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Thread: Sarah Libby

  1. Default Sarah Libby

    I got a note on my Facebook page that Sarah Libby is leaving KOCO Friday, and has accepted a job with Chesapeake. She will be missed, but I wish her the best with her new job.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Interesting move...Guess the non stop 100+ degree sunny days bored her enough to move

  3. Default Re: Sarah Libby

    I'm really sad that we lost her at KOCO. Every one of us love her dearly. I hope she will continue to visit us on the Live Wire regularly. Good luck, Sarah Libby, may life bring you the best.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Chesapeake? Is she going to be a weather consultant or is she leaving the meteorology field?

  5. Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Weird, eh? For a Meteorologist. :-/

    Ahh, just a career change. I wonder what she will be doing there?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Is Sara Celi taking her spot,or is Sara going to Fox to be another Blonde in the Blonde factory?

  7. Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Here is what she said on Facebook.

    Sarah Libby
    Hello my friends! I will be announcing my departure from Channel 5 tomorrow on the air. I just felt like my Facebook friends should know before that. I have accepted a job here in OKC at Chesapeake Energy as an Engineer Tech. I am very excited about this new opportunity and new path in my life. Although I may not have time to do weather updates everyday, I will prob still talk about bigger events from time to time. My last day is Friday.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    i won't be surprise if they move Damon to weekday mornings and bring back Steve to do the weekend Mornings

  9. Default Re: Sarah Libby

    I'm going to miss her deeply. :-(

    My heart breaks, because she is a major part of the KOCO Live Wire family. The hours we all spent together chatting about everything. The nights she spent at the station overnight socializing with us when LW would be online. She is one great woman in this great state of Oklahoma.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    @Thunder Damon was doing it as much as Sarah

  11. Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Quote Originally Posted by Tydude View Post
    @Thunder Damon was doing it as much as Sarah
    Yes, Damon is such a sweet guy. He has done so much for us. Hopefully he will be with us for many years to come.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    today they announced that Sarah is leaving and the had some surprise such as Card and Coffee gift card at the 5:00 hour and then 6:00 hour they surprise her buy getting her parents to join them on the news and then right before 7:00 they have her a KOCO umbrella with everyone sign it and cup cakes. Today was the last day for the attire morning crew there

  13. #13

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    i herd that Damon is moving to Weekday mornings

  14. #14

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    today was Sarah Libby last day on the air. We will miss her on KOCO 5 best of luck to her at Chesepake

  15. Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Didn't care for her. She was a weak link in their severe weather coverage from my position. There are some very strong female TV mets out there, she isn't one. Steve Carono (spelling?) is also a very weak link and hopefully he just goes away completely. They would do better poaching some talent out of the smaller markets in the Great Plains to improve their product.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    The exodus from Channel 5 continues. I thought I remember seeing that Sarah Libby also had a degree in accounting. Wonder if she is staying here or heading back to Texas?

  17. #17

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    she is staying here and work for Chesapeake

  18. #18

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Quote Originally Posted by Brett View Post
    The exodus from Channel 5 continues.
    People leaving a station can be a good thing...or a bad thing. Yes, folks are leaving, but it's sometimes because their association with a program got them a much better job. Kinda like OU assistant coaches getting head coaching jobs elsewhere. Ch. 5 is the rising station in this market. It shouldn't be surprising that other employers might seek to tap Ch. 5's resources. Once upon a time, I was part of a similar "exodus". People wanted to paint it as folks jumping ship, when in reality, we all just got better jobs. Success breeds added opportunities. That's just a fact.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Probably also tired of waking up at 3AM

  20. Default Re: Sarah Libby

    They were quick to gather together for a photograph to update their weather blog.

    No more Sarah Libby. What is disappointing is that she didn't even make a farewell post. I don't know if she will still be able to have access to give her thoughts on the weather once in a while.

  21. Default Re: Sarah Libby

    She said she would on Facebook from time to time.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Thunder she doesn't work for KOCO 5 anymore so that is why she can't write in the weather blog

  23. Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    They were quick to gather together for a photograph to update their weather blog.

    No more Sarah Libby. What is disappointing is that she didn't even make a farewell post. I don't know if she will still be able to have access to give her thoughts on the weather once in a while.
    1) They didn't gather together for a photograph. Those are individual stock images that are just overlaid in Photoshop.

    2) Like Tyler said, she isn't going to post on a KOCO blog when she doesn't work there anymore. Well I guess she could in the comments section, but it would probably be strongly discouraged.

  24. Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Venture, there has been posts by some known people on the weather blog that didn't work for KOCO. Also another example, this guy at KFOR (forgot his name) posted for a short while on the weather blog for KFOR that he started after he left the station before KFOR decided to delete it all together. Just saying, it is possible, just hoping to see her chime in sometime.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Sarah Libby

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Didn't care for her. She was a weak link in their severe weather coverage from my position. There are some very strong female TV mets out there, she isn't one. Steve Carono (spelling?) is also a very weak link and hopefully he just goes away completely. They would do better poaching some talent out of the smaller markets in the Great Plains to improve their product.

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