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Thread: Clark Building

  1. #1

    Deep Deuce Clark Building

    |category1=Deep Deuce
    |category3=Office Buildings
    |address=16 NE 2nd
    |cost=$2 Million
    |sq. feet=
    Information & Latest News

    9/9/14: http://www.okctalk.com/content/43-ca...5-million.html
    Private residence on levels 2-3; 6,500 square feet of office/retail on level 1; basement is private garage and possibly an apartment later
    11/22/13: Building permit issued for 2,414 sf dental office

    County Assessor Record

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Level Urban Apartments

    Residential with room for retail/commercial and perhaps other living spaces for occupants. I was told there's a swimming pool up on the roof, but cannot say for sure. My husband met the owners but I never have. They've certainly taken their sweet time with it, but I think they're getting closer to completion.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Level Urban Apartments

    Here is a better look at that building. Sure looks like a pool going in on the south end of the roof:

  4. #4

    Default 16 N.E. 2nd in Deep Deuce

    This came up when discussing Level and thought it deserved it's own thread.


    From a 5/14/2008 article:

    Apartment building's conversion advances
    Daily Oklahoman

    Work is proceeding, though slower than expected, on renovation of an old two-story apartment building at 16 NE 2 into a home for an Edmond couple.
    Larry and Regina Waters had hoped to start construction last summer but were delayed by reconstruction of NE 2 and structural designs.

    "The shop drawings for the steel are in process,” said Bill Gumerson, whose firm is providing both design and construction on the project.

    "We anticipate the steel will be ordered in the next two to four weeks and then the real work begins.”

    The $2 million renovation plans include the addition of a 1,500-square-foot penthouse on the roof with glass doors that when open will create a 20-foot-wide expanse onto the surrounding gardens and pool area.

  5. #5

    Default Re: 16 N.E. 2nd in Deep Deuce

    ^^Holy Crap, that's a house?Geez, they must have some serious scratch but I'm glad they chose a very nice design and remodel!

  6. #6

    Default Re: 16 N.E. 2nd in Deep Deuce

    Wonder what the asking price is for the little white house next to it.

  7. #7

    Default Re: 16 N.E. 2nd in Deep Deuce

    I believe the plan for this building is for the owners to occupy the penthouse and lease the other two floors for office, residential or retail. Each of the first two floors is about 6,000 square feet. The same people also own the lot directly to the west.

    As for that little house on the east side (22 NE 2nd), it's a pay parking lot and has been owned by the same family since 1911.

  8. #8

    Default Re: 16 N.E. 2nd in Deep Deuce

    Well that make alot more sense now,I thought they were going to occupy the entire building.Family owned parking lot thats 100 years old,can you say Longevity!

  9. Default Re: 16 N.E. 2nd in Deep Deuce

    No, but can say, "needs to go" lol.

    The Waters have done superb work on the Clark Building. It was in pretty bad shape, and this just goes to show how these old ragged buildings can become showcase spaces if given proper attention.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    I like the bottom and I like the top, but not so much together as one...but to each their own and it is their money not mine!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    From today:

  12. #12

    Default Re: Level Urban Apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Residential with room for retail/commercial and perhaps other living spaces for occupants. I was told there's a swimming pool up on the roof, but cannot say for sure. My husband met the owners but I never have. They've certainly taken their sweet time with it, but I think they're getting closer to completion.
    It looks like a whopper of a pool. Probably fiberglass insert coming. Interestingly enough, a huge fiberglass pool went in at Randy Floyd's new project in SOSA on 7th street.

    I'm not sure if pool building downtown is an economic indicator, but it feels like one. lol

  13. #13

    Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    Anyone know if they are ever going to tear down those old wood rail road tracks?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    Here's what I think is the coolest thing about this project:

    I've been watching all these building projects in Deep Deuce, Midtown and Downtown with excitement because of what it says about our community. But I have also, somewhere in my mind, thought that there was a finite number of developers with money willing to work in the area, and, as we see many of the same names time and again, I thought I had an idea of who all the players are. To see a project seemingly cone "put of nowhere" (I know it's not really out of nowhere but it wasn't on my radar screen) suggests to me that there exists in OKC a larger community of people with money and interest that don't always register in the public conciousness. Makes me hopeful that, even with all the good news we're watching, there may be others under the radar that can emerge and push development forward faster than I originally thought. Are there other, smaller, groups that may be preparing ideas that will surprise us all? It's certainly a possibility and not one I had really thought of. What's the next "surprising" project that may crop up?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    "cone put of nowhere?" Geez, I should really proofread before I post. I do know how to spell!

  16. Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    Hey stl. At the bottom right-hand corner of your posts, there should be an "Edit Post" button. Simply click that, and it allows you to edit your reply, post-submission. I use it often, as I tend to write furiously, post, and then re-edit after reading. It's a terrible habit. ;P

  17. #17

    Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    Thanks Architect! I don't see the "edit" button but it could be because I'm using an Iphone. I'll look for it next time!

  18. #18

    Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    Now I see it. D'uh. I'll keep it in mind. Won't hijack this further!

  19. Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    Quote Originally Posted by stlokc View Post
    Here's what I think is the coolest thing about this project:

    I've been watching all these building projects in Deep Deuce, Midtown and Downtown with excitement because of what it says about our community. But I have also, somewhere in my mind, thought that there was a finite number of developers with money willing to work in the area, and, as we see many of the same names time and again, I thought I had an idea of who all the players are. To see a project seemingly cone "put of nowhere" (I know it's not really out of nowhere but it wasn't on my radar screen) suggests to me that there exists in OKC a larger community of people with money and interest that don't always register in the public conciousness. Makes me hopeful that, even with all the good news we're watching, there may be others under the radar that can emerge and push development forward faster than I originally thought. Are there other, smaller, groups that may be preparing ideas that will surprise us all? It's certainly a possibility and not one I had really thought of. What's the next "surprising" project that may crop up?
    I love what you're saying.
    And here's what is great about it - not only are you absolutely right, but there are some wonderful things being planned by people you've never heard of.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    The project at 18th and Classen is another example and there are plenty more.

    This is an interesting topic that we should explore further, especially because it seems almost all the recent development is from a diverse group of locals.

  21. Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUMom View Post
    Anyone know if they are ever going to tear down those old wood rail road tracks?
    Wow! Let's hope not! One of the few great links to our past left down there...

    Are they harming someone by continuing to exist?

  22. #22

    Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Wow! Let's hope not! One of the few great links to our past left down there...

    Are they harming someone by continuing to exist?
    No they just look hideous and the parking lot too!

  23. Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    Well tracks like that can serve as a liability for the property owner. Some random schmo walks down the tracks and falls and gets hurt or even falls off the thing and the first thing they do is sue the property owner. Not to mention the fact it gives someone a clear pass to walk right across your yard and over your fence unabated.

    I'm not sure that tracks really have historic value though. It would have been a freight line...it's not like history was made. OKC isn't Promintory, UT after all.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUMom View Post
    Anyone know if they are ever going to tear down those old wood rail road tracks?
    No we are not going to tear down those old wood tracks. Those tracks are in better shape than than they look by the way. I have had to walk up them many a time.

  25. Default Re: Clark Building: 16 N.E. 2nd

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    From today:

    Wow! That's damned exciting. And, Steve, I love what you said ...

    I love what you're saying.
    And here's what is great about it - not only are you absolutely right, but there are some wonderful things being planned by people you've never heard of.

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