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Thread: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

  1. Default OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    How Oklahoma City officials turned downtown from dying to vibrant | Downtown Wichita: Planning the Future | Wichita Eagle

    I snagged a newspaper on my way through Wichita. This article was on the front page. A few great pictures in the photo gallery as well.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle


  3. Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    $400 billion in private investment? Gee, that sounds more like it....

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Reading the comments, it appears Tulsa is not the only community that hates us.

    However, I know of a lot of people in Wichita that treat OKC as how OKC treats Dallas. I think most negative comments from outside cities about OKC happen out of jealousy rather than true hate or dislike.

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Good find! Great article telling it like it is/was!

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Man, I wish it'd been $400 billion in private development! That would be construction like some of the Chinese cities or Dubai!

    But I am proud of OKC and how it's turned itself around in the last 20 years. We didn't do it with our hand out and we didn't do it by indebting our great grandchildren.

  7. Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Big difference between $4 billion and $400 billion....

  8. #8

    Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Not gonna sneeze at $4 billion!

  9. Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    $4 bil is such an arbitrary amount too. Where are they getting that from? The Chamber report cited a different gross total..

    The comments made me laugh.

  10. #10

    Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Big difference between $4 billion and $400 billion....
    What kind of fact checking do they do at newspapers? It seems like being off by $396 billion is quite a bit.

    Maybe they're just setting up their readers. When they visit OKC, they'll wonder how we spent $400 billion and ended up with what we did.

  11. Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    What kind of fact checking do they do at newspapers? It seems like being off by $396 billion is quite a bit.

    Maybe they're just setting up their readers. When they visit OKC, they'll wonder how we spent $400 billion and ended up with what we did.
    or that someone needs to explain the missing $396 billion...

  12. Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    What kind of fact checking do they do at newspapers? It seems like being off by $396 billion is quite a bit.

    Maybe they're just setting up their readers. When they visit OKC, they'll wonder how we spent $400 billion and ended up with what we did.
    Personally I don't think their readers are the smartest people in the world. 3/4 of them seem to think all of Wichita's problems will be solved by getting a casino or an amusement center or something.

  13. #13

    Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Personally I don't think their readers are the smartest people in the world. 3/4 of them seem to think all of Wichita's problems will be solved by getting a casino or an amusement center or something.
    Have you read the comments after articles in the Oklahoman? (SHUDDER)

  14. Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Paul from Yukon! LOL

  15. #15

    Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Personally I don't think their readers are the smartest people in the world. 3/4 of them seem to think all of Wichita's problems will be solved by getting a casino or an amusement center or something.
    Hello! We have people on this very site saying we need an Indian casino in Bricktown and and amusement park near downtown.

  16. Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    I just stay out of those threads. I already have a pretty bad rap for being real negative..can you imagine if I had to read those kinds of posts? Sheesh..I shudder to think.

  17. #17

    Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Paul from Yukon! LOL
    God I hate that dude..

  18. #18

    Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    $4 bil is such an arbitrary amount too. Where are they getting that from? The Chamber report cited a different gross total..

    The comments made me laugh.
    True and IIRC they had 3 different amounts (2 on the same page) $3B, $4B & $5B. Don't get me wrong, $3B is an impressive enough number, why the apparent need to inflate it? They also included things as coming from MAPS that had nothing to do with MAPS (the 1-40 relocation & the Bombing Memorial)

  19. Default Re: OKC write up in the Wichita Eagle

    If anything those numbers should be subtracted from the offspring total and added to the MAPS ledger....I did NOT say that though lol.

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