accident reports for the first 30-days (or something like that). I can't remember the exact restriction, but they will tell you. I'm assuming it has to be either a named party in the incident or a lawyer representing someone listed in the report.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    My sister was in a bad car wreck about 10 days ago and I know there was a police report taken.

    Is there a way to look up the report?

    I know there is an on-line system for court cases but I don't believe any charges have been made as of yet, so this would be a police report that is not related to a court case.
    Pete, I hope she is okay. I am so sorry.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    Thanks to everyone that offered their concern and well-wishes.

    I talked to my sister yesterday and she's doing better, still dealing with the aftermath of her splenectomy but has now been moved to a rehab center to learn to use a walker. She won't be able to put any weight on her left leg for a couple of months. Still in a lot of pain and has been in the hospital for three weeks now, but may be going home later this week.

    They did get a look at the police report but it said nothing about what this kid was doing to have caused him to swerve all over the road. Several witnesses testified he first swerved into the grass on the right side of the road, then over-corrected causing him to spin into the on-coming traffic. All said he was traveling at great speeds.

    Everyone suspects he was texting but we may never know unless my family decides to bring a civil case and subpoena his phone records.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    I'm glad she is doing better and I understand the walker thing. About 10 years ago I was in a bad accident and crushed part of my right foot and after a couple surgeries, several screws and braces in my foot, I used a walked for 2 months, then crutches for one month and finally a cane for a while and I'm almost normal, at least my foot is *lol*

  12. #12

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    Pete - I'd suspect that your sister's insurance policy has a subrogation clasue, and they will pursue a civil case against the other motorist and his insurer.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    Given the protracted hospital stay and what looks to be a long-term recovery period, I suspect the kid's insurance coverage is not going to be sufficient.

    Also, does anyone find it strange that the police did nothing to determine the cause of this accident? As far as we can tell, he was not even given a citation.

    And are criminal charges only brought when there is a fatality?

    This was not a case of "it could happen to anyone"; he was either drunk, high or texting and was outrageously irresponsible. It was only because my sister took evasive action that he didn't kill her and she may never be the same again. I would like to see the law come down on him hard.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    Pete - As a cyclist, aren't you shocked at the number of car v. bike fatalities that do not result in a traffic citation of any kind? Seriously - kill someone with a car and there's not even a citation for inattentive driving.

    Your sister deserves better. We all do.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    The police can still file charges after an investigation can't they? Assuming they will do an investigation.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    They can file charges but I'm not sure there is going to be any further investigation.

    Also, if a sobriety test was not taken at the scene and there was no toxicology when he went to the hospital, that ship has sailed.

  17. Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Given the protracted hospital stay and what looks to be a long-term recovery period, I suspect the kid's insurance coverage is not going to be sufficient.

    Also, does anyone find it strange that the police did nothing to determine the cause of this accident? As far as we can tell, he was not even given a citation.

    And are criminal charges only brought when there is a fatality?

    This was not a case of "it could happen to anyone"; he was either drunk, high or texting and was outrageously irresponsible. It was only because my sister took evasive action that he didn't kill her and she may never be the same again. I would like to see the law come down on him hard.
    Doesn't surprise me. Police often do very little investigative work when it comes to a vehicle accident unless a fatality or other extenuating circumstances exist. It also sounds like the two vehicles didn't even make contact (if I'm reading correct) - which makes it even less likely of in-depth investigative work. Even with an injury, unless they can prove intoxication, most police just consider it a civil issue.

    Had a friend swerve to miss an oncoming vehicle years ago, causing her vehicle to hit a retaining wall. There were two witnesses, but in the end, since the two vehicles never touched and the driver of that vehicle never admitted guilt, she was limited to her coverage only.

    being that the other driver in your sister's case is young, he may max out his coverage pretty quickly and is most assuredly 'judgement proof' financially. My cousin was jogging in Edmond and was hit from behind by a college student from Langston (driving the wrong direction). Flipped her over the car, lacerated an internal organ and she was transported to the hospital. He was arrested at the scene and charged with a DUI. He only had minimum coverage (didn't even cover the hospital bills) so her insurance did most of the paying out. He had nothing, so there was nothing to sue for and criminally he simply got a slap on the wrist.

    I'm guessing since he wasn't cited then there was no evidence he was impaired. I also doubt he would admit to being on his phone and police are not going to pursue that route.

    Hopefully your sister has very good coverage of her own she can max out.

    Hope she gets better. As for the court case, unfortunately its just 'another routine traffic accident' in everyone else's mind (police, insurance, prosecutors) except those directly involved.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    Long time lurker, but I registered and posted because of this. First, I'm so sorry about your sister, my thoughts and prayers go to her recovery.

    Second, I was in a wreck last year where my car got totaled (I was unhurt, thank god), and the first thing they did after ascertaining that I was not hurt is ask the other driver what he had been doing, and me as well--both from what looked like a checklist where they had to document and recreate what happened. Given that, I find it odd that there's no documentation as to the cause of the crash.

    Did your family follow up with questions to the police department? I would give them a call and see if it's standard operating procedure not to document the cause.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    Brian, the two cars did collide; she just swerved enough to a avoid a straight head-on collision. He hit her on the drivers door and totalled her car.

    One thing I didn't mention is that this kid is on his parents' insurance, was driving their car and is still living with them. I believe he's 17.

    So if there is need to reach beyond their life insurance company the parents can easily be pulled into this.

    They were both (my sister and the guy that hit her) wisked away to the hospital and it seems the police never took statements from either one.

  20. Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Brian, the two cars did collide; she just swerved enough to a avoid a straight head-on collision. He hit her on the drivers door and totalled her car.

    One thing I didn't mention is that this kid is on his parents' insurance, was driving their car and is still living with them. I believe he's 17.

    So if there is need to reach beyond their life insurance company the parents can easily be pulled into this.

    They were both (my sister and the guy that hit her) wisked away to the hospital and it seems the police never took statements from either one.
    That certainly makes for a better case. Being on the parent's insurance probably means much higher coverage limits. Fortunately then the police diagram of the impact will clearly show who was at fault - as to "why" really won't be of any consequence to the insurance companies and it sounds like the police were not overly interested.

    Hopefully you insurance carrier has the names and contact information of the witnesses and will make contact soon.

    Hopefully your sister has already hired an attorney - the right one can make a huge difference. In my cousin's case, since she was not in the hospital long (1 day) and had no lingering injuries, they tried to settle for about $20,000 over her bills. Lawyer got her almost six figures (took about a 8 months).

  21. #21

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    My sister and her husband have finally warmed to the idea of using an attorney and I believe that is the route they will go.

    I'm not a litigious person but this is one case where I would hire a lawyer and pound the heck out of the insurance company and possibly even the family in a civil case.

    It was just luck that he didn't end up killing her, all due to incredible irresponsibility on his part and lack of oversight by the parents.

    My sister will end up spending at least a full month in the hospital and has been in tremendous pain the entire time. She's going to be a mess for at least a few more months and there are no guarantees after that. At the very least she'll have to live the rest of her life with a compromised immune system due to the removal of her spleen, and her ability to walk and move without pain on a long-term basis is also in question.

    She is a nice, middle-class mother who was merely driving home from work and happened to be in the path of this idiot. The whole thing makes me furious.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    don't know how i didn't see this thread till now... i hope everything works out! -M

  23. #23

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    I hope your sister is feeling better. Sounds like a heck of an ordeal she has been through.

    Years ago I was in an accident that sent me to the hospital, and if I remember correctly the police didn't come by for a statement until after I was discharged. So maybe that is why your sister hasn't been contacted yet.

    Sadly, based on my own experience and reports from friends, I think that what other posters have said is mostly correct, that with traffic accidents there is not much the police can/will do. I agree with you, with injuries that are going to take a long time to recover from I think I would at least talk to a lawyer and see what they have to say.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    My sister and her husband have finally warmed to the idea of using an attorney and I believe that is the route they will go.

    I'm not a litigious person but this is one case where I would hire a lawyer and pound the heck out of the insurance company and possibly even the family in a civil case.

    It was just luck that he didn't end up killing her, all due to incredible irresponsibility on his part and lack of oversight by the parents.

    My sister will end up spending at least a full month in the hospital and has been in tremendous pain the entire time. She's going to be a mess for at least a few more months and there are no guarantees after that. At the very least she'll have to live the rest of her life with a compromised immune system due to the removal of her spleen, and her ability to walk and move without pain on a long-term basis is also in question.

    She is a nice, middle-class mother who was merely driving home from work and happened to be in the path of this idiot. The whole thing makes me furious.
    Hope your sis has a speedy recovery. As someone who has been through a spleenectomy (sp?) and had my wife hit by drunk drive I can somewhat relate.

    I was curious as to why you were blaming the parents for lack of oversight? 17 year olds are allowed to drive. It doesn't really matter. Sure you are just angry.

    We were at first dead set against a lawyer too. But unfortunately you almost need to get one nowadays. Good luck

  25. #25

    Default Re: Finding OKC police report?

    It may be a reach to directly blame the parents but he is a minor, living at home and driving their car. The law makes them accountable as his guardians.

    But beyond that, it's every parent's responsibility to make sure their kids are behaving responsibly, especially when it comes to driving or other things that could impact others.

    This wasn't an honest, anyone-can-make-it mistake, he was outrageously irresponsible and in any other instance where this sort of thing happens with a teen (say messing around with a loaded gun and someone ending up getting shot), the parents are always called out. Why not here?

    Another example: A good friend's son was caught breaking into a house and part of the sentence was that one of the parents had to go with him to multiple all-day Saturday classes.

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