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Thread: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

  1. #1

    Default John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    I'm sure there must be a thread buried in here somewhere about this, but I can't find it.

    I was a JMHS Bear from 1960 to 1966. At that time it was a junior and senior high school. A group of my classmates meet every month at one of the local eateries on the north side and share memories and catch up. We had such a meeting yesterday at Earl's at NW 68th and Western. We had a great time. Send me a personal message if you would like to be a part of this get-together.

    Back in the day, JM was a perennial football power. We were also a wrestling power as long as Coach Miliron was there. I was a bank geek and we most usually won the band contests although our marching was really weak.

    I was a pretty poor student. I was more interested in goofing off and trying to be cool or tough than I was in making good grades or learning anything. One of my biggest surprises was when I got my diploma in 1966.

    If you went to JM back in that era, what were your hangouts? Were you in one of these groups?:

    Britton greasers
    Nichols Hills Elite
    Village preppies

    These terms are offered in fun...

  2. #2

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    I'm sure there must be a thread buried in here somewhere about this, but I can't find it.

    I was a JMHS Bear from 1960 to 1966. At that time it was a junior and senior high school. A group of my classmates meet every month at one of the local eateries on the north side and share memories and catch up. We had such a meeting yesterday at Earl's at NW 68th and Western. We had a great time. Send me a personal message if you would like to be a part of this get-together.

    Back in the day, JM was a perennial football power. We were also a wrestling power as long as Coach Miliron was there. I was a bank geek and we most usually won the band contests although our marching was really weak.

    I was a pretty poor student. I was more interested in goofing off and trying to be cool or tough than I was in making good grades or learning anything. One of my biggest surprises was when I got my diploma in 1966.

    If you went to JM back in that era, what were your hangouts? Were you in one of these groups?:

    Britton greasers
    Nichols Hills Elite
    Village preppies

    These terms are offered in fun...
    ================================================== =============
    Weird how Milliron was also at Grant Highschool Huh???...Did you guys really have a football team???? Diploma in '66? that's when I got married.... Just kidding......Sounds like you guys might have the nerve to establish a get-together off this thread. There is a northside thread started but no one answers it.......

  3. #3

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    ================================================== =============
    Weird how Milliron was also at Grant Highschool Huh???...Did you guys really have a football team???? Diploma in '66? that's when I got married.... Just kidding......Sounds like you guys might have the nerve to establish a get-together off this thread. There is a northside thread started but no one answers it.......
    Yep, Milliron was the best! He's still kicking, too. His son-in-law (I'm not that brave) worked with me a couple years ago and coach is still as hard-nosed as ever. He was brutal, just ask anyone who was on his teams or in his class. I had him for history I think and he was all business all the time.

    Everywhere he went the wrestling program excelled.

  4. #4

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    Yep, Milliron was the best! He's still kicking, too. His son-in-law (I'm not that brave) worked with me a couple years ago and coach is still as hard-nosed as ever. He was brutal, just ask anyone who was on his teams or in his class. I had him for history I think and he was all business all the time.

    Everywhere he went the wrestling program excelled.
    ================================================== =========
    He came to one of the class of '66 (U.S. Grant) class reunions. He had a couple of National champs come out of his programs....All Business is right...

  5. #5

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    Yep, Milliron was the best! He's still kicking, too. His son-in-law (I'm not that brave) worked with me a couple years ago and coach is still as hard-nosed as ever. He was brutal, just ask anyone who was on his teams or in his class. I had him for history I think and he was all business all the time.

    Everywhere he went the wrestling program excelled.
    Man! Virgil has been to several schools in the OKC Metro.

    John Marshall, Grant, MWC (assistant football coach), Oscar Rose.........

    Does anyone know what major college or university he was an assistant football coach at? I had him for a class at Rose, Theory of Coaching, he had stories about the school but would not tell us which one he was at.....

  6. #6

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    Man! Virgil has been to several schools in the OKC Metro.

    John Marshall, Grant, MWC (assistant football coach), Oscar Rose.........

    Does anyone know what major college or university he was an assistant football coach at? I had him for a class at Rose, Theory of Coaching, he had stories about the school but would not tell us which one he was at.....
    I'll bet I can find out. I know his son-in-law (earlier post)

  7. #7

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Well Jimbo, as I read these threads ....I have a real hard time thinking that John Marshall ever had "Good Old Days".....You guys and Gals always wore Madras (matching) shirts....what was that all about?.... and then the girls wore Khaki Skirts and the guys wore wheat jeans......Matching???? oh, I just found out that was what you guys did if you were going steady......What if she wore a "Poodle Skirt"?.......Hey come to the meeting this Saturday ... Hot Dogs and Root Beer ....can't get any better than that.....

  8. #8

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    When I went to McGuinness in the mid eighties we had rivalry of sorts with John Marshall. We would paint the grafitti bridge and they would paint over it. They would paint our school building and we would retaliate. I never participated in painting their school but it did get nasty for a while. Not sure why there seemed to be a rivalry between our schools as we never played them in any sports or anything.

  9. #9

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Well Jimbo, as I read these threads ....I have a real hard time thinking that John Marshall ever had "Good Old Days".....You guys and Gals always wore Madras (matching) shirts....what was that all about?.... and then the girls wore Khaki Skirts and the guys wore wheat jeans......Matching???? oh, I just found out that was what you guys did if you were going steady......What if she wore a "Poodle Skirt"?.......Hey come to the meeting this Saturday ... Hot Dogs and Root Beer ....can't get any better than that.....
    Will you be wearing your "poodle skirt"?

  10. #10

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Well Jimbo, as I read these threads ....I have a real hard time thinking that John Marshall ever had "Good Old Days".....You guys and Gals always wore Madras (matching) shirts....what was that all about?.... and then the girls wore Khaki Skirts and the guys wore wheat jeans......Matching???? oh, I just found out that was what you guys did if you were going steady......What if she wore a "Poodle Skirt"?.......Hey come to the meeting this Saturday ... Hot Dogs and Root Beer ....can't get any better than that.....
    Oh we had some great old days! I was one of the poor kids - almost a Britton Greaser - I couldn't afford the madras shirts. My mother wouldn't have let me buy them if I could afford them - they faded all over everything. Of course I wore wheat jeans. Everybody did back then. But matching the girls? First I'd have to be "going" with one. I was scared to death of them...

  11. #11

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    Oh we had some great old days! I was one of the poor kids - almost a Britton Greaser - I couldn't afford the madras shirts. My mother wouldn't have let me buy them if I could afford them - they faded all over everything. Of course I wore wheat jeans. Everybody did back then. But matching the girls? First I'd have to be "going" with one. I was scared to death of them...
    ================================================== ============
    Excuse me:.....that last statement makes me wonder if I really do know you...I knew or know a bunch of the old John Marshall guys from way back....It seemed that TG&Y had it in to remodel every store in the city at once and I was at most of the remodels and there were some of the guys and girls from John Marshall working in those stores......I'd like to own and "Old Fashioned" TG&Y in that 36th and Western location.....Wouldn't be a "Barn Burner" but I think it would make a guy a decent living with all the people living in that area...

  12. #12

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Milliron had a nice run coaching at Auburn University. He is also a member of the national wrestling hall of fame with a lifetime achivement award. I had a nice visit with him a couple of years ago. He and his wife delivered meals-on-wheels to my mom.

  13. #13

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by village idiot View Post
    Milliron had a nice run coaching at Auburn University. He is also a member of the national wrestling hall of fame with a lifetime achivement award. I had a nice visit with him a couple of years ago. He and his wife delivered meals-on-wheels to my mom.
    Good to hear! Thanks!

  14. #14

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    I graduated from John Marshall in 1971 and my brother, Ken Freshour, graduated in 1968. I really don't think of my time there as the "good old days."

  15. #15

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    I attended JMHS in the early 1970's. The place we congregated on campus was known as the "freak porch" facing the student parking lot. Sam Botkin was my math teacher who drove a motorcycle to school. He sure was cool! The school had no security guards, metal detectors, drug dogs, ect... Everyone got along pretty well, felt safe, and it was a good time to be a teenager back in those days.

  16. #16

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by okiegal57 View Post
    I attended JMHS in the early 1970's. The place we congregated on campus was known as the "freak porch" facing the student parking lot. Sam Botkin was my math teacher who drove a motorcycle to school. He sure was cool! The school had no security guards, metal detectors, drug dogs, ect... Everyone got along pretty well, felt safe, and it was a good time to be a teenager back in those days.
    It's good to be a teenager no matter what year!!!!!

  17. #17

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    I'm going to be 18 forever (in my mind).

  18. #18

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    I'm going to be 18 forever (in my mind).
    I stopped at 16

  19. #19

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Yeah, you're both right.......16....18.....Whoa wait, I got married when I was 19

  20. #20

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    JMHS had a smoking area out by the incinerator. Did Grant?

  21. #21

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    JMHS had a smoking area out by the incinerator. Did Grant?
    ================================================== ============
    Of Course......Before it was rebuilt, I think it was a "Pot Area"....just kidding. I remember the teachers would go out there and smoke with the kids....boys and girls.....I caught my sister there one time and as a little brother "Brat"....I told her I was telling and in front of ALL the big guys, she said "Yeah".... and I'll beat you up Again.....Sheesh........Still love her though.....

  22. #22

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    JMHS had a smoking area out by the incinerator. Did Grant?
    How many made the mistake of going "INTO" the incinerator to smoke?

  23. #23

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    What is ever going to happen with the old building. And wasn't it a better location than the new .....really?

  24. #24

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Yeah, tell me about it...

  25. #25

    Default Re: John Marshall High School in the Good Old Days

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    Yeah, tell me about it...
    ================================================== ============
    you know, so many people complained about that building and the location that they almost forced OKCPS to build the new school. Don't they call the school Centennial School now?.....And. it seems to be doing quite well.....

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