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Thread: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

  1. #1

    Default Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Why?:....Why not?......Being Stupid
    How?:..........won some, lost some...........I was in the high school band..........Loved it.....however.....you got called a few names and you HAD to defend yourself and your reputation......All you "Jocks" out there...while you were on the field playing your sport.....did you ever wonder who your girlfriend was with??????Hmmmm

  3. #3

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    When I was in the 4th grade, I got in a fight with a kid from the Boys Club cause I blew a fart whistle in his face--twice. He headlocked me, I got a punch in, and then it was broken up. That's my only fight ever...

  4. Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Got I.S.S. both at PC Jr High and PCHS for fighting in the 80's.

  5. #5
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    I was involved in only a couple of fights in school. One between myself and some guy who just didn't like me for reasons I can't recall. I was getting the better of him when my friend warned me that the campus police were coming and we broke it up before they got there. Only one more between myself and one of the offensive linemen on the football team (lucky me, I was about to get squished). Other than those two incidents, I was pretty laid back in school and nobody messes with you once its known that you will fight back.

    Saw a few fights, but they were usually short-lived shoving matches or turned into wrestling matches before they were broken up.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Got I.S.S. both at PC Jr High and PCHS for fighting in the 80's.
    I probably was instrumental in getting you sent there!! (I taught at PC Jr. High in the late 80's) <vbg>

  7. Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I probably was instrumental in getting you sent there!! (I taught at PC Jr. High in the late 80's) <vbg>
    I remember one of the 2-3 times I was in I.S.S. at PC Jr. High was when the space shuttle exploded. I can remember the shock from the office staff (since I was in a room next door). My favorite teachers were Wade, Naraho (sp) and Masapust (sp).

  8. #8

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I remember one of the 2-3 times I was in I.S.S. at PC Jr. High was when the space shuttle exploded. I can remember the shock from the office staff (since I was in a room next door). My favorite teachers were Wade, Naraho (sp) and Masapust (sp).
    Masapaust? I think that is terrific. A lot of people didn't care for her because she was old school. Were you there when she busted the "drug dealer" and slammed him up against his locker when she spotted him selling pills? Turned out to be tic tacs and it was quite the deal.

    I was still in college when the space shuttle exploded. That was a fun place to work.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    First-Sacred Heart School, second grade. A guy and I got into an argument during football practice. Decided to meet on the same field after practice to settle things. We danced around in a circle quite a bit rolling our fists one over the other. Suddenly, someone grabbed my arms and pulled them behind me. Tony then punched me in the face and the person released me. Someone then grabbed Tony's arms and pulled them behind him. I punched the kid in face. Soon everyone decided that it was getting too late in the evening, so we all broke up and headed home. Tony and I have been lifelong friends and his little sis and mine were best friends for their entire school days.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    I remember witnessing a great fight when I was in junior high at Highland West in Moore. 2 guys from my English class got into an argument, guy #1 turned around in his seat & punched guy #2 square in the mouth while the teacher wasn't looking. Surprisingly, no one said anything and guy #2 didn't react... until after class. The bell rang, everyone poured into the hallway & guy #2 grabbed guy #1, swung him around and spit blood in his face before giving him one hell of an ass kicking. Apparently when guy #1 punched him it busted his lip... guy #2 just sucked all that blood into his mouth & waited. Was both gross and awesome lol.

    As for myself, when I was a freshman I lost my temper with a guy that was giving me & some friends a hard time. Slammed him up against the wall in the cafeteria and started choking him, then gave him a knee to the softer bits before letting go and walking away. Funny, no one tried to stop us and I didn't get in trouble. He didn't make a fuss either, guess he was shocked and embarrassed that a girl had just made him cry lol.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    A fight where I made the wrong choice was at CHJH in about 67. Had a fight with a friend during woodshop. Mr Musselman(I think) took us out in the hall and gave us a choice. Two swats form him or a trip to see Bowman-VP. Thought the swats made more sense. Wrong! Couldn't sit for quite a while. Never acted up in woodshop again.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    As far as watching, almost any given day at CHJH the word was spread that there was a fight afterschool. The ring was the alley to the south of school that was behind the funeral home parking lot. AT CHHS, they didn't occur quite as frequently at school on the grounds but usually somewhere else with generals or spartans,etc.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by MsDarkstar View Post
    I remember witnessing a great fight when I was in junior high at Highland West in Moore. 2 guys from my English class got into an argument, guy #1 turned around in his seat & punched guy #2 square in the mouth while the teacher wasn't looking. Surprisingly, no one said anything and guy #2 didn't react... until after class. The bell rang, everyone poured into the hallway & guy #2 grabbed guy #1, swung him around and spit blood in his face before giving him one hell of an ass kicking. Apparently when guy #1 punched him it busted his lip... guy #2 just sucked all that blood into his mouth & waited. Was both gross and awesome lol.

    As for myself, when I was a freshman I lost my temper with a guy that was giving me & some friends a hard time. Slammed him up against the wall in the cafeteria and started choking him, then gave him a knee to the softer bits before letting go and

    walking away. Funny, no one tried to stop us and I didn't get in trouble. He didn't
    make a fuss either, guess he was shocked and embarrassed that a girl had just made
    him cry lol.
    Now if you spit saliva much less blood, you could go to jail!

  14. #14

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by osu cowboy View Post
    A fight where I made the wrong choice was at CHJH in about 67. Had a fight with a friend during woodshop. Mr Musselman(I think) took us out in the hall and gave us a choice. Two swats form him or a trip to see Bowman-VP. Thought the swats made more sense. Wrong! Couldn't sit for quite a while. Never acted up in woodshop again.
    Remember metal work, mechanical drawing teacher Astafan? After he called row, another guy and I had to go up front and get one swat each. His reasoning, we would not get "away" with anything.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by osu cowboy View Post
    As far as watching, almost any given day at CHJH the word was spread that there was a fight afterschool. The ring was the alley to the south of school that was behind the funeral home parking lot. AT CHHS, they didn't occur quite as frequently at school on the grounds but usually somewhere else with generals or spartans,etc.
    Another place was the alley behind Sheen's Drug. A few times it did not make it to the alley.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    You go girl....That's exactly what your mama would have done....I hope you know I'm rteasing you....Tell Mom HI.....also hello from Carltonskeeper...

  17. #17

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    I was an unwilling participant in 4 pretty good size brawls.

    A. Outside National Guard Armory on 44th west of Penn. CHHS, Grant, and S.E. mixing it up.
    B. CHJH, racial. A white bully mouthed off to the blacks in the lunch room and everything spilled outside. Probably about 30 persons involved. Some carrying silverware from the lunch room.
    C. Springlake, racial. April, 1971. That was a real riot. I don't think I have ever been so scared or frightened before or since. One of the persons I was with was stabbed in the arm and it looked worse than it was.
    D. CHHS, racial. 1970-1973. Anything could happen at any time and it often did. Ranged from a couple of people to one mob against another. These were incidents where people were really trying to hurt you. Bricks, stones, knives, saw a jack handle at one time. School was placed on lock down several times.

    Not fond memories, but ones that you will never forget.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    I was an unwilling participant in 4 pretty good size brawls.

    A. Outside National Guard Armory on 44th west of Penn. CHHS, Grant, and S.E. mixing it up.
    B. CHJH, racial. A white bully mouthed off to the blacks in the lunch room and everything spilled outside. Probably about 30 persons involved. Some carrying silverware from the lunch room.
    C. Springlake, racial. April, 1971. That was a real riot. I don't think I have ever been so scared or frightened before or since. One of the persons I was with was stabbed in the arm and it looked worse than it was.
    D. CHHS, racial. 1970-1973. Anything could happen at any time and it often did. Ranged from a couple of people to one mob against another. These were incidents where people were really trying to hurt you. Bricks, stones, knives, saw a jack handle at one time. School was placed on lock down several times.

    Not fond memories, but ones that you will never forget.
    D- although I had graduated there was a big one at the Hill in 73 I think, wasn't that the bus incident that started at SE and moved to the Hill? A friend said 73 was a dark year. Our fights with generals and spartans were fist fights and we even occasionally shook hands after it was over. Very occasionally. Spot had a few altercations.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by osu cowboy View Post
    D- although I had graduated there was a big one at the Hill in 73 I think, wasn't that the bus incident that started at SE and moved to the Hill? A friend said 73 was a dark year. Our fights with generals and spartans were fist fights and we even occasionally shook hands after it was over. Very occasionally. Spot had a few altercations.
    I know people who were there in 1973 and they said it was the worst year. School lock-downs, weapons (know one guy that took a rifle. kept it in his pickup and luckily never had to use it.), and it was a case of gangs of one color jumping on INDIVIDUALS (cowards both ways). I know of some instances where groups were in the restroom (both sexes did this) with two or three persons outside in the hall. If an individual passed they would be grabbed and hauled into the restroom and given a real beating.
    I was working near Douglass High School that year and these racial fights were everywhere. If you went to CHHS and got bussed, you went to Douglas. I carried cans of starting fluid in the cab of the truck with me since I would often get stuck by a light on Eastern or N.E. 10th.
    Paseo Street did not escape either. That was a big disappointment.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Believe it or not, we had some pretty good fights on the north side too. My neighborhood (near NW 63rd & Western) was pretty rough. True: Many of the guys I grew up with are either dead or have spent time in prison. I had a fight in 4th grade with a kid named Dale at Bible School at the local Baptist Church. No kidding. I started it all and he ended it by giving me a sound butt kicking. We've been good friends the rest of our lives - he has a grocery/fishing tackle/bait/fishing guide business down at Broken Bow now. I had another fight in 8th grade and broke the other kid's jaw, closed his eyes and knocked out some teeth. Nobody ever messed with me again after that. But some of the best fights were those where an unlikely kid would beat the snot out of a bully. Case in point: Jerry was a bully. He would walk right up to anyone at John Marshall High School and slap them right in the face and they'd never fight back because he was such a bully. One day, coming back to school after eating lunch at the Dairy Boy on 89th street east of JMHS, Jerry was walking one way and Bobby the other way and Jerry slapped Bobby in the face. Bobby, a kid who planned to be a preacher when he got out of school, beat the holy crap out of Jerry, in front of most of the bada--es in the school. Well that blew his cover and nobody put up with his crap after that. Another case in point: Gordon kept picking on John, almost every day. John's locker was at the end of a hall, in a corner. One day Gordon trapped John by his locker and wouldn't leave him alone. John finally had all he could stand and spun Gordon around and pinned him in the corner with a flurry of punches that caught everyone by surprise. Found out that day John was a Golden Gloves boxer after hours. Ha.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Some of the most bloody fights were with my brother. Broke his nose twice and he threw a knife at me which stuck in my right thigh.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    when my wife taught at jefferson, there were two guys going to have a fight. they jumped up in the air and danced around like two storks in mating season. I got to laughing so hard it embarassed them and they quit. However, there was a girl fight a couple of days later and they were seriously "Hooking it up"....things have changed...

  23. #23

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    there was a big one at the Hill in 73 I think, wasn't that the bus incident that started at SE and moved to the Hill? A friend said 73 was a dark year.

    Yes, graduated in 1973 that should tell you

  24. #24

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    Believe it or not, we had some pretty good fights on the north side too. My neighborhood (near NW 63rd & Western) was pretty rough. True: Many of the guys I grew up with are either dead or have spent time in prison. I had a fight in 4th grade with a kid named Dale at Bible School at the local Baptist Church. No kidding. I started it all and he ended it by giving me a sound butt kicking. We've been good friends the rest of our lives - he has a grocery/fishing tackle/bait/fishing guide business down at Broken Bow now. I had another fight in 8th grade and broke the other kid's jaw, closed his eyes and knocked out some teeth. Nobody ever messed with me again after that. But some of the best fights were those where an unlikely kid would beat the snot out of a bully. Case in point: Jerry was a bully. He would walk right up to anyone at John Marshall High School and slap them right in the face and they'd never fight back because he was such a bully. One day, coming back to school after eating lunch at the Dairy Boy on 89th street east of JMHS, Jerry was walking one way and Bobby the other way and Jerry slapped Bobby in the face. Bobby, a kid who planned to be a preacher when he got out of school, beat the holy crap out of Jerry, in front of most of the bada--es in the school. Well that blew his cover and nobody put up with his crap after that. Another case in point: Gordon kept picking on John, almost every day. John's locker was at the end of a hall, in a corner. One day Gordon trapped John by his locker and wouldn't leave him alone. John finally had all he could stand and spun Gordon around and pinned him in the corner with a flurry of punches that caught everyone by surprise. Found out that day John was a Golden Gloves boxer after hours. Ha.
    Hello RealJimbo, What year did you graduate from JMHS ? it was 1976 for me but I had a couple of friends that went their that were alot older then me, One is in Prison, John Bass & the other has passed away, Jimmy Shetfield. John would always look for fights and Jimmy was known to look for trouble as well.

  25. #25
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Yesterday I rode with Frisky in his new 'vette. 500+ horses
    of GO FAST! 0 to ohmygosh in 3 seconds! I'm surprised that
    we're still alive. He wasn't making any friends on S.W. 29th.

    Si no habla mui el gofastolito!

    Okay, I might be exaggerating, but it's an awesome 'Vette and
    no joke about the 500+ hp.

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