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Thread: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

  1. #1

    Default New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Howdy folks,

    Just a quick update from the Chick-fil-A world - a new Chick-fil-A is coming to Edmond. It will be on 2nd Street near Bryant - the old Fazoli's between IHOP and UNO (sp?) and in front of Super Target. They will gut that building and put in an indoor playground.

    Construction (remodel) is set to begin in February with a projected June 10, 2010 open date, though that can fudge either way as things progress.

    Last edited by dengar22; 12-26-2009 at 01:26 PM. Reason: bad grammar!

  2. #2

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Is the store on 33rd closing?

  3. #3

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    Is the store on 33rd closing?

    Definitely not. It will probably be impacted by this new store initially but will find its niche.

  4. Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    My wife and I thank you, the kids thank you... very, very cool. Ought to be interesting to see how Chickfila adaps the site.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    This is awesome. Have I ever mentioned that Chick-fil-A is pretty much the best fast food restaurant chain in the history of the world?

    Any more stores in the works that you know of, Dengar? I need one closer to me. Closest one (that's not in a mall) is like eight miles away.

    (Bossk says hello, by the way.)

  6. #6

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Does Chick-fil-A still operate in UCO?

  7. #7

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    You can't beat a Chcik-fil-A sandwich, I've tried the chicken biscuit, just not much of a fan of chciken for breakfast.
    My son goes to Norman North High School, they serve Chick-Fil-A at lunch time 1--2 days a week, he says it's the most popular item on the menu, but that may not be saying much for school food.

  8. #8

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by mooshie View Post
    Does Chick-fil-A still operate in UCO?

    Yes it does, and will continue to do so.

  9. #9

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    This is awesome. Have I ever mentioned that Chick-fil-A is pretty much the best fast food restaurant chain in the history of the world?

    Any more stores in the works that you know of, Dengar? I need one closer to me. Closest one (that's not in a mall) is like eight miles away.

    (Bossk says hello, by the way.)

    LOL! This forum just went up in my book - Matt, you are the first person since I started using the "dengar22" moniker in middle school to know who Dengar really is - the not-so-famous bounty hunter in the background of a couple of shots in the Star Wars series. Bravo, Matt, bravo.

    I share your affinity for Chick-fil-A - why else would I own/operate one? What part of the metro do you live in???

  10. #10

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    You can't beat a Chcik-fil-A sandwich, I've tried the chicken biscuit, just not much of a fan of chciken for breakfast.
    My son goes to Norman North High School, they serve Chick-Fil-A at lunch time 1--2 days a week, he says it's the most popular item on the menu, but that may not be saying much for school food.

    RC, have you ever tried the Chicken Minis for breakfast - they're little chicken nuggets tucked into mini yeast rolls. How about our sausage biscuit? The sausage is Jimmy Dean, extra thick. It's my favorite part of our breakfast menu. We're adding yogurt parfaits on Jan. 4th.

  11. #11

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by dengar22 View Post
    LOL! This forum just went up in my book - Matt, you are the first person since I started using the "dengar22" moniker in middle school to know who Dengar really is - the not-so-famous bounty hunter in the background of a couple of shots in the Star Wars series. Bravo, Matt, bravo.
    Ha-ha. I mentioned the Star Wars thing once before, but I guess you must have missed it. I've been a huge SW nerd since forever.

    I share your affinity for Chick-fil-A - why else would I own/operate one?
    Good point. I saw a story on Nightline a couple months back about CFA, and how hard it is to get a franchise--they said that last year, 25,000 people applied but only 150 were awarded one. I'm sure you know all that already, but that's pretty damn cool that you've got one and it goes to show how dedicated to quality CFA is and also why opening a new store is a cause for celebration.

    What part of the metro do you live in???
    I'm in the Corbin Hills/Park area, north of 10th, in between Portland and Meridian. I don't see us getting a CFA around here anytime soon but it never hurts to ask. (Actually, I could see one going in at the I-40/Reno & Macarthur/Rockwell area where the Walmart and Best Buy stores are located--that wouldn't be too unbelieveable.) Anyway, put in a good word with Dan Cathy for us, will you?

  12. Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    So Dengar, are there any moves coming up for you?

  13. #13

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Ha-ha. I mentioned the Star Wars thing once before, but I guess you must have missed it. I've been a huge SW nerd since forever.

    Good point. I saw a story on Nightline a couple months back about CFA, and how hard it is to get a franchise--they said that last year, 25,000 people applied but only 150 were awarded one. I'm sure you know all that already, but that's pretty damn cool that you've got one and it goes to show how dedicated to quality CFA is and also why opening a new store is a cause for celebration.

    I'm in the Corbin Hills/Park area, north of 10th, in between Portland and Meridian. I don't see us getting a CFA around here anytime soon but it never hurts to ask. (Actually, I could see one going in at the I-40/Reno & Macarthur/Rockwell area where the Walmart and Best Buy stores are located--that wouldn't be too unbelieveable.) Anyway, put in a good word with Dan Cathy for us, will you?

    Yeah they did a great job on that Nightline special. Typically they get 20-30,000 apps per year and hire less than 100. I don't have a clue how they let me in! It's a fantastic organization that is very careful with how they expand, select people, add new products, etc.

    As far as new ones - there may be some more coming to the metro in the next couple of years but I'm not aware of any in that area. However, they're always looking and are attracted to traffic generators such as Best Buy/Wal-Mart/Target, etc. My suggestion to you would be to go to Chick-fil-A and click on "feedback" - give them that exact suggestion - I believe they forward that feedback to the Real Estate dept.

  14. Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Quality... that's a nice change from the norm these days.

  15. #15

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Sorry I'm doing multiple posts to respond - can anyone tell me how to do multiple quotes within one post?


    I have applied for both stores - the existing one on 33rd and the new one. I think if I get one it will probably be the existing one. Either would be fantastic! From what I understand there has been A LOT of interest in the Edmond stores, with guys from outside of OKC clamoring to get in. I was notified I'm in the final group to be selected for one of the stores, so that's great news.

    As I mentioned in my reply to Matt - CFA is very careful with selections and takes their time - we applied for the move back in September. I really hope we get it because I think my heart and mind are already in OKC/Edmond! We should hear in January, I suspect.

  16. Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Dengar, if you get the 33rd store, is there any chance of upgrading the playground to where it's indoor like the modern stores?

  17. #17

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.


    That is exactly on my mind and I have already asked around. Here's the long and short of it - it is extremely expensive to do. They have looked into it but I think they've found that they can remodel something like 2-4 other stores for the price of just re-doing that playground, believe it or not. They're always looking to be good stewards of their money so I don't know that if I get that store that I'll be able to convince them.

    However, CFA is on track to become completely debt-free in a couple of years and from what I'm hearing hopefully they'll get some bigger budgets at that point. You can bet that I'll be the squeaky wheel if that happens!

  18. Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    My feelings about Chick-Fil-A, summed up by Mr. Tim Hawkins, in song form.

    ...by the way, best Coca-Cola ever.

  19. #19

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gato Pollo Loco!!! View Post
    My feelings about Chick-Fil-A, summed up by Mr. Tim Hawkins, in song form.
    Pretty good. It's actually better than the song it's parodying, in my opinion.

    ...by the way, best Coca-Cola ever.
    And Coke Zero! Nobody has Coke Zero.

    This does lead me to a minor gripe with CFA, though--maybe Dengar can answer: Why isn't there a refill station for the customers? I mean, yeah, I know that sometimes they come around and ask if you need a refill, but I'd like to be able to get my own, especially when there's a line at the counter, as there often is.

    Oh yeah, and I submitted the feedback thing. Thanks for pointing that out. Hopefully something comes of it.

  20. #20

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.


    Great question about the refill stations. This is an internal debate of sorts going on at Home Office and in the world of us Operators. Refill stations are great and handy, but in the CFA world they have been anathema up to this point because traditionally we haven't felt that we can offer the same level of customer service with a drink refill station.

    Let me explain: CFA is very customer-focused. We try to train our people to make small talk and stay connected with a guest while the team member is making drinks. This is a chance for us to connect with them. When you remove that element and just hand someone some cups it cuts down on the serve time to be sure but also removes a great opportunity for connection. Also, we love to do what we call Second-Mile Service, which is trying to go above and beyond what the guest would expect from a quick service restaurant. So this includes stuff like assisting moms with small children to their table, carrying large orders to cars, and, like you pointed out, going around and offering to refresh our guests' beverages. Well, if you have refill station, we have felt it is harder to do the refill piece because people would be more reluctant to have us fill their drinks - after all, a drink station is just 10 feet away!

    Now, with all that being said, there is now a store back east somewhere that they remodeled to test some things like a self-order kiosk, a re-designed kitchen, and - you guessed it - a drink refill station. The thinking here is that the host or hostess could have an easier time refreshing beverages if they could just go over there rather than behind the counter but also give guests like you a more convenient option to fill drinks. I'm not sure how this test is going, but I'll tell you it is a big discussion - ingrained into CFA's culture is this desire to do everything possible for the guest - and so we feel awkward not being able to fill drinks. So it is being tested and we'll see what comes of it. I do see your point!

    Betcha didn't expect such a long post on something as inane as drink refills, did ya?

  21. #21

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Thanks for the explanation. I went to (a very busy) CFA today and I gotta say, as much as I respect CFA wanting to maintain the employee-to-customer relationship (which is unmatched in fast food), I'd rather be able to get my own refills, especially when there's a line. I do like the manned refill station concept, though, and I think they could do that and still retain that connection with the customer--if not actually improve it.

  22. #22

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Thanks for the explanation. I went to (a very busy) CFA today and I gotta say, as much as I respect CFA wanting to maintain the employee-to-customer relationship (which is unmatched in fast food), I'd rather be able to get my own refills, especially when there's a line. I do like the manned refill station concept, though, and I think they could do that and still retain that connection with the customer--if not actually improve it.
    Yea, I'm curious to visit that CFA they're testing it at. I really do see your point and I'm glad folks like you give feedback. Home Office really does listen to us out in the field and when we hear from our customers we pass it along. So thanks!

  23. #23

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by dengar22 View Post
    Yea, I'm curious to visit that CFA they're testing it at. I really do see your point and I'm glad folks like you give feedback. Home Office really does listen to us out in the field and when we hear from our customers we pass it along. So thanks!
    Just a thought. Some places (Golden Corral and some pizza places come to mind) handle server assisted drinks with a semi walled off refill station.

    Staff normally takes care of refills, but at the same time since it's not behind an actual counter, no one shoots the chubbabubba who steps over and gets his own refill on soda or coffee, especially when the CB smiles to the server and assures the lass when she rolls by it was obvious she had her hands full and CB jus' dinna wanna be a bother or slow her up none. CB's are like that sometimes. Well, at least me and the other CB's I hang with are like that.

  24. #24

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    I guess, in the interest of closure, I'll share the response I received from CFA:

    At this time, our records do not indicate development plans for a Chick-fil-A Restaurant in your requested area.


    Currently, our focus for expansion includes Southern California and the Chicago market. We hope to add additional markets for expansion in the next five years.
    So there you go.

    Also, in unrelated news, I'm moving to SoCal. Nice knowing you guys.

  25. #25

    Default Re: New Chick-fil-A coming to Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    I guess, in the interest of closure, I'll share the response I received from CFA:

    So there you go.

    Also, in unrelated news, I'm moving to SoCal. Nice knowing you guys.
    Haha, that's an interesting response.

    I guess while technically true their focused areas for growth are SoCal and Chicago, they certainly haven't stopped building everywhere else.

    We shall see in the next few years if/where they decide to build more in OKC!

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