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Thread: Where-to-Live Advice

  1. #1

    Default Where-to-Live Advice

    (Hopefully I'm not posting this in the wrong section...)

    I'm going to be moving from San Francisco to OKC in less than a month, and am wondering where to be looking for an apartment.

    I'm male, young, dumb and single, so I'd definitely like to live downtown close to where I can have some sort of social life. I'll also be spending an inordinate amount of time at the new and soon-to-be-finished boathouses, so being closer to there would definitely be nice. I'm looking at places like Deep Deuce, but I have no idea what the area is like besides what I can find from google. Are there any parts of OKC I should try to avoid, e.g. due to there being nothing to do, too much crime, etc.?

    I visited for a few days not too long ago, but only really saw the OCU campus and drove through some parts of Bricktown briefly, so I don't know much about Bricktown or Midtown or any other parts of downtown. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Move to the courts on sw 15th an penn

    you will absolutely love the nightlife

  3. Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Deep Deuce is great. I used to live there. You might also check out Sycamore Square, Montgomery, or Legacy at Arts Central, though they are on the west side of downtown further from the boathouses.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by LIL_WAYNE_2012_PREZIDENT View Post
    Move to the courts on sw 15th an penn

    you will absolutely love the nightlife
    Actually it's SW 15h and Westwood Drive.
    I don't think you'll find much nightlife, however, you will find a lot of LOWLIFE.


  5. Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    actually it's sw 15h and westwood drive.
    I don't think you'll find much nightlife, however, you will find a lot of lowlife.

    Anyone but obama for president in 2012
    well lets just get all technical

  6. #6

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    You should buy a condo in Wayne and a loft in Payne, they have their own interstate exit sign.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    There's some recently built apartments within a fairly short walking distance of Bricktown. You could then proudly say you live by Bricktown.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Deep Deuce or Legacy apartments is where I would live. Deep Deuce would be marginally closer. I know a fair number of young adults who live at Legacy and, while we can spend days complaining about how it looks on this forum, they like living there. There are some new apartments south of the Health Sciences Center, and although that area is a bit marginal, the apartments look nice. I don't know much about housing availability around OCU, but someone on this forum will. If you wanted to live in a house, I would think you could possibly find something in the Paseo or Jefferson Park area.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by LIL_WAYNE_2012_PREZIDENT View Post
    Move to the courts on sw 15th an penn

    you will absolutely love the nightlife
    that's just mean.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Deep Deuce is right over the hill from Bricktown... Also closer to the boathouse. There are some nice apartments in Park Harvey, and in the Montgomery Building, but they are more downtown than bricktown. A little longer walk but still walking distance.

    here's a link to the new lincoln apartments...they are very nice

    The Lincoln at Central Park

  11. Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Deep Deuce. Park Harvey if you can afford.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    You cant go wrong with most of the downtown apartments everyone has listed. The downtown nightlife crowd is rather interesting i.e. sometimes you feel like youre at the jersey shore as opposed to the south, but that also depends where you hang out. I would also tell you to look in and around nichols hills or crown heights areas for a rent house. When I was looking, I found houses there that would rent for less than the expensive apartments downtown. If you can find a roomate, it is almost always cheaper to look for a rent house.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    Deep Deuce. Park Harvey if you can afford.
    they're about equal in pricing, aren't they?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Save some cash and find a garage apartment in Gatewood or Mesta Park. Get the best of all worlds.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    For apartments, definitely check out the core of downtown, Deep Deuce, Park Harvey, Legacy Arts, the Sieber Hotel, and possibly the Aberdeen if you're on a budget (it's in the Heritage Hills area and they have been recently renovated). They are all very convenient to the boathouse area.

    You may also want to check out the Classen, located on 23rd street in the asian district. It's an eclectic area with close proximity to a great grocery store some fabulous local restaurants.

    Also, check out individual homes in the Paseo area, Gatewood, Meta Park and Heritage Hills. There are some 4-plexes that were built in the 1920s or so, have tons of character, and are in great walkable neighborhoods. Since you're coming from the bay area, I recommend you stick to the core and the historic areas of the city to have access to some of the amenities to which you may have grown accustomed.

    I think you'll really enjoy the boathouse row - I participated last year in the corporate rowing league, and took individual lessons as well - it's really a blast and I hope you grow to enjoy what the city has to offer.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by mheaton76 View Post
    For apartments, definitely check out the core of downtown, Deep Deuce, Park Harvey, Legacy Arts, the Sieber Hotel, and possibly the Aberdeen if you're on a budget (it's in the Heritage Hills area and they have been recently renovated). They are all very convenient to the boathouse area.

    You may also want to check out the Classen, located on 23rd street in the asian district. It's an eclectic area with close proximity to a great grocery store some fabulous local restaurants.

    Also, check out individual homes in the Paseo area, Gatewood, Meta Park and Heritage Hills. There are some 4-plexes that were built in the 1920s or so, have tons of character, and are in great walkable neighborhoods. Since you're coming from the bay area, I recommend you stick to the core and the historic areas of the city to have access to some of the amenities to which you may have grown accustomed.

    I think you'll really enjoy the boathouse row - I participated last year in the corporate rowing league, and took individual lessons as well - it's really a blast and I hope you grow to enjoy what the city has to offer.
    Just print out a copy of this post and use it while searching for an apt. in OKC. Ignore virtually everything else you've read on this thread.

  17. Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Definitely check out the historic areas of Mesta Park, Heritage Hills, Paseo, Jefferson Park, and Crown Heights.

    Coming from SFO, you should feel perfectly safe and comfortable in any of these areas as well as all of downtown.

    I lived in the Park Harvey for a year and loved it. The Sieber is a bit more expensive, but if I could afford it, that's where I would live. It's a great historic building with a brand new remodel and just a block or two from the Plaza Court--the hub of nightlife in Midtown. It's also close to Bricktown and Boathouse Row.

    Deep Deuce is the closest to Boathouse Row if you're looking to rent. Don't know if you're in the market to get a condo. There are some fairly inexpensive ones in the Deep Deuce area (Lofts and Maywood Park, Block 42, Central Ave. Villas).
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  18. Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Downtown housing projects, that you should check out, if you're on a budget (rent beginning: $600-$800):

    Sycamore Square
    Park Harvey
    Garage Lofts
    5th Avenue Lofts
    Harvey Lofts
    Deep Deuce
    Regency Tower

    If you can afford $1,000/mo, check out these projects:

    Sieber Hotel
    The Montgomery
    Legacy at Arts Central
    The Aberdeen

    When you're ready to settle down and buy a house, there are several great projects in downtown as well as some excellent neighborhoods that are turning the corner. Essentially it's the inner north side of OKC that is desirable and hip. Whatever you do, I would avoid the projects that start around $500,000, even though several of those have been successful developments, I just don't see it being a wise investment at this point, even if that is your price range..which I doubt being younger.

    The suggestion that you should try scowering historic districts for garage lofts is also a great idea. Those can be found, but they're never advertised, and you won't ever see a sign saying "Really cool garage loft for rent, prices reasonable."

  19. Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Downtown housing projects, that you should check out, if you're on a budget (rent beginning: $600-$800):

    Sycamore Square
    Park Harvey
    Garage Lofts
    5th Avenue Lofts
    Harvey Lofts
    Deep Deuce
    Regency Tower

    If you can afford $1,000/mo, check out these projects:

    Sieber Hotel
    The Montgomery
    Legacy at Arts Central
    The Aberdeen

    When you're ready to settle down and buy a house, there are several great projects in downtown as well as some excellent neighborhoods that are turning the corner. Essentially it's the inner north side of OKC that is desirable and hip. Whatever you do, I would avoid the projects that start around $500,000, even though several of those have been successful developments, I just don't see it being a wise investment at this point, even if that is your price range..which I doubt being younger.

    The suggestion that you should try scowering historic districts for garage lofts is also a great idea. Those can be found, but they're never advertised, and you won't ever see a sign saying "Really cool garage loft for rent, prices reasonable."
    You can get in the Aberdeen for less than $1000 last time I checked...

  20. Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by flippity View Post
    they're about equal in pricing, aren't they?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Lots of thanks to everyone in this thread - gave me a lot of info to go with.

  22. Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    You can get in the Aberdeen for less than $1000 last time I checked...
    I didn't know that Mallen. Aberdeen might be one of the better values in downtown housing, which I hadn't realized. I guess being in Heritage Hills kind of makes you assume rents start at $1,000..but then again I don't know how big the units are.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    Cool studios with murphy beds, and a couple 1 beds... clean and updated... $495-$600
    next to Sieber.

    Claremont Apartments

  24. #24

    Default Re: Where-to-Live Advice

    I lived at the Aberdeen at one time. They have several different unit types to choose from. One section is more like traditional apartments but they are pretty cool on the inside, some being lofts with open second floors and others being town homes. The coolest units are in the Aberdeen tower... it's 10 stories or so and has some fantastic views of downtown for relatively cheap. At one time long ago when it was built it was the tallest building in Oklahoma. The area around there is pretty safe. Some big pluses are some great neighborhood walking areas nearby and also St. Luke's right across the street always keeps its area up nicely.

    The only real negatives were very small closet space (the place was built in 1920-something...), and unfortunately if you live in the tower there's really not a way to know you have guests since there's no buzzer or intercom system (back in the old days the tower had a doorman...). Also some of the units can be small, but they do have some pretty big ones.

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