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Thread: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

  1. #1

    Default Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    predicted the "mother" of all snow storms. Thousands of businesses, schools, churches, activities of all kind canceled events at least 24 hours in advance. Nothing. Well, here we go again. Sorry, that should be REMEMBER.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Remeber last year when Mike Morgasm

    I do understand what you are saying. However, the models are also predicting a major storm this time, not just him. I am not saying we will get 18-21 inches like some models are saying, but it is looking more and more like we will get significant snowfall out of this storm. We will know much more this afternoon/evening after a couple more model runs!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Remeber last year when Mike Morgasm

    I missed the Voodoo priest, he was a bit more accurate then the local weathermen..esp England....the ole kook..

  4. #4

    Default Re: Remeber last year when Mike Morgasm

    4,5,9 say 4-8+ while the NWS says 2-4, how can they see the same info and come up with different amounts?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Remeber last year when Mike Morgasm

    I don't trust any weather forecast that is more than 4 hours in advance

  6. #6

    Default Re: Remeber last year when Mike Morgasm

    Quote Originally Posted by rod4soonrs View Post
    4,5,9 say 4-8+ while the NWS says 2-4, how can they see the same info and come up with different amounts?
    They all see the same info but interpret it differently. The NWS is very conservative because they are the official weather agency for the country and as such, have to forecast a little more conservatively until they are certain that it will materialize. The local stations are in the business of making money, so if they forecast big, more people watch and they get more money from advertising...

  7. #7

    Default Re: Remeber last year when Mike Morgasm

    I agree. I think it's a ratings game. MM has historically been the "gloom and doom" weather man in OKC. The majority of people love drama so they watch.

  8. Default Re: Remeber last year when Mike Morgasm

    Quote Originally Posted by ultimatesooner View Post
    I don't trust any weather forecast that is more than 4 hours in advance
    Hell, I don't trust our local guys when they're telling you the *current* weather.

    Can't count the number of times I've been driving(crawling) down broadway extension in the rain while listening to Gary tell me there's a 40% chance of precipitation.

    They should stop spending money on whatever 3-d enhanced mega doppler system they use and just put in a window.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Remeber last year when Mike Morgasm

    ............put in a window......

  10. #10

    Default Re: Remeber last year when Mike Morgasm

    "Morgasm" lol

    Hate that guy.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    The TV weather guys are Drama Queens! Have you ever noticed that no matter how little the chance of snow, they always tease that as a lead? Then you find out later they are talking about snow in the panhandle and people in the panhandle do not even watch the station. They are watching the weather forecasts from TV stations in Amarillo.

    I wonder if there would some legal action for weather forecasts that are so inaccurate? People cancel events, salt and sand crews get staged for the impending doom...then nothing...nada...zip. I am not talking the difference between forecast is 8 inches and it only snows 3-4. I am talking about the wild 8-12 inch forecasts that turn into a simple dusting.

    I mean they build the drama of stay at home, do not venture out, but we will drive to a bridge near the station and zoom in on some snow or ice for you. If it is so dangerous, why dont they stay inside?

    "We are talking about people's lives here!" - Gary England

  12. #12

    Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    In defense of all of the local "weather-guessers" - OKC Talk's own
    Aaron Tuttle clued us in to the term the Station Managers use - Weather Porn- if the weather person doesn't play the game they find someone who will.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    I miss AT!

  14. #14

    Default Re: Remeber last year when Mike Morgasm

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    Can't count the number of times I've been driving(crawling) down broadway extension in the rain while listening to Gary tell me there's a 40% chance of precipitation.

    They should stop spending money on whatever 3-d enhanced mega doppler system they use and just put in a window.
    Because that is a 40% chance that a tenth of an inch of rain or more will hit the precipitation sensor at Will Rogers World Airport, Wiley Post Airport, the news station, or various other weather stations throughout the metro.

    The information is also fed as hourly reports, not live temperature, wind, and precipitation data. Every hour at 12 past, the feed from WRWA comes in and that is a 20 minute delay (The information is recorded at 52 past and processed and sent to the NWS and ATC live, but it takes the NWS about 15-20 to get the data ready to be "picked-up" by external contacts). So, just because it's raining, doesn't mean it's raining - if significant rainfall occurred, you will see the data in the next update, or if the weather changed very rapidly, a special report will be generated and sent out.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    What, did I just hear "weather porn"? Guess it pulled me from the shadows. lol!

    The funny thing is 99% of the time the forecast you receive from the weather guys will be right 48 hours in advance. That's how good the science and the computer models are. It's really hard to bust which is why there are weather people on TV that are not meteorologists, they don't necessarily have to be.

    Now, snow is completely different. It doesn't matter how well the model is handling it, something can always change. Snow events expose the weakness in the models. Now to give Morgasm credit, the model last night did show 2 feet of snow, and this morning it continued that trend. But that's only one model. There are others. The best thing to do is blend them all into an average and pick a conservative number. TV makes them have to pick a number days out when in reality snowfall totals should not be estimated beyond 24 hours out. That's why today you see more homogenous numbers from all outlets. By this evening at 10pm they should all be saying the same thing.


  16. Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    Are we pretty certain that the temperature is going to stay below 32 for most of tomorrow? It would seem like the temp is harder to predict than rainfall totals..

  17. #17

    Default Re: Remeber last year when Mike Morgasm

    Quote Originally Posted by rod4soonrs View Post
    4,5,9 say 4-8+ while the NWS says 2-4, how can they see the same info and come up with different amounts?

  18. Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    Do I dare weigh in here? Nah, better not....

  19. #19

    Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Do I dare weigh in here? Nah, better not....
    Joey’s Top-10…Ways to Die in Oklahoma at The Lost Ogle

    Read number 3.

    It was good meeting you at the MAPS3 watch party by the way.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    im guessing Mike Morgan was....correct. Glad i stayed home today.

    Be safe everyone, and Merry Christmas

  21. #21

    Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    I was watching Channel 4 weather, Mike Morgan was standing behind a table/desk talking about the blizzard conditions, must have been trying to hide his woody.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    i was watching channel 4 weather, mike morgan was standing behind a table/desk talking about the blizzard conditions, must have been trying to hide his woody.
    lol! Lol!

  23. #23

    Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    he hit the nail on the head with this one.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    I guess Mike was right!! No one ever mentions how many lives they save when they are predicitng severe weather such as tornadoes.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Remember last year when Mike Morgasm

    Mike Morgan scares me... He over exaggerates everything.. which is not good and not bad at all.

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