Florida is a horrible state.,7226362.story
Florida is a horrible state.
Rather than intending to violate an ordinance after losing the court battle, seems a better move might have been to have more than one group get a permit and then have each group serve only 25 folk each. Perhaps not, but I am imagining 250 per person bail would have bought a passle of food and permits, not to mention some good will.
We can be pretty petty here too. I was once threatened with a ticket for putting a quarter in someone else's expired meter. I saw the meter maid across the street and noticed two cars in front of me had expired meters - so, I put a quarter in each. Mr. Meter man took it very personally and was very close to giving me a ticket. I had no idea that was an offense. As a matter of fact, what made me think to do it was Matt Lauer on the TODAY show had recently said "brighten someone's day and put a coin in their parking meter." Well, not in OKC.
I still do it from time-to-time, but very covertly.
I do it from time to time and had no idea at all it was a crime.^^^
Jeesh kinda silly if you ask me.
Getting arrested for feeding the homeless without a permit goes clear back to the 1980's in a place like San Francisco:
I used to walk by the "Food not Bombs" in the Mssion District people while they were giving away food. The lentil soup was pretty good.
Suffice it to say, it's not illegal in San Francisco.
The City of SF spends more money per capita on the homeless than any other city. Some might argue that it spends too much.
The homeless problem affects different cities in different ways and they've had to deal with it in their own ways. Santa Monica has a similar ordinance. Feeding the homeless is not illegal in Orlando, rather it's methods being used.
If I were to set up a soup line in Bricktown on a Friday night or in front of the arena during a Thunder game , the city would say no as well. That's the issue. It hurts tourism if it's not properly done. The City of Orlando doesn't want to drive away tourists nor does Santa Monica.
It's illegal in a lot of cities. The rationale regarding parking meters isn't just revenue, they also facilitate traffic flow. The meters "encourage" people to go about their business and then leave promptly, allowing others access to the spot and hopefully they will do the same.
I worked on Campus Corner in Norman while I was in college and it was very common to see the employees in the area "move-in" to a parking spot and feed the meter all day long. Potential customers were left circling the area for the remaining spots and that further increased congestion. Not good for business.
I've fed other people's meters not only to help a stranger out, but because those fines can be ridiculous.
I'm not completely buying that argument. I've been in cities where the main concern was traffic flow and not revenue and they would mark tires so they'd know how long you had been there. It would be goofy for employees to do this on a regular basis as its much cheaper to use a garage.
That said, I do know two attorneys who park in front of their offices and have a secretary/runner feed the meter all day because they want to come and go more easily.
Also, some Wes Lane fans tried to complain to the meter maids when I would leave my Vote Out Wes Lane van parked in front of the courthouse all day long in the same spot. The meter maid agreed there was a time limit on the books, but that since they didn't enforce it on anyone else, they were not going to enforce it on me.
I'm thinking they see my quarter as stealing $15 from them when I feed an expired meter. I actually probably do it more now that i know the law - just out of spite. But, I'm sorta wired that way!
The part of Orlando this occurred in is not a tourist area. It is an area of mid-rise to high-rise condos and apartments on the east side of downtown. The problem is the homeless people hang out there 24/7 waiting for feeding time. They use the bathroom on the sidewalk, ask everyone for money, and create an unsafe environment for women and children in the area. In case no one noticed, many homeless people have drug issues and/or mental illness.
If this group wants to feed homeless people they should do it in front of their own homes, not in front of other people's homes. If you don't agree with that give me your address and I can change your mind in 72 hours.
And what's really sad is the mentally ill can't help it. They're too sick (at that point) to even know how to reach out. And really, where do they go today? How do they pay for it? In the 1980's we completely shut down our mental institutions for the long-term mentally ill (mostly schizophrenia) and put them on the streets. To me, this is a sad commentary on our society in general. Other Western democracies have comprehensive programs to take care of these people. Of course, they're not spending billions of dollars on wars and the weapons of war. The result - and the presence of so many on the streets - should be a humbling reminder that we have a long way to go before we can tell others how to run their countries.
Agreed. That's not including the 100,000+ homeless vets.
There should never be a permit to give free food whatsoever. I just hope this goes viral and ashame Florida severely.
Well you can never have too many laws.
I still do it when I go down to the court house and Oklahoma Tower, but i'm kinda picky about it, lol. I don't feed the Mercedes or BMW meters... (hear comes the heat)
I've gotten more than a few parking tickets.. it's only $10 if you pay within a few days, and $15 past that.
Actually it is the other way around. We had a Christmas party at the office today and we had a lot of food left over. I made a comment that soooo much food was going to waste and said we should go serve it on the street. I was informed that is illegal here in Philadelphia and for the exact same reason it is illegal in Florida. One of the things that struck me about Center City Philadelpia is the nearly complete lack of bums and homeless people on the street. According to the locals downtown Philly really improved when they stopped investing in the homeless.
I don't know where they went - maybe Camden NJ. All I know is they are not in Center City Philadelphia. Apparently they had a homeless problem downtown, they closed down the homeless shelters/services, and the homeless went somewhere else.
I walk everywhere from Geno's Steaks on the southside to Eastern State Penitentiary on the northside and from the Deleware River to the Schuykill River and I rarely see a homeless person. I didn't even see bums in China Town or Italian Market and those places sell live animals in cages on the sidewalk for food.
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