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Thread: First day (?) of School?

  1. #1

    Default First day (?) of School?

    What memories linger dealing with the first day or so of school?

    Mine is how clean everything smelled. Halls, locker,........

    I still love the smell of new textbooks. Some people love that new car smell...

    Give me that new book smell.................

  2. #2

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    oh i agree there is nothing like the smell of a brand new book

  3. Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    Being helluva nervous and uneasy during the first few days.

  4. #4

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    The Capitol Hill Beacon
    August 26, 1954:

    Capitol Hill schools expect 20,000 students, a third of the City's enrollment. The number of teachers and enrollment is given for 33 south-side schools. Teachers are listed for each school. Teachers at Crooked Oak are listed.

  5. #5

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    Quote Originally Posted by nik4411 View Post
    oh i agree there is nothing like the smell of a brand new book
    New tires is another awesome smell.... then again I am gearhead.

  6. #6

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    Memories:....have any of your first day of school (any school year)?....I remember getting to have the same teacher in the third grade that I had in the second...Only thing is she didn't wait for me, she went off and got married......still have a crush on her.....Mrs. Meeks are you out there?????

  7. #7

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Memories:....have any of your first day of school (any school year)?....I remember getting to have the same teacher in the third grade that I had in the second...Only thing is she didn't wait for me, she went off and got married......still have a crush on her.....Mrs. Meeks are you out there?????
    That happened to me as well. Of course she was a nun.

  8. #8
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    I always liked getting brand new book covers...a clean palette for my doodling pleasure.

  9. #9

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    You know, this is the first full week of school....My wife has taught school for over 40 years and she retired this year.....Bless her heart....but, she almost cried on Thursday when school started. first time since she was in Kindergarten that she wasn't in school on opening day....sheesh, she went down and signed up to be a substitute.....oh well...

  10. #10

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    You know, this is the first full week of school....My wife has taught school for over 40 years and she retired this year.....Bless her heart....but, she almost cried on Thursday when school started. first time since she was in Kindergarten that she wasn't in school on opening day....sheesh, she went down and signed up to be a substitute.....oh well...
    I thought she cried every time you have found your way back home.

  11. #11

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    What memories linger dealing with the first day or so of school?

    Mine is how clean everything smelled. Halls, locker,........

    I still love the smell of new textbooks. Some people love that new car smell...

    Give me that new book smell.................
    I remember how school started after Labor Day and was over before Memorial Day.

    As for smells...pencil shavings!

  12. #12

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    How about all the girls, cafeteria, classrooms, etc...... smelled as if a couple of Avon trucks had hit each other head on, spilling cargo miles around?

  13. #13

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    The freshly waxed floors! Talk about a "clean" smell! Everything looked "fresh," and the promise of a "new beginning" for everything.

    When I taught, it was always going in the week before and prepping my room, putting up posters [before such things were deemed "fire hazards"--on concrete walls, no less!], doing bulletin boards, and generally making my room look as nice as possible...then the anticipation of seeing all the students--most of whom were "new" to me. I always dressed to the nines on the first day of school because I wanted my students to think their experience in "my" class was going to be exciting, special, worthwhile, and something to look forward to each day.

  14. #14

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    first true Grade School (other than 2 weeks in Dickson, Okla) was John Adams.....Remember the wife that signed up for substitute?? well, she subbing at John Adams for a while.....She told me she did know if she knew anyone that ever went there....I did and so did Gayla Peavey. She (Gayla) got a Hippopotamus for Christmas and I got a B-B gun....

  15. #15

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    Here's a good one the older folks will remember...Anyone out there remember being a Junior Police?....Does anyone have an old Jr. Police Badge? or the pieve of webbing that you had to wear?....The Jr. Police had numerous jobs that were so important for the school...going a getting the teacher a cup of Coffee. Breaking up fights (or getting in them) and you know making sure everything ran smoothly....Any stories????

  16. #16

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Here's a good one the older folks will remember...Anyone out there remember being a Junior Police?....Does anyone have an old Jr. Police Badge? or the pieve of webbing that you had to wear?....The Jr. Police had numerous jobs that were so important for the school...going a getting the teacher a cup of Coffee. Breaking up fights (or getting in them) and you know making sure everything ran smoothly....Any stories????
    And we also were crossing guards. My badge was taken away from me. Ditched school to watch the Cubs and White Sox play at All Sports.

  17. #17

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    And we also were crossing guards. My badge was taken away from me. Ditched school to watch the Cubs and White Sox play at All Sports.
    I was a captain with the Brown thing that you wore.....I would like to have one of those old Junior Police straps and badge. As well as an oklahoman paper bag....

  18. #18

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    I was a captain with the Brown thing that you wore.....I would like to have one of those old Junior Police straps and badge. As well as an oklahoman paper bag....
    I was a Lieutenant in the Junior Police, that was a blue shoulder belt. I remember that Captains got a gold shoulder belt. And give me an Oklahoma Journal bag... carrier for 2 years, 65-66.

  19. #19

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    I will bring my junior police group picture to the next Coit's meeting if I don't forget.

  20. #20

    Default Re: First day (?) of School?

    Haha I rememeber always wondering if everyone was going to look the same after a long (at the time it felt long) summer vacation.

    I also remembering that I prayed the school food would taste better with a new year! no such luck

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