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Here's what I think is the coolest thing about this project:
I've been watching all these building projects in Deep Deuce, Midtown and Downtown with excitement because of what it says about our community. But I have also, somewhere in my mind, thought that there was a finite number of developers with money willing to work in the area, and, as we see many of the same names time and again, I thought I had an idea of who all the players are. To see a project seemingly cone "put of nowhere" (I know it's not really out of nowhere but it wasn't on my radar screen) suggests to me that there exists in OKC a larger community of people with money and interest that don't always register in the public conciousness. Makes me hopeful that, even with all the good news we're watching, there may be others under the radar that can emerge and push development forward faster than I originally thought. Are there other, smaller, groups that may be preparing ideas that will surprise us all? It's certainly a possibility and not one I had really thought of. What's the next "surprising" project that may crop up?