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Thread: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

  1. #1

    Default O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    December 31, 2010

    O’Connell’s, Pad Thai to close soon for OU housing
    By Andrew Knittle
    The Norman Transcript The Norman Transcript Fri Dec 31, 2010, 01:34 AM CST

    NORMAN — O’Connell’s Irish Pub and Grille and Pad Thai, at the corner of Lindsey Street and Jenkins Avenue, will soon close to make room for more student housing at the University of Oklahoma.
    O’Connell’s will close Jan. 21, 2011, while Pad Thai will shut down for good Jan. 10, 2011. Both restaurants have other locations in Norman that will remain open.

    The two well-known eateries are the last of several businesses still open at the corner strip mall.

    Subway, Campus Market, Sooner Shop and the old OU IT store have already shuttered and moved on.

    According to OU President David Boren, who discussed the situation at a recent Board of Regents meeting, the university is planning to build a mix of student housing, retail space and possibly condos for out-of-town alumni who frequently return to Norman to catch football and basketball games.

    “That’s becoming really popular at a lot of universities,” Boren said of the idea of providing condos for alumni. “We’re testing the market for that right now.”

    The university hasn’t set a demolition date and still needs to raise about $40 million through private donations, he said. The rest of the money needed — about $50 million — will come from OU Athletic Department and housing bond dollars.

    Boren said the project will take about 18 months to complete, but is still about three years out, in any case.

    O’Connell’s to go out with bang

    To mark the closing of its Lindsey Street location, O’Connell’s will host a 21-day celebration with a “Throw Back to 1968” theme, according to its owner.

    Festivities will include daily specials, community events and activities — all leading up to the final closing party Jan. 21.

    Jeff Stewart, owner of O’Connell’s since 1979, said he feels like now is the right time to close the original location.

    “Since OU purchased our building in 2007, we have been working closely with the university to transition the O’Connell’s tradition to our new location,” Stewart said. “Over the past 42 years, our Lindsey O’Connell’s has been a proud part of Sooner game-day outings, Friday night gatherings and, of course, St. Patrick’s Day celebrations for thousands of OU alumni and Norman residents.”


  2. #2

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    I hope they build nice condos because this would be a great location for your retirement.

  3. #3

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    I wish they could have delayed for one more St Patty's Day

  4. #4

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Anyone remember the Squeeze Inn bar on the same corner?

  5. #5

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Was that the place down in the basement?

  6. #6

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Tritone View Post
    Was that the place down in the basement?
    That was the CELLAR for awhile. Also remember the original Norman Hideaway on that corner.

  7. #7

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Pad Thai is closing this Friday...I went tonight and they have a sign up...

  8. #8

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    I also recall Munchies Sandwiches there in the 70's and 80's. They even delivered to the dorms.

  9. #9

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Strange they are running everyone out of there if there are no plans for at least three years.

    At any rate, I know the university needs that land to expand and I'm sure whatever they build there will be more pleasing to the eye.

  10. #10

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    There are rumors that this area will be turned into a temporary parking lot until OU receives enough donations to build the project.
    But OU needs major donors to step up and help.
    Donations to fund major athletic projects seem to be much harder to come by in recent years.
    I have heard all kinds of reasons why this is so.

  11. #11

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Everything changes now and again. I spent a lot of time in several of the establishments on this corner during school, and long after school was completed as our operations were in nearby space which we leased from OU. I'm sad at the loss of the locations. But I get to keep some of the many, many memories, and that's not so bad.

  12. #12

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    our operations were in nearby space which we leased from OU.
    Don't miss the water standing on the sidewalk out front when trying to get to the office after it rained though.

  13. #13

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    I think they money they have already from the Athletic Department is going to build the new dorms for athletes. I'm pretty sure this project is going to start pretty quickly. I know people that were bidding on certain parts of the job already. I think the article is kind of misleading, implying that they're tearing these buildings down now and not planning on doing anything. OU bought the properties over 3 years ago. They all just kind of hung around until they actually needed to go. That time is now.

  14. #14

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Don't miss the water standing on the sidewalk out front when trying to get to the office after it rained though.
    Yeah, but seen another way, not every agency in this state had their own private swimmin' holes.

  15. #15

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Dulahey View Post
    I think they money they have already from the Athletic Department is going to build the new dorms for athletes. I'm pretty sure this project is going to start pretty quickly. I know people that were bidding on certain parts of the job already. I think the article is kind of misleading, implying that they're tearing these buildings down now and not planning on doing anything. OU bought the properties over 3 years ago. They all just kind of hung around until they actually needed to go. That time is now.
    The NCAA does not allow "Athlete Only" housing any longer. Athletes can not be more than 50% of the population for a particular building or complex.

  16. #16

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by jstaylor62 View Post
    The NCAA does not allow "Athlete Only" housing any longer. Athletes can not be more than 50% of the population for a particular building or complex.
    This is 100% correct. Some the housing will be reserved for national merit scholars.
    For recruiting proposes,,,,,,,,,,, if OU had the money they would have already been building this project.

  17. #17

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    I have recently read this project is currently estimated to cost $75 million, which is expected to be funded primarily with gifts and contributions

  18. #18

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    As part of this plan, I believe they are going to rework all the dorms and housing facilities on the NE corner of that intersection as well.

  19. #19

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    So, are these dorms for the athletes or all students?

  20. #20

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    So, are these dorms for the athletes or all students?
    Both, I think. They are still the athletic dorms, but they have to have 51% non-athletes there. They have separate food plans and amenities than the "main dorms." Also, there are no athletes at the main dorms--they're all in those athletic dorms or off-campus.

    I can see OU building new athletic dorms on the O'Connells site and then making the site of the current dorms gameday condos, like Loft 401. I think they'll wait and see how succesful Loft 401 is, but I think there will definitely be a market for it--they're big at other big football schools.

  21. #21

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    As part of this plan, I believe they are going to rework all the dorms and housing facilities on the NE corner of that intersection as well.
    Originally I had heard they were going to demolish the old jock domes but that’s been some time ago so plans could have changed.

    The information that OU would spend 75 million comes from this linked article.
    I strongly suggest its reading to anyone who has an affinity for OU. I find the article to be very disturbing.
    Pete Brzycki I would love to hear your comments about OU’s debt and the comments of others.


  22. #22

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    That is an interesting credit report but it's merely a function of government funding being reduced and the resulting tuition hikes keep enrollment down (although I believe enrollment is still near all-time highs, it seems they have found some resistance to the ever-increasing fees).

    It also appears the $.9 billion endowment is not throwing off the returns they had hoped for... Hopefully that will pick up as the economy takes an upward turn.

    It does seem OU has slowed down in it's capital expenditures but good grief, they are way north of a billion in just a decade, so being more cautious with these projects is probably wise.

  23. #23

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    Originally I had heard they were going to demolish the old jock domes but that’s been some time ago so plans could have changed.

    The information that OU would spend 75 million comes from this linked article.
    I strongly suggest its reading to anyone who has an affinity for OU. I find the article to be very disturbing.
    Pete Brzycki I would love to hear your comments about OU’s debt and the comments of others.

    remember that the new athletic dorms will be funded mostly from the AD so this has little bearing on this or any athletic dept project

  24. #24

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    I wonder how similar bonds from other state universities might be rated. That is, I would think many (most?) other state institutions across the country are facing comparable pressures but in varying degrees, eg decreasing funding, flat enrollment due to tuition hikes, etc. I guess the concern in my book would be whether OU was at the worst end of that spectrum, factoring in things like population and relevant economic environment...
    Last edited by SoonerDave; 02-08-2011 at 09:02 AM. Reason: Clarification

  25. #25

    Default Re: O’Connell’s to close-OU to get new housing in 3 years

    The Athletic Department at OU is one of I think 2 schools that does not get money from the school. They have their own budget and work more like a private entity. They get most of their money from branding of OU products, tv contracts, alumni, and tickets.

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