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Thread: the "REAL" america

  1. #1

    Default the "REAL" america

    the "real" america

    one time, me and a friend went to a baseball game, we had never been to a game together. they announced for everyone to rise for the national anthem, when i declined to rise and remained seated, he got confused.

    we later discussed it, he even asked if i believed in america?

    i told him the america i believe in is the one that existed before the europeans came and killed off almost all the native americans.

    when the pilgrims arrived and were greeted by the native americans, they didnt say anything along these lines...this IS NOT how history went down:...

    pilgrim: "greetings friend, hey look,..were in a bit of a squander back in europe..we want more freedom, so we came here seeking it...call it amnesty, refuge, or whatever..we just need your help...can you spare us any land to live on by chance?"

    tribes: "yes, we will help you...you may reside in the lands in montana and wyoming,..the rest is ours"

    NOPE..WE DIDNT EVEN TRY TO BEFRIEND THEM...well, ok...we did at first, we had Thanksgiving with them,..but compared to how much harm weve inflicted on the tribes over many, many years...The first Thanksgiving almost seems like a flat-out lie by now.

    think about this, look at a map of the united states...one that shows the location of every native american reservation in every state....notice that hardly any of them are located on coastal lands? yeah, theres a few itsy, bitsy ones in california, and a few itsy bitsy ones on other coasts scattered around...but on the whole, most major reservations are located in arid, undesireable lands like the black hills, or the huge one the navajos have in the four corners.

    we took all of their land, and told them where they could live at. if that isnt messed up, i dont know what is.

    whats more messed up, is the fact we made endless promises to them, and kept on breaking them, one-by-one...a little thing called "treaties".

    we even gave them the great state of oklahoma at one point..it was to be their land. ..but once we saw there was oil here..we said something along the lines of "uhh, on second thought,.i dont think we made such a good call on that one"

    imagine if someone came to your house, a total stranger, and they were in desperate need of a place to stay. your heart went out to them, and as soon as you decided they could stay in your guestroom upstairs, they put a gun in your face, and forced your whole family to live outside in your toolshed in your own backyard while they took over the rest of your lovely home....yeah, thats how we crapped on the native americans.


    and to top it off, native americans dont even seem to hold the least bit of animosity over it. in fact, just about every native american ive met are very nice, respectable, and noble people. yet, you can find a black person here or there who is still angered about enslavement of their ancestors.

    i realize im ranting, and its been a long rant, so i wont even delve into how blacks were mistreated by european settlers in america,


    Yeah, ok..you can argue and say that the tribes have been monetarily compensated by our govt over the years,..but is money always the end all for compensation? just because someone wants to give someone else money, does that permit them to do whatever the hell they want?

    "yeah, lets take all the land in this new country, kill all the natives we want, and let our descendants pay for all the damages later"

    apparently so in this "land of the free and home of the brave".

    this govt can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, by introducing whatever legalease it wants to get its way..anytime it wants.

    it can take your home and acreage right under your feet with a little clause called "eminant domain" and build a new highway, govt offices, shopping centers, office park, or whatever it wants.

    it can demand you to serve jury duty and simply say "its your rightful duty as an american citizen"

    they always like to get you with that little patriotism thing. you know, the "this land is your land, this land is my land".....well, i got news, before it was anyones land, it was the tribes land, and we killed them in cold vain to get it....hey do they have those lyrics anywhere in that cutesy little children's song? prolly not.

    and what about citizens who live here yet dont necessarily want to be "an american citizen", can they denounce their citizenship and be cleared of any order by the govt that tries to implicate a dire need to do so because "its your rightful duty as an american citizen"

    why is it that whenever the govt needs something from you, they expect you to do it...whether it be jury duty, census, enlisting in the armed forces, etc, etc, etc....BUT when you need assistance from the govt, its no where to be found? next to nil.

    now, someone will bring up that presidential speech of "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". to me, that line is nothing but a scapegoat so "citizens" will be less likely to harass a govt thats hellbent on spending more money on the citizens of foreign countries that we do our own citizens right here at home.

    yeah, theres something definitely wrong when theres people in this country who have more money than they know what to do with, yet so many are homeless not knowing if they will eat dinner tomorrow.

    our armed forces lure and bribe high schoolers with tantalizing offers of college money, and every branch pushes that crap down their throats about it being some sort of prideful adventure they must embark in order to show their complete pride & service for their country. ...the highest priority of the department of defense is to protect and offer security for the throngs of millionaire snobs in this country that fuel our capitalist empire. its the reason why we will vehemently do whatever it takes to fight our wars on the enemy's land and never on our own soil.

    it doesnt matter if poor, young Johnny who was just 18 years old from Tennessee is coming back to his family in a bodybag from Iraq, as long as Beverly Hills and Malibu remain free and secure, thats really all the Pentagon REALLY cares about.

    ..and why does America think we are the world police? Who are we to try to rebuild Iraq? Yeah, were doing it, but if it was such a great idea, why didnt any other country do it first before we did?

    Why did we care so much about Keeping North Korea/Vietnam out of their southern pacifist neighbors? Its THEIR WARS, LET THEM FIGHT THEM ALONE.

    Last time I checked, no foreign country sent over their troops during our own Civil War to prevent the Union from taking over the Confederacy, so why do we feel so compelled at trying to liberate Taiwan from Mainland China???? are we out of our friggin minds? China, with its ONE BILLION PEOPLE, who kick our tails in a heartbeat...but we dont care, cause as Americans were all idiots with a die-hard will to spread democracy around the globe,..and hey, if we can also spread around some of our own capitalist flair in the process, that makes it all the better.

    A Mcdonalds in every major city around the globe...THATS the REAL american dream.

    by the way, i think my favorite line in any film has to be from 1981's "Escape from New York" when Kurt Russell says "I dont give a $#&% about your war, or your president"

  2. #2

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    We all have issues.

  3. #3

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    We all have issues.
    touche, im hoping you dont have more issues than sports illustrated

  4. #4

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by evh5150 View Post
    touche, im hoping you dont have more issues than sports illustrated
    Oh, I have plenty!!

  5. #5

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Feeling all educated, Steph? We have all read American history. If your avatar is a picture of you, I would think you to be at least a quarter Asian. If so, I expect you to apologize for the behavior of Ghengis Kahn.

  6. #6

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by evh5150 View Post
    the "real" america

    one time, me and a friend went to a baseball game, we had never been to a game together. they announced for everyone to rise for the national anthem, when i declined to rise and remained seated, he got confused.

    we later discussed it, he even asked if i believed in america?

    i told him the america i believe in is the one that existed before the europeans came and killed off almost all the native americans.

    when the pilgrims arrived and were greeted by the native americans, they didnt say anything along these lines...this IS NOT how history went down:...

    pilgrim: "greetings friend, hey look,..were in a bit of a squander back in europe..we want more freedom, so we came here seeking it...call it amnesty, refuge, or whatever..we just need your help...can you spare us any land to live on by chance?"

    tribes: "yes, we will help you...you may reside in the lands in montana and wyoming,..the rest is ours"

    NOPE..WE DIDNT EVEN TRY TO BEFRIEND THEM...well, ok...we did at first, we had Thanksgiving with them,..but compared to how much harm weve inflicted on the tribes over many, many years...The first Thanksgiving almost seems like a flat-out lie by now.

    think about this, look at a map of the united states...one that shows the location of every native american reservation in every state....notice that hardly any of them are located on coastal lands? yeah, theres a few itsy, bitsy ones in california, and a few itsy bitsy ones on other coasts scattered around...but on the whole, most major reservations are located in arid, undesireable lands like the black hills, or the huge one the navajos have in the four corners.

    we took all of their land, and told them where they could live at. if that isnt messed up, i dont know what is.

    whats more messed up, is the fact we made endless promises to them, and kept on breaking them, one-by-one...a little thing called "treaties".

    we even gave them the great state of oklahoma at one point..it was to be their land. ..but once we saw there was oil here..we said something along the lines of "uhh, on second thought,.i dont think we made such a good call on that one"

    imagine if someone came to your house, a total stranger, and they were in desperate need of a place to stay. your heart went out to them, and as soon as you decided they could stay in your guestroom upstairs, they put a gun in your face, and forced your whole family to live outside in your toolshed in your own backyard while they took over the rest of your lovely home....yeah, thats how we crapped on the native americans.


    and to top it off, native americans dont even seem to hold the least bit of animosity over it. in fact, just about every native american ive met are very nice, respectable, and noble people. yet, you can find a black person here or there who is still angered about enslavement of their ancestors.

    i realize im ranting, and its been a long rant, so i wont even delve into how blacks were mistreated by european settlers in america,


    Yeah, ok..you can argue and say that the tribes have been monetarily compensated by our govt over the years,..but is money always the end all for compensation? just because someone wants to give someone else money, does that permit them to do whatever the hell they want?

    "yeah, lets take all the land in this new country, kill all the natives we want, and let our descendants pay for all the damages later"

    apparently so in this "land of the free and home of the brave".

    this govt can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, by introducing whatever legalease it wants to get its way..anytime it wants.

    it can take your home and acreage right under your feet with a little clause called "eminant domain" and build a new highway, govt offices, shopping centers, office park, or whatever it wants.

    it can demand you to serve jury duty and simply say "its your rightful duty as an american citizen"

    they always like to get you with that little patriotism thing. you know, the "this land is your land, this land is my land".....well, i got news, before it was anyones land, it was the tribes land, and we killed them in cold vain to get it....hey do they have those lyrics anywhere in that cutesy little children's song? prolly not.

    and what about citizens who live here yet dont necessarily want to be "an american citizen", can they denounce their citizenship and be cleared of any order by the govt that tries to implicate a dire need to do so because "its your rightful duty as an american citizen"

    why is it that whenever the govt needs something from you, they expect you to do it...whether it be jury duty, census, enlisting in the armed forces, etc, etc, etc....BUT when you need assistance from the govt, its no where to be found? next to nil.

    now, someone will bring up that presidential speech of "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". to me, that line is nothing but a scapegoat so "citizens" will be less likely to harass a govt thats hellbent on spending more money on the citizens of foreign countries that we do our own citizens right here at home.

    yeah, theres something definitely wrong when theres people in this country who have more money than they know what to do with, yet so many are homeless not knowing if they will eat dinner tomorrow.

    our armed forces lure and bribe high schoolers with tantalizing offers of college money, and every branch pushes that crap down their throats about it being some sort of prideful adventure they must embark in order to show their complete pride & service for their country. ...the highest priority of the department of defense is to protect and offer security for the throngs of millionaire snobs in this country that fuel our capitalist empire. its the reason why we will vehemently do whatever it takes to fight our wars on the enemy's land and never on our own soil.

    it doesnt matter if poor, young Johnny who was just 18 years old from Tennessee is coming back to his family in a bodybag from Iraq, as long as Beverly Hills and Malibu remain free and secure, thats really all the Pentagon REALLY cares about.

    ..and why does America think we are the world police? Who are we to try to rebuild Iraq? Yeah, were doing it, but if it was such a great idea, why didnt any other country do it first before we did?

    Why did we care so much about Keeping North Korea/Vietnam out of their southern pacifist neighbors? Its THEIR WARS, LET THEM FIGHT THEM ALONE.

    Last time I checked, no foreign country sent over their troops during our own Civil War to prevent the Union from taking over the Confederacy, so why do we feel so compelled at trying to liberate Taiwan from Mainland China???? are we out of our friggin minds? China, with its ONE BILLION PEOPLE, who kick our tails in a heartbeat...but we dont care, cause as Americans were all idiots with a die-hard will to spread democracy around the globe,..and hey, if we can also spread around some of our own capitalist flair in the process, that makes it all the better.

    A Mcdonalds in every major city around the globe...THATS the REAL american dream.

    by the way, i think my favorite line in any film has to be from 1981's "Escape from New York" when Kurt Russell says "I dont give a $#&% about your war, or your president"
    1st - If your avatar is a photo of yourself, I hope you aren't pissed at what I am about to say because you are waaaaay hot.

    2nd - I think you have a pretty poor/incomplete grasp of history and certainly its context. You aren't going to get an accurate portrayal of history from Howard Zinn books. You really need to expand your boundaries and try to look at the events in history from the perspective of the way the world was during that period.

  7. Default Re: the "REAL" america

    I'd hate to be in your shoes...carrying all that guilt around and such.

  8. #8
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Self-loathing FTL.

    BTW, did you know that cavemen are pissed off at the "native" American land-stealing-b#$*@rds!!!11 What a wonderful culture was lost that now only shows up in Geico commercials.

    It makes me so mad that, despite not being a caveman, I refuse to attend the Red Earth festivities in protest.

  9. #9

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by USG '60 View Post
    Feeling all educated, Steph? We have all read American history. If your avatar is a picture of you, I would think you to be at least a quarter Asian. If so, I expect you to apologize for the behavior of Ghengis Kahn.
    I think it's really RonRonnie with a new user name.

    Maybe not.

  10. #10

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by Caboose View Post
    1st - If your avatar is a photo of yourself, I hope you aren't pissed at what I am about to say because you are waaaaay hot.

    2nd - I think you have a pretty poor/incomplete grasp of history and certainly its context. You aren't going to get an accurate portrayal of history from Howard Zinn books. You really need to expand your boundaries and try to look at the events in history from the perspective of the way the world was during that period.
    its not a pic of me. its ariel spinner.

  11. #11

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by Caboose View Post
    2nd - I think you have a pretty poor/incomplete grasp of history and certainly its context. You aren't going to get an accurate portrayal of history from Howard Zinn books. You really need to expand your boundaries and try to look at the events in history from the perspective of the way the world was during that period.
    She gave no indication of knowing about Howard Zinn's books or book.

    But she should have brought up how Hitler reviewed how America treated Native Americans in looking for guidance as to how he was going to deal with all the eastern Europeans and Russians who he thought he was going to conquer.

  12. #12

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    I think it's really RonRonnie with a new user name.

    Maybe not.
    Too many words for RonRonnie.

  13. #13

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Too many words for RonRonnie.
    And nothing is misspelled!

  14. Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Wow. Talk about an angry American. So, it's the territory, and what it once was that's important and not what the European built? To make it a place where people have flocked to for 200 years? You know, The United States of America? A lot of people say they don't "hate America," when they critique the nation, and I accept that. (Loyal opposition, they just want to right the wrongs, etc.) This might be the first post I've read at OKCTalk to actually admit that, yes, the poster despises the USA.....with a passion.

  15. #15

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Too many words for RonRonnie.
    Yeah, I like to keep it short and to the point. Unlike you, babbling on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

  16. #16

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by evh5150 View Post

    it can demand you to serve jury duty and simply say "its your rightful duty as an american citizen"
    It's easy to avoid having to serve on a jury. Just make sure you have a pamplet on jury nullification sticking out of your front pocket while being questioned. Make no doubt about it. Prosecuting lawyers want to avoid like the plague having any jurors who know what jury nullification means.

  17. Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    It's easy to avoid having to serve on a jury. Just make sure you have a pamplet on jury nullification sticking out of your front pocket while being questioned. Make no doubt about it. Prosecuting lawyers want to avoid like the plague having any jurors who know what jury nullification means.
    Old trick. Bad idea. $1000 fine, 10-30 days in jail.

    Jury duty is serious business.

  18. #18

    Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    She gave no indication of knowing about Howard Zinn's books or book.
    Whether she knows about them or not, her diatribe sounding like something a HS freshman would come up with after a semester of Zinn reading.

  19. Default Re: the "REAL" america

    Quote Originally Posted by evh5150 View Post
    its not a pic of me. its ariel spinner.
    cant believe ive never seen her. nice nudes! lol

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