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Many signs of what I'd consider to be a high-maintenance woman are obvious visually: spectacular outfits, spectacular hairdo, lots of jewelry (jingles when she walks), elaborate shoes. There are also some not-so-visible signs: an hour to fix that hair and/or face, 200 pairs of shoes in the closet, more knick knacks in the home than anyone could ever keep dusted. Behavior signs too: MUST be the center of everyone's attention.
What are some things that yell high-maintenance to you? How much is too much? Of course that's an individual's judgement call. How do you view and respond to hi-maint women?
Personally, I'd like for a woman to care about how she looks. But honestly, I'm a lot more attracted to a woman in clean jeans and a T-shirt than a designer dress. Of course she needs to dress appropriately for the situation. I noticed today while running a few errands, I'm a lot more accomodating to a struggling single mom trying to take care of her kids than I'll ever be to some spoiled and pampered super-model. I kinda get a kick out of it when I can let a door go in their face instead of holding it for them. Oh, and I won't stop my truck to let them go in traffic either. Let'em get their brown-nosing somewhere else....for some fool who hasn't yet figured out why his wallet is empty. I'll save my pampering for a woman who deserves pampering....and appreciates it. She's gonna be very happy, I'm sure.