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Thread: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

  1. Default 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field


    Freaking stupid. Why they didn't have the goal posts protected/lowered immediately is beyond me. It is called bring a fire hose out and blast the idiots back to their seats. Expects a few lawsuits now from the families for OSU's failure to secure their property and protect students.

    What would all this mean if those two in critical condition were to pass away or have gotten killed on the field? Stupid stupid stupid.

  2. #2

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Insert obligatory OSU doesn't have experience with winning joke:

  3. #3

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    It is pretty sad to see this happen. Hopefully they all will make a swift recovery.

  4. #4

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    I agree it's pretty stupid to not see this coming. They pretty much knew at halftime OSU was going to win and had time to make a plan to prevent this.

  5. #5

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    I don't think they got injured by taking down the goal posts. It was jumping over the railings and the stampede. They could hose down the students, but then someone would try to sue them over that.

  6. #6

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Without having the proper systems in place it is a bit hard to "plan" for it with a mass of humanity. Many stadiums have gone to the hinged goalposts to help prevent the injuries that can occur during that.

  7. Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    Without having the proper systems in place it is a bit hard to "plan" for it with a mass of humanity. Many stadiums have gone to the hinged goalposts to help prevent the injuries that can occur during that.
    OSU has those hinged goal posts.

  8. #8

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Typical OSWho. I not a bitter Sooner, They had the better team last night. They were expected to win. Now have some class

  9. #9

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Quote Originally Posted by Native Okie View Post
    Typical OSWho. I not a bitter Sooner, They had the better team last night. They were expected to win. Now have some class
    What??? LOL

  10. #10
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    I always wonder why teams storm the field. I could be mistaken but I don't recall any of the 'big' football programs ever storming the field (though I could certainly be wrong). Then again, with all of the years of mediocrity and frustration up in Stillwater, to actually finally WIN something must have been crazy emotional to deal with.

    Security measures should have been in place. Everyone knew OKState was likely to win the game.

  11. #11

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    I hope those injured have a speedy recovery.I'm sure down on that field after that win it truly was "Bedlam"

  12. #12

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Helmet View Post
    I always wonder why teams storm the field. I could be mistaken but I don't recall any of the 'big' football programs ever storming the field (though I could certainly be wrong). Then again, with all of the years of mediocrity and frustration up in Stillwater, to actually finally WIN something must have been crazy emotional to deal with.

    Security measures should have been in place. Everyone knew OKState was likely to win the game.
    I've honestly never understood storming the field either but it makes for an interesting, sorta vibrant feel after the game is over. I know they were the favorites but they are little brother and hadn't won Bedlam in 9 years, that's a pretty meaningful accomplishment for a team that has been mediocre at best for most of it's existence but is having a lot of success over the past few years but still couldn't get over the hump of beating OU and did last night and it couldn't have come at a better time considering that win could have put them in the NC: Key Word COULD.

    I'm happy for OSU and it's kinda nice to see them win against OU, that doesn't make up for the lack of security however; in fact, all that does is prove how much of a necessity it was to be prepared for when this happened, because with the rollercoaster OU has been n, it was more likely to happen than not and it did and now there are 15 people suffering because the proper precautions weren't taken...this is gonna become a mess.

  13. #13

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Yea, because stopping thousands of fans is real easy. Quite simply, there is nothing you can do to stop these things.

    Always love the little brother comments too. You should probably get as much as you can out of that because things are a little different these days. Hard to call someone your little brother when they are playing and working out in facilities much nicer than OUs

  14. #14

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Yea, because stopping thousands of fans is real easy. Quite simply, there is nothing you can do to stop these things.

    Always love the little brother comments too. You should probably get as much as you can out of that because things are a little different these days. Hard to call someone your little brother when they are playing and working out in facilities much nicer than OUs
    Dude, they are little brother, 82-17. LOL I've always been an OU fan but guess what, I've always been just as much an OSU fan as well. I'm not your typical OU fan because I love the orange and black out of OSU and root for them every game except Bedlam but this year I even rooted for them to win Bedlam just because of the fact they deserved it and should be 12-0 if not for them choking up against Iowa State with good excuse, but in football excuses don't change an L into a W....anyways, analogy time; just becaue your little brother has a bigger, nicer, cleaner house than you doesn't make him the big brother, that may make him more relevant until you get your stuff together and build/buy a bigger house but that doesn't make him the big brother. Rely on some other belief because that one is lame and kind of a "I have nothing else to resort to" type of belief, you're coming up with crap to make yourself believe it. OSU is making their case though about how they could become the better team but it has nothing to do with facilities. LOL

    When OU turns into Notre Dame then I will say that OSU isn't little brother any longer but until then, OSU is little brother and OU is a powerhouse running out of steam and fans on both sides are going to have to get over their big heads and accept reality, not put a "We Own The World" poster over the huge hole in the wall. Some things are facts and some things are just pride/ignorance; OSU having better facilities than OU: fact--that making OSU big brother: pride/ignorance. OSU is great now, OU has always been great except a few years here and there....OSU IS LITTLE BROTHER!!

    But for your sake, you have a point about how hard it can be to prevent thousands of fans from storming a field. I agree with that now that I think about it.

  15. #15

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    ^^Agreed,but as of today,OSU is King of the World!Too bad The Pokes missed out on a shot for the NC game by .009%!Damn,I would have loved to see OSU in the big game!

  16. #16

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoor82 View Post
    ^^Agreed,but as of today,OSU is King of the World!Too bad The Pokes missed out on a shot for the NC game by .009%!Damn,I would have loved to see OSU in the big game!
    It really does suck. I had my fingers crossed all day just to find out I have to hear about a rematch for the next few months.

  17. #17

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    I was looking around the internet earlier, reading different articles about this. In one article I saw a comment from someone who said they saw the one kid drop the 13 ft to the concrete. Ok, disclaimer...... it was just a comment on a story on the internet, so no proof, and I haven't seen specifics about the injuries yet actually in any of the articles. This guy said that the kid jumped off the ledge over where the players come out. Looked like he intended to slide down the tarp that covers it (the one with Pete on it). Of course that only happens in movies, in real life you go through it and land on the concrete below.

    So if this is true you can chalk up one of the bad injuries to one persons act of stupidity, not the crowd. (Wanna bet liquor was involved?)

    Most of the articles have it right, injuries due to storming the field. But a few really chapped me because the headline implied a 'riot'. A riot would have spread out past the stadium after the game. One article (in fact the one that the witness felt he had to post a comment to in rebuttal) said it was 'violence' after the game that caused the injuries. What a load of crap. Yes it was bad that some people got hurt, but don't imply that the students were intentinally doing something 'violent' or having a 'riot'.

  18. #18

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post

    Freaking stupid. Why they didn't have the goal posts protected/lowered immediately is beyond me. It is called bring a fire hose out and blast the idiots back to their seats. Expects a few lawsuits now from the families for OSU's failure to secure their property and protect students.

    What would all this mean if those two in critical condition were to pass away or have gotten killed on the field? Stupid stupid stupid.
    Do you honestly think it was OSU's responsibility to stop the fans fan running onto the field. You can't stop stupid!

  19. #19

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    ^^I was at The 2000 OU-Neb game and they tore down the goal posts' and people were trampled and pepper sprayed!When you get massive amounts of people rushing onto a field something is bound to happen!

  20. Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    It's quite a drop from the front rows to the playing surface at BPS and I believe most of the injuries resulted from people mis-judging the distance.

  21. #21
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoor82 View Post
    ^^I was at The 2000 OU-Neb game and they tore down the goal posts' and people were trampled and pepper sprayed!When you get massive amounts of people rushing onto a field something is bound to happen!
    That's right. I was there and remember that too...I take back my comment about the bigger programs storming the field...guess there are moron fans of all schools.

  22. #22

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Helmet View Post
    That's right. I was there and remember that too...I take back my comment about the bigger programs storming the field...guess there are moron fans of all schools.
    Coming from the terrible late 90's era teams it was a little more understandable. Still not good, but understandable just as it was for OSU fans in this game. Maybe that is why LSU has twin ground posts that are not as projected as most single goal post mounts. Built study enough to survive a bunch of drunk cajuns.

  23. #23

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field


    Two people were taken by helicopter to Oklahoma City hospitals after suffering injuries, and both are in stable condition. One was a student injured during the postgame celebration, and the other was an adult who had a medical episode early in the second half, Shutt said.

    So one of the more serious injuries wasn't even related to the end of the game celebration.

  24. #24

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUMom View Post

    So one of the more serious injuries wasn't even related to the end of the game celebration.

    The worse hurt guy is doing better, but still in serious condition: http://www.stwnewspress.com/local/x9...math-improving

  25. #25

    Default Re: 13 Injured, 2 Critical After Fans Storm OSU Field

    In this thread, people ignore the injured parties and discuss the comparative value and skill set of college football teams for schools they've never even had an online class at.

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