Seriously, we need to definitely give money back to the police department so they can make sure there are 7 cop cars at a routine traffic stop instead of 6
There were cuts there as well from what I read. And perhaps they were deeper than needed. I do not know. I would expect someone connected to those areas, presently or formerly, or someone well versed with their needs, to be their champion. Whether the city actually does, or does not, need more staff in FD or PD, it's really no surprise folks tied to those departments are more focused on those needs.
You're saying that the job of a police officer making $78k a year on avg (including benefits) is more important to the city's mission than the lady who's been the clerk for the water board for 10 years and makes half of that, or whatever.
This has been supported by the City Manager in the Budget Reports and most of the PS funding issues with manpower etc could be SOLVED if the City would stop diverting money from the dedicated 3/4 tax to the General Fund. I can only go back to the 2003-04 budget year (that is as far back as they are posted on the City's site) but since then, the charts in the yearly Budget Reports have clearly diverted (“Police Sales Tax to General Fund” & "Fire Sales Tax to General Fund” ) a total of $132,932,410 (presumably this practice has been going back to when the DEDICATED tax was passed). That's $132.9M in diverted funds (or an average of $18.99M/year)
Go and download the reports yourself if you don't believe me (I do have the pg numbers for each year in a document somewhere, but can't locate it right now). But for example: on page 43 of the 2009-10 Budget Report it states:
Fire Sales Tax to General Fund 10,963,561
Police Sales Tax to General Fund 8,417,092
In a video blurb played in between Council playback, from the 2010-11 Budget, approved 6/15/10
Public Safety Positions
51 uniformed positions cut ($5M "value")
To keep from cutting more than the 51 positions, they used $20M ($10M in "one time money"; $7M from the MAPS 3 Use Tax & $3M from fund balances). Money that may/may not be available in the next budget. But the point is, if they would simply keep the DEDICATED BY LAW funds going to where they are supposed to be going to, there wouldn't be any need to use any of those temporary funding sources. They could have used the Use Tax to save those 51 cut positions (which the campaign promised, we wouldn't have ANY cuts "NO MATTER WHAT" happened with revenue).
Last years diverted amount of $19.9M would easily cover the $5M "value" of the cut positions and covered 75% of the funds from other sources.
I would buy lots of fresco tacos, 2 for everyone in the metro, from Taco Bell then invite Mayor Mick to speak on his endorsed product at a massive block party on the weight loss initiative.
Blair, how would you spend $25 million to improve the quality of life in OKC?
I think giving it back would amount to about $50 per person in the city, and since people in the metropolitan area and from other states and municipalities contribute to sales tax, I'm not sure how we could give it back to all those who paid it. I don't see any way that $50 would improve my life regardless.
I'd much rather see it used to improve quality of life for the city as a whole. Personally, I'm going to go with the streetcar as well, although I like Spartan's idea too. $25 million would give us one extra mile, which could be used to take the streetcar to the Devon and Chesapeake boathouses, to the Health Sciences Center, to the new Central Park or to double track 3.5 miles. After a few days in Chicago, I am again reminded of the value of mass transit.
Don't confuse the issues with FACTS and Reports from the politicians own mouths. It's clouds the issues........
Thanks for the links. Maybe those really hard hitting reporter or civic minded citizens that would like to know where their money is going will ask the same thing in a council meeting some day.......then again I don't think I'll hold my breath.
Did we ever find out, what this $25 million was all about?
Why was this tread started and the question never answered by the original poster?
Answer is on the way.
Thanks, Blair
Blair, can we have an estimated timeline......
Appreciate the thoughts and ideas everyone. I tried to include a few of your ideas more specifically, but ended up losing out to the all mighty word limit. I put a portion of the cut text in quotes just for the OKCTALK brethren. Let me know what you think, and since the money is real, keep the ideas coming... (see below):
MAPS 3.1
Blair Humphreys
September 01, 2010
How would you spend $25 million to improve Oklahoma City’s quality of life?
I have been asking that for more than a month, and I’ve been impressed with the diversity of ideas and thoughtful suggestions proposed by citizens willing spend a little time and imagination to dream up ways to enhance OKC.
Usually, such an exercise is nothing more than that — a game, fodder for civic discussion, a way to keep online chatter, well, chattering. But in this case, the money is very real, or at least could be. If we choose to take a step back and apply some creative thinking and quality design, we very well could have $25 million to spend on another project (or projects) in an effort to enhance OKC’s quality of life. Think of it as MAPS 3.1!Some of the most popular suggestions were somewhat expected, with public transit, economic development and beautification leading the way. A few commented that the money should be given to taxpayers (apparently hosting tea-parties is getting expensive!) and the summer heat no doubt affected the thinking of someone calling for free admission to White Water Bay! A few of the more intriguing options included funding the completion of the Landrun Monument on the canal, and a push for a “world-class” aquarium. Most of the ideas discussed were quite good – thought through, well presented, and evenly debated.
Click here to read more on how to get $25 million for MAPS 3.1
Via another thread, there are seveal examples of disguising power sub-stations that cost no where near $30 million.
Strengthen our individually diverse communities:
I would put $25 million in a fund and award twenty-five $1 million dollar grants for communties/neighborhoods to come up with tangible ideas to improve their individual communities.
Good call Kerry. Meant to post these. Here are a few that I have come across:
Dal Grauer Substation
Portland Solar/Wind Array
NCYRR Substation
Electric Substation Chelsea, NY
ESB Substation Mural
Light Wall
Mosaic Mural Wall
Here are a few more.
San Francisco
Saratoga Springs, NY
Okay, let's say the new CC doesn't get built south of the Ford Center and therefore the substation $30 million is not necessary.
It is my understanding that the other proposed locations (lumber yard, co-op plant, and north bricktown) all come with higher price tags for land acquisition,(may be wrong about north bricktown though). The $30 million may be needed for these higher costs.
Does anyone know the 4 land price comparisons?
okclee: They plan on spending/moving the substation no matter where the C.C. is located (just because of the proximity to the Park if nothing else). The Mayor said something to the effect that it just made sense to lump the $30M in with the C.C. budget rather than a 9th project item.
Sorry, but if memory serves, Steve has said that there has not been any vote by the Council on spending $30M for the relocation of the substation (to date). So, I think at this point it is just the Mayor/City Manager. Seems like I recall in the meeting where Spartan spoke, that the City Manager addressed a question from the Council, that the substation needed to be moved no matter where the C.C. ended up (again, because of the prox. to the Park). Hope that helps...
I'm liking some of the deisgns in this thread, and the balance of that 30 mil going to something else, and the gotta relocate crowd just getting over it. Talk about some political hey to be made, there be some room there for someone to lead the way down a different path.
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