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Thread: Wal-Mart Worker Fired Over Medical Marijauna

  1. #26

    Default Re: Wal-Mart Worker Fired Over Medical Marijauna

    Quote Originally Posted by nik4411 View Post
    Hammondjam- what a great story and that is awesome about your wife. the only part i was confused about, is, what exactly would the doctor have turned you in for?

    and referring to bunty's post, i was saw a british tv program where they tested a guy on a road course sober, let him smoke a joint, then retested, and he did better.
    wasn't anything real scientific or complicated, but it is what it is.

    YouTube - Drugs and Driving

  2. #27

    Default Re: Wal-Mart Worker Fired Over Medical Marijauna

    haha. nice

  3. #28

    Default Re: Wal-Mart Worker Fired Over Medical Marijauna

    Savage is just another inciting blowhard like many of the other talk show folks. Unfortunately, if you package it right and use the correct buzzwords, many Americans will not only believe it but will take off work to go out and be activists for or against whatever the radio gods say. Our current health care situation is more than enough proof of that.

    I find it funny that he, like any good neocon, constantly gripes about big government but at the same time wants our government to intrude, judge and put away offenders in the war on drugs....no matter how many billions it costs. Medical marijuana has gotten the attention of one of our country's biggest contributors to presidential elections. Monsanto(creator or Agent Orange, DDT and RoundUp) now wants to get permission to research marijuana(meaning genetically alter it) so they can patent it and sell it. If such a government buddy wants it that bad, wouldn't you think that there MUST be some merit to using it? Wouldn't you also surmise that once this happens, the threat of home invasion by paramilitary thugs will disappear? Funny how it is that contributions of money lessens the threat to our country by this "demon weed".

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