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Thread: School fight uncalled for

  1. #26

    Default Re: School fight uncalled for

    Wow. So you're going to pull that "I'm old, so I'm smarter" crap. Right. You refuse to defend your position because you can't. You should write Wal-Mart and let them know that they could make more money if they paid their workers 40K a year each plus benefits. They might thank you by cutting you a check for a few mill.

    You've shown in this thread that you have a very limited knowledge of modern management theory. You've shown that if you were to run a business, you'd give money away to people that didn't need it for jobs that probably weren't necessary.

    With that kind of thinking, perhaps you could take over when the State Superintendant of Schools gets tired of her job? Those highly paid excessive administrators give such great service you know.

  2. #27
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: School fight uncalled for

    Hey guys, I think you just need to agree to disagree on this topic. Obviously you have opposing views on the topic. mranderson feels that paying employees more leads to better output and service from the worker, whereas Midtowner does not necessarily agree with that platform. That's okay! Let's just not get in a big dispute over it. This started as a discussion over various concepts but has turned into a personal attack between you two. I don't think either one of you is anymore right than the other. mranderson basis his opinion on personal experiences in running a business (his dad's) while Midtowner basis his opinion on book knowledge gained from a management type degree. You just have different opinions on management based on your different experiences. That's okay! This is America and you're entitled to your opinions. But at the same time, you've already stated your opinions, and everything else that's going beyond that is really just pointless. Let's just agree to disagree on the issue and move on.

    I am actually the one that got us off topic here. I mentioned the minimum wage issue as it related to daycares. I thought that the reason we had such poor quality daycare teachers was because daycares payed so little.

    But, let's not lose sight of what the original topic was here. The topic regarded a school fight that started over a chair!

    If you'd like to say more about the school fight, feel free to do that, but going further with the management and wage issue I think would be pointless. Enough has been said. It's obvious what your viewpoints are now. As a result, I'm going to go ahead and close the thread.

    Thanks guys for participating in this discussion.

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