This is unbelievable.
This is unbelievable.
Wow! Listening to that recording was infuriating.
Hiding behind your faith to justify your sleazy actions and poor business decisions. What a coward.
Isn't Tate just a run of the mill vanity publisher? And weren't they named as OKCBiz's top places to work? Yikes.
Convenient excuse to ruin 25 families...Very Christian like...Sure the lord told him to fire locals and make more for his family by replacing them with Filipinos
Why do I get the feeling there's a lot more to this than just a leak about outsourcing. Sounds like the guy is more concerned about what potentially could be leaked rather than what has been leaked.
Interesting to see this one play out.
The Lost Ogle is gathering the goods on him right now. Reportedly he has some skeletons in his closet.
Who prays before meetings? What the F
A sociopath with a Napoleon complex.
I'd be interested to see what they get. Looking him up on OSCN revealed possibly one of the worst driving records I've ever seen.The Lost Ogle is gathering the goods on him right now. Reportedly he has some skeletons in his closet.
He also attends Crossings. I'm interested to hear their sermon on firing people.
If it weren't for the fact it was this guy's company he probably wouldn't be working there. I can't imagine anyone ever hiring him. He has his incompetence on record now for everyone to see. His fake emotion at the end was difficult to stomach.
My how some are quick to judge with little or no evidence. Scary.
It always seems to be the people who didn't earn their positions that make ignorant decisions like this. This is what happens when fathers groom their children to take over a business when they really don't qualify to run a business. I am sure that this business owner claims to be a conservative but giving his son this position without earning it was not a conservative action and this business will pay a heavy price for the actions of this spoiled son. You see this abuse of authority just about every time a father brings a son or daughter into a business as a leader without making them work their way up from the bottom. Compassion for others is a life learning experience and this spoiled brat hasn't learned about compassion at this point.
He was Chief of Staff to Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin.I can't imagine anyone ever hiring him.
Evidently these guys will publish anything for 4000 bucks.
I see their Twitter account has been deleted.
What a POS.
Putting a fish on your business logo or citing Bible verses on your website (like a lot of businesses in OK) does NOT mean your business is run on "Christian values."
You wanna see a business run on strong Christian values? Look up David Green and Hobby Lobby. Ironically, they don't seem to brag about it.
I also seriously doubt Mr. Green calls his employees morons and stupid, either.
LOL...what a moron. If I worked for a guy like this I would have left a long time ago. Not because I disagree with his issue with employees using social media during work time, but his attitude. The computer usage is an easy fix...block the sites and you're done.
He might be suing those ex-employees for 7.8 Mil...but he just shot himself in the foot even more. Gotta love the part where he said he'll essentially own those people for the rest of their lives.
This is a guy that really does not need to be in a management role let alone running a company. He obviously can't handle the pressure of what else is going on to flip out like this. Sure you can be passionate to save your company, but at some point when you get the point of threatening and just terrorizing employees is something that does not need to be in power.
The Tate's would look perfect wearing big clown shoes and big red noses at this point.They will be the laughing stock of Mustang for a long time to come. He talks about lawsuits. The lawsuits will be from the employee's that he fired. Old man Tate made the mistake of his lifetime putting his idiot son in this position of power and it will cost him dearly in the future. Who in their right mind would want to work for a family of clowns like the Tate's?
How sad for all involved in this. As I review what has transpired I will said this,
1. Rarely has any employee ever released from a job admitted that they might have contribute to the issue.
2. Former employees are most likely, angry, stressed, vindictive, and have powerful internet weapons at their hand for making their problem known and seem like some else's. They always act like they're speaking for the rest of the employees.
3. Signing confidentiality agreements are serious business.
While I might of worded Ryan's speech differently I wouldn't change the message. The actions of the employee(s), anonymous e-mails to the entire work force, passing on alleged rumors. Gossiping, being disrespectful toward your employer are just not to be tolerated in any business, period.
The actions of a few can ruin the job security of many.
The illegal taping of a meeting is a felony. That alone garner no sympathy from me. This mixed with the e-mail tells me that Tate needed to address the problem at once. The fact that a newspaper is playing the tape, is just as illegal in my opinion.
As a CEO, and a Tate Author, I could care less about the day to day HR problems at Tate. I'm very concern that my publisher is successful and that my book(s) are represented by good and financially solid publisher.
Prayers are offered for all.
Leon Mentzer
It's a sleezy vainity publishing outfit anyway- blow smoke and make you think you've written the next great classic. All they need is a $4,000"author's investment" and if the author comes to his snses and declines they apparently get nasty once more persuasion isn't effective and tell the poor guy his book really is dirt.
If the person that recorded the meeting was party to it (and you have to assume they were, otherwise they wouldn't have been in the room) then their tape recording was not illegal:The illegal taping of a meeting is a felony.
"Federal law permits recording telephone calls and in-person conversations with the consent of at least one of the parties. See 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(d). This is called a "one-party consent" law. Under a one-party consent law, you can record a phone call or conversation so long as you are a party to the conversation. Furthermore, if you are not a party to the conversation, a "one-party consent" law will allow you to record the conversation or phone call so long as your source consents and has full knowledge that the communication will be recorded.
In addition to federal law, thirty-eight states (including Oklahoma) and the District of Columbia have adopted "one-party consent" laws and permit individuals to record phone calls and conversations to which they are a party or when one party to the communication consents."
Pete pointed out your error when it comes to recording. Welcome to can record anyone if you are part of the discussion. So that strikes that out. I find it interesting that these obvious internal issues and horrible leadership skills by Tate don't bother you. Does that give insight to the type of business leadership you practice at well or do you simply just believe in the "I'm the boss and you do as I say" mentality?
To your other points...
1) While true, where there is smoke there is fire. Things will get exaggerated but there is likely some other issues that haven't gone public yet.
2) Same could be said for Mr. Tate. Not very Christian like...whatever that is these days. Meaningless words since they've lost their original meaning over time from being overused by people looking to excuse their actions.
3) Obviously NDAs are important and serious. The fact that such leaks were occurring shows just how poor labor relations are with this company. He has chosen to rule by fear but people aren't going to put up with it. In this age if you don't maintain quality relations with your workers they will turn on you - as they have here. His reaction seems to highlight the kind of leader he is and it is not one to grow loyalty. Leading by fear will only lead to failure. Of course there will be plenty of like-minded individuals who will continue to support them because they look at labor in a negative light. Such disregard for the Golden Rule will eventually bring the house of cards down on him and others like him.
At the end of the day it is about addressing the root cause of the problem. He isn't doing that. He instead made it worst and killed labor relations for his company. If this was a public company shareholders would have his head and get the cancer - HIM - out of the company extremely fast.
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