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Thread: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

  1. #1

    Default Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    The Lost Ogle is reporting that after 18 years at KOCO 5 that Rick Mitchell is leaving KOCO 5 and is going to be working at NBCDFW in Dallas.Hopefully the reports are false. If anyone knows any more details about this rumor let us know

  2. Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO 5??

    Eh, he probably had to make a move. Should get a nice size bump in pay.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO 5??

    Not shocking since KOCO cannot hold onto talent if its life depended on it.

    I wish Mr. Mitchell the best if this is true. With that in mind, I'm not so sure this is a good career move for him. Take it from personal observation, weathermen in the DFW aren't nearly as important as they are here and he will feel it.

    This may be one of the few markets where the stations live and die by their weathermen (and thus they hold far more sway in pay negotiations). DFW stations, OTOH, weathermen are viewed as annoying nerds that tell you if its raining or not. Forget any special toys, radars, or an army of stormchasers. Oh, and GOD HELP YOU if you interrupt tv. Sure there may be a tornado on the ground in Downtown Dallas and people's lives are in danger, but you have interrupted Lost, American Idol, CSI, etc. so prepared to get an avalanche of ugly emails the next day. My buddy from schools works for the ABC affiliate down there and it happens every time there is bad weather.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO 5??

    Update:here is an story article from the lost ogle about rick leaving KOCO 5 http://www.thelostogle.com/2012/07/1...nel-5/#respond

  5. #5

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO 5??

    its official Aaron Tuttle has confirmed the reports that he is leaving KOCO 5

  6. Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO 5??

    The biggest question still remins who replaces Gary when they run out of embalming fluid.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO 5??

    NBC DFW says that Rick will be joining the station in late August so maybe Rick is going to help out with the search for his replacement

  8. #8

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO 5??

    Dallas may be less pressure for Rick? He seems like a great guy. . I wish him well.

    So who do they hire as a replacement?
    Michael Armstrong should get a look.
    He already has a local identinity and has done a very good job when covering severe weather.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO 5??

    Pretty thin bench in KOCO's weather department. There's Rusty McCranie and that's about it.

  10. Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO 5??

    That is a huuuuuge market jump. Number 44 to number 5. And if it is NBC DFW, that's even better... they are an owned and operated station.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO 5??

    I'll miss Rick but it's hard playing 3rd string between two power houses like Mike Morgan and Gary England.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO 5??

    if i am michael armstrong i will applied for the head weather positions at Channel 5 because he will be perfect for that job.He really wanted to be the main metrologist when Gary leaves and if he leaves

  13. #13

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO 5??

    this is a tweet from Rick Mitchell twitter.com/RickMithellWX
    Yes,its true.I'm Moving to Dallas. It was the toughest decision of my life.The Last 18 yrs in OK have been wonderful.Thanks to you!

  14. #14

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    Probably need some weather guys down in DFW after the debacle this spring...Probably pump up his tornado credentials left and right

  15. #15

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    Rick is the ONLY member of the Ch5 team I like; sorry to see him go. Wonder if being in a bigger market isn't such a great move for an OKC weatherman.

    Good for Dallas, bad for us.

  16. Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    This is a HUGE step up for Rick Mitchell. What I'm wondering is if they're adding to the NBC 5 team or if David Finfrock, who is a DFW television icon (and chief meteorologist), is leaving. Finfrock has been at NBC 5 since the mid 70's. Big shoes to fill if he's replacing Finfrock. Best of luck to a great guy - go get 'em Rick!

  17. #17

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    This is a HUGE step up for Rick Mitchell. What I'm wondering is if they're adding to the NBC 5 team or if David Finfrock, who is a DFW television icon (and chief meteorologist), is leaving. Finfrock has been at NBC 5 since the mid 70's. Big shoes to fill if he's replacing Finfrock. Best of luck to a great guy - go get 'em Rick!
    No David Finfrock is staying he is in the morning newscast so basically he is going to a higher market but is not the main weather person

  18. Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    Quote Originally Posted by Tydude View Post
    No David Finfrock is staying he is in the morning newscast so basically he is going to a higher market but is not the main weather person
    So Rick is going to do morning weather only? If I was a betting man, I'd bet you Rick's going with the understanding he'll be groomed to take the 5, 6 & 10 when Finfrock retires.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    This is very frustrating because koco is known for this. Aaron Tutle, Tyler Suiters, Maggie Carlo, John Flick, and now Rick Mitchell. This is why News 9 should be everyones favorite news channel, their called "Oklahoma's Own" for a reason.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    Feel sorry for Jessica Schambach, seems like shes koco last veteran in a way.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    his last day is August 20th at KOCO 5

  22. #22

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerBoy18 View Post
    This is very frustrating because koco is known for this. Aaron Tutle, Tyler Suiters, Maggie Carlo, John Flick, and now Rick Mitchell. This is why News 9 should be everyones favorite news channel, their called "Oklahoma's Own" for a reason.
    i will watch news9 when Gary England retires he is so boring during severe weather coverage

  23. Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    Quote Originally Posted by Tydude View Post
    i will watch news9 when Gary England retires he is so boring during severe weather coverage
    Oops, Tydude, you just gave away your age. There was a time when Gary England was a lot of things, but boring wasn't one of them.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    Genuinely sad to see Rick Mitchell go. Consummate professional. Easily the best weatherman in the market. Appealed to the intelligence of viewers and had a wonderful, calming presence on the air -- even during extreme weather events.

    I watch KOCO because it's the only Ogle-Free option on local TV, but he was easily the top of the heap at that station.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Rick Mitchell leaving KOCO

    I'm beginning to wonder why there is such a big turn over going on at KOCO the last year or two!? People keep leaving, replacements go on the air and then some of them have already left. Then, who can forget the big morning show shake up! It sounds to me like something is going on behind the scenes that we are missing. Bad management? Behind the scenes feuds? I can't help but wonder! It would be a really good move for KOCO if they hired Sarah Libby back as Rick's replacement, if she would even consider the opportunity. She was the only Oklahoma meteoroligist that was accurate and didn't over exaggerate during severe weather coverage! Best of luck to Rick in his new career path!!

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