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Thread: Fracking Disaster in Pennsylvania due to Chesapeake Blowout

  1. #1

    Default Fracking Disaster in Pennsylvania due to Chesapeake Blowout

    Haven't heard a peep about this in our local media. Shocker. Fracking is probably not as wonderful as Kommissar Mclendon has been telling us.


    CANTON, Pa. (AP) — Operators have lost control of a natural gas well in rural northern Pennsylvania, leading to a spill of fluids used in the drilling process.
    Bradford County emergency officials say thousands of gallons of tainted water have spilled from a Chesapeake Energy Corp. well site near Canton since early Wednesday.
    Francis Roupp is deputy director of the county emergency management agency. He tells The Associated Press there were no injuries, explosion or fire.
    He says fluids have reached a small stream but "no adverse effects" have been reported. He says a cracked well casing is suspected.
    Chesapeake spokesman Rory Sweeney says the company is preparing a statement.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Fracking Disaster in Pennsylvania due to Chesapeake Blowout

    Mistakes happen. At least no one was killed and the tainted water isn't causing any major problems..

  3. #3

    Default Re: Fracking Disaster in Pennsylvania due to Chesapeake Blowout

    I saw this item getting picked up by the internet media. frackin is under the microscope lately so this is a black eye for the industry

  4. #4

    Default Re: Fracking Disaster in Pennsylvania due to Chesapeake Blowout

    EPA - Hydraulic Fracturing
    "...natural gas plays a key role in our nation’s clean energy future and the process known as hydraulic fracturing (HF) is one way of accessing that vital resource. HF is used by gas producers to stimulate wells and recover natural gas from sources such as coalbeds and shale gas formations. HF is also used for other applications including oil recovery. Over the past few years, several key technical, economic, and energy policy developments have spurred increased use of HF for gas extraction over a wider diversity of geographic regions and geologic formations. It is projected that shale gas will comprise over 20% of the total US gas supply by 2020 PDF (230pp, 2M, About PDF). Along with the expansion of HF, there has been increasing concerns about its potential impacts on drinking water resources, public health, and environmental impacts in the vicinity of these facilities..."

    Chesapeake Energy hydraulic fracturing method

  5. #5

    Default Re: Fracking Disaster in Pennsylvania due to Chesapeake Blowout

    How many industrial spills occured in the U.S. yesterday? This is one which involves CHK and fracking. You don't like either. We get that.

  6. #6
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Fracking Disaster in Pennsylvania due to Chesapeake Blowout

    Disaster seems like a strong word for this event.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Fracking Disaster in Pennsylvania due to Chesapeake Blowout

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    Disaster seems like a strong word for this event.
    I agree.

    Over one million frac jobs have occurred in the USA since 1949 with almost no problems.
    A big deal is being made out this and any other similar events for reasons that I won’t discuss on this thread.
    For a different type of fracking check out GASFRAC ENERGY SVCS (GSFVF.PK) They don’t use any water

  8. #8

    Default Re: Fracking Disaster in Pennsylvania due to Chesapeake Blowout

    Haven't heard a peep about this in our local media.
    While our local media, like many local news outlets like to claim you can get all your news from them, generally they do hardly any reporting/investigating outside of their area, then pull non local events strait off the AP press and anything non sports/weather/elections can be a bit spotty. Chesapeake spills an amount of polluted water roughly equal to what some water an average suburban home's lawn over the summer in the middle of nowhere is hardly something to get excited about (though this assumes the pollutants are not being near a river transporting it to somewhere), not that they have not tried to make stories out of less. This is part of why I think they are having problems with bloggers now. While many will only copy stories or include unverified items as facts; their are occasions where a good one will cover things that never would even make the traditional radar, have much deeper, more frequent, better coverage, often sooner than print/television or even specialize in that subject so know it much better than an someone in traditional media who hardly knows the topic finding & covering it.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Fracking Disaster in Pennsylvania due to Chesapeake Blowout

    Here is a local news story about the blowout. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqMUY9gdRSQ

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