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Thread: Creativity

  1. #1

    Default Creativity

    I was wondering if some of the OKCtalk members were local artists or had hobbies that fall into that category? I quilt and photograph (not that I have any great talent) and was wondering what other people do along artistic lines.

  2. Default Re: Creativity

    I'll snap a photo or two on occasion.

  3. Default Re: Creativity


  4. #4

    Default Re: Creativity

    I used to know quite a few of them, I worked at Triangle A&E in the mid-80's before I went to the other side of the business.

  5. Default Re: Creativity

    I do some metal fabrication...Although not for artistic purposes.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Creativity

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    I do some metal fabrication...Although not for artistic purposes.

  7. Default Re: Creativity

    It's usually out of necessity...I work on cars as a hobby, and I hate paying $150 for stuff I can make myself for $5 worth of scrap steel.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Creativity

    Gotta love that!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Creativity

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    It's usually out of necessity...I work on cars as a hobby, and I hate paying $150 for stuff I can make myself for $5 worth of scrap steel.
    I have the same mentality about almost everything, I hate paying other people for doing things that I can do myself...I know that I definitely got that from my father. I know that I want to get some metal working tools/equipment to go along with my woodworking stuff, I would like to do metal and wood furniture. I have thought about building my own race chassis since there are still some SCCA classes which allow it.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Creativity

    Creating tools is what made our brains grow as a species, I 'spect...

  11. #11

    Default Re: Creativity

    I do some photography, I write, I play a couple of musical instruments, I am into modern interior design, and I like looking at architecture and art. I also like to cook ethnic dishes which can sometimes be an art of its own. And now I feel like an eHarmony tool. Thanks Penny.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Creativity

    I restore classic motorcycles (Harley's BMW's, Indian), and I recently purchased 7 old juke boxes to repair-restore.

    My next project may be to build a bigger work shop!!!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Creativity

    Dismayed, you sound like you have a very creative spirit. Rcjunkie, the guy who used to rent our barn (it is half finished with heat and air) had tons of juke boxes out there - I mean tons. I bet you knew/know him.

    The older I get, the more important a workshop/big garage seems. I've turned a couple of rooms in our barn into a quilting studio.

  14. Default Re: Creativity

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    I have the same mentality about almost everything, I hate paying other people for doing things that I can do myself...I know that I definitely got that from my father. I know that I want to get some metal working tools/equipment to go along with my woodworking stuff, I would like to do metal and wood furniture. I have thought about building my own race chassis since there are still some SCCA classes which allow it.
    Heh...Woodworking huh? Need a radial arm saw? Mine takes up WAY too much space in my shop.

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Dismayed, you sound like you have a very creative spirit. Rcjunkie, the guy who used to rent our barn (it is half finished with heat and air) had tons of juke boxes out there - I mean tons. I bet you knew/know him.

    The older I get, the more important a workshop/big garage seems. I've turned a couple of rooms in our barn into a quilting studio.
    That was my #1 house requirement to my wife when we got married, sold both our houses, and bought one together. A shop. Found a perfect place in Choctaw...3 car garage for the mowers, storage, and for her to park in...And a shop out back for my tools, my beer fridge, my heavy bag, and my GTO. It's got it's own entrance and I've got heat and A/C out there now...I can spend DAYS out there if she doesn't remind me that there's this thing called "the rest of the world" and that I should do something called "participate" in it.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Creativity

    Yup - a big enough shop is important. I recall the days when I didn't even think about how important a decent sized garage was. Young and stupid!! <vbg> Or maybe, things just change, sometimes.

  16. Default Re: Creativity

    lol...When we first started looking she kept sending me links to very nice houses in the middle of neighborhoods (no backyard access, lots of covenant restrictions) with two car garages. I had to walk her out to my 3 car garage, kick the lights on and show her that my car barely fit in there with the 4 wheeler, mowers and tools.

    She let out a big *sigh* and said "fine" but you get no more stuff!

    /got more stuff anyway

  17. #17

    Default Re: Creativity

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post

    /got more stuff anyway
    Quite right!

  18. Default Re: Creativity

    I write, sometimes take photos, and sometimes play around with graphics, but I wouldn't say I'm particularly talented at any of them.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Creativity

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    Heh...Woodworking huh? Need a radial arm saw? Mine takes up WAY too much space in my shop.
    I have my dad's, a 30 year old Craftsman, he gave it to me when I moved to Austin and his Grizzly table saw when he got a Jet Cabinet Saw so between that stuff, the stuff from merging two homes together and my motorcycle, the garage is pretty full...we do have an old piano that needs a new home....

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    That was my #1 house requirement to my wife when we got married, sold both our houses, and bought one together. A shop. Found a perfect place in Choctaw...3 car garage for the mowers, storage, and for her to park in...And a shop out back for my tools, my beer fridge, my heavy bag, and my GTO. It's got it's own entrance and I've got heat and A/C out there now...I can spend DAYS out there if she doesn't remind me that there's this thing called "the rest of the world" and that I should do something called "participate" in it.
    We are looking at lots in Lago Vista (on the north shore of Lake Travis) and I am pretty much designing it with two 2-car garages so I have a shop in one of them, it will be air conditioned as well, it is miserable to try and work out there in the summer here.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Creativity

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    I restore classic motorcycles (Harley's BMW's, Indian), and I recently purchased 7 old juke boxes to repair-restore.

    My next project may be to build a bigger work shop!!!
    I love you!....RMM..

  21. #21

    Default Re: Creativity

    I have three medium format cameras older than I am. 1947 Graflex Pacemaker Crown Graphic press camera; 1950 Rolleicord; 1942 Kodak Retina, oops, that's a 35mm rangefinder, not medium format. The Graflex shoots sheet film. I just finished developing 6 sheets of my 5 month old granddaughter. Negatives look real good. Tomorrow I'll print those six and six others I took of DFW's record snow storm a couple of weeks ago. I don't have a scanner or I would scan and post them. I'm not much for digital, in cameras or in music. I'd much rather listen to an LP or reel-to-reel tape than a CD.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Creativity

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    I have three medium format cameras older than I am. 1947 Graflex Pacemaker Crown Graphic press camera; 1950 Rolleicord; 1942 Kodak Retina, oops, that's a 35mm rangefinder, not medium format. The Graflex shoots sheet film. I just finished developing 6 sheets of my 5 month old granddaughter. Negatives look real good. Tomorrow I'll print those six and six others I took of DFW's record snow storm a couple of weeks ago. I don't have a scanner or I would scan and post them. I'm not much for digital, in cameras or in music. I'd much rather listen to an LP or reel-to-reel tape than a CD.
    I bet it must be exciting to see how the pictures turn out on the old style. I hope they do well. Wow, a five month old granddaughter. Doesn't get much sweeter than that!

  23. #23

    Default Re: Creativity

    I've always loved photography but I've been out of it for a long time. I'm about to buy a new camera and get back into it. I've got a new mac so I'm looking forward to something that will help me use it more.

    I have some friends that are into making movies and we've all been talking about writing a new script, shooting it and trying to sell it....but holy crap it's a lot of work and we're all kinda lazy. lol

    For me, I have a very vivid imagination and feel like I'm quite creative but I have difficulty with the execution. It just seems like there are so many reasons to not engage....like playing video games, hanging out with friends, reading, watching TV, riding motorcycles, etc.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Creativity

    Quote Originally Posted by Jethrol View Post
    For me, I have a very vivid imagination and feel like I'm quite creative but I have difficulty with the execution. It just seems like there are so many reasons to not engage....like playing video games, hanging out with friends, reading, watching TV, riding motorcycles, etc.
    Yeah, procrastination's a bitch all right. Been dealing with it my whole life.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Creativity

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I bet it must be exciting to see how the pictures turn out on the old style. I hope they do well. Wow, a five month old granddaughter. Doesn't get much sweeter than that!
    Thanks PQ, It's something I've wanted to do since grade school and I'm having a blast at it. As for Savannah, it's the greatest just looking into her eyes, imagining the woman she'll be. Hope I'm around to see it.

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