Just curious, since a lot of the streets marked that have had nothing done to them - 164th, 150th/33rd, May, all up in NW OKC. I really hope the other "Emergency Snow Routes" are better! Yeah, I know this was record-setting, etc., but it stopped snowing almost 48 hours ago, which I would've thought would've been *plenty* of time for the plows (how many does OKC have? I really don't know.) to finish at the very least the "Emergency Snow Routes". Really, it's sad how bad those roads still are if they have the equipment and drivers to do it (yeah, they'd probably have to work multiple ridiculously long shifts, but that comes with the job, and I've had to work ridiculously long shifts as part of my job too, so I sympathize). Once a road's plowed and the wind's not gusting to 50 MPH anymore, it's going to stay pretty much clear, but there are main "Emergency Snow Routes" out there that have 8-12" high snow and ice on them. Just completely baffling...
Monday morning commute is going to be g*d-f-ing-awful if they don't do anything more than they have, just so y'all that haven't been out are aware....
And yeah, in case anybody's wondering, pretty much all I do is complain, but by doing so, I hope to bring things to light and eventually make them better - I emailed our councilman about this, but it won't do a bit of good after what I read about him in the past few minutes. I'd really like to try to make things better here (in some way, but not sure how yet since I seriously doubt I could get elected to any office where I could make a difference (and that's not even a sure way to change things in this state/city)), but I fear I'm outnumbered and will just get the sh*t beat out of me by the status quo.How do you get things to change to the way they should be done here? Or should I just give up and be a good little sheeple and accept things the way they are?