Re: Animal Treatment
I believe, when the weather is nice, that hens lay an egg a day. So, it requires quite a few hens to keep up with production. When the weather gets extremely hot or cold, though, they stop laying. There are sometimes fewer eggs through the Oklahoma Food Co-op in July-August because of this.
Can we say they "lay" eggs instead of "pop them out?" It's the correct term. And yes, because they are chickens, they are dumb. They are definitely not bright animals. My mother had them growing up and can attest to that. I agree that they should be treated in a manner that is considered humane, and often buy my eggs through the co-op so they are cage-free or free-roaming, and supplement with cage-free eggs at the grocery store. The yolks are always richer and a deeper orange color instead of a pale yellow. So much tastier.
As for what the "yellow thingy" is in the egg, it's called the yolk, and it is the nutrient source for the potential fetus in the egg. It is there whether or not the egg is fertilized. It's full of all kinds of healthy nutrition in there for people, too. The white of the egg protects the yolk and provides more nutrition for a potential chicken fetus.
I'm really quite surprised that you didn't know this was how large-scale chicken egg farming goes. Did you think that there were just a bunch of little old ladies around the country, tossing out chicken feed to a few chickens like on a little farm, and that produced enough eggs for the country on a long-term basis?
Watch Food Inc. sometime and your eyes will be opened to the U.S. Agriculture industry and their methods.
Still corrupting young minds