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Thread: Avatar

  1. Default Avatar

    I don't see a thread but if there is one already, please merge.

    Just saw Avatar at the Harkins Cine Capri. 2 things: On that screen, it is not 3D (we could have waited ... we were there for the 3:30 pm Saturday showing but would have waited until after 6 for the next 3D, so we skipped it.

    Second and more importantly, my wife and I enjoyed the movie to the hilt. Stunning graphics; story wasn't too original (Euros v. Native Americans transported about 100-150 years from now on a distant planet), with lots of big birds, etc. But, totally engaging and a very satisfying ending.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Avatar

    I've only seen a tv trailer for this, but with the sound down below my hearing level, my first thought was when the heck did the smurfs become anorexic teens.

    Kinda glad to hear it's got more appeal than that.

  3. Default Re: Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    I've only seen a tv trailer for this, but with the sound down below my hearing level, my first thought was when the heck did the smurfs become anorexic teens.

    Kinda glad to hear it's got more appeal than that.
    Were I to compare this movie with (1) Lord of The Rings Trilogy and (2) Star Wars movies, both of which genres and movies I enjoy but neither of which really fit what this movie is (in the 1st place, Avatar is not a saga like both of those groups were), I would place it somewhere in the middle ... I've always seen Rings as very very serious fiction, Star Wars as more frivolous but nonetheless entertaining. Some of the characters in Star Wars struck me as being "different" for no other purpose and kind of cutsey. The characters in this movie, while obviously not "real," seemed a better fit to me in the hypothetical world of the movie which was deftly created. And the very blatant analogy of the expansive Euro-linked interests in the US vs. the Native Americans, as well as business interests as a if not the driving force in use of military, made the analogy more realistic to me.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Avatar

    Thanks, Doug - I'll put this on my list to see.

  5. Default Re: Avatar

    Movie is incredible. The start was a little dry for me but I didn't want it to end. Visually stunning, the story line definitely had the Native American tone to it but also highlights our species lack of regard for anything by the almighty dollar. I am thrilled that he already has the two sequels in the works for it. It wasn't quite up there with LoTR for me, but its definitely very high on my "will watch 35 times" list.

    Side note. Great service as always from Warren. Did seem their portions were getting a bit smaller on the meals, but may have just been a new crew in the kitchen today. All in all food and service still great. Haven't gone to another theater since they opened and probably never will as long as they remain. Can't beat the product.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Avatar

    I saw it yesterday at Warren in 3-d. I have to admit I was skeptical at first, but it was actually a very good film.

  7. Default Re: Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Movie is incredible. * * * It wasn't quite up there with LoTR for me, but its definitely very high on my "will watch 35 times" list.
    If any movies ever match LoTR for me, I'll know that I've died and gone to heaven. As to Avatar, I'm glad to hear that sequels are planned ... maybe this will turn out being a saga before it's all done, as well.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Avatar

    Quail Springs has it on an IMAX screen

  9. #9

    Default Re: Avatar

    Looked fantastic in 3-D at the Warren this weekend. There's a forest scene where these little seedlings are falling from a tree and there are bugs floating in between the "camera" and the characters... it was simply amazing.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Avatar

    I usually see movies at Warren, but I saw Avatar at the new imax 3-d. It was easily the most impressive 3-d movie I've seen. I'm not sure if it's just the movie that did it well, or if it was the imax screen.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Avatar

    I just got back from the IMAX 3D at Quail. The film was impressive, but the theater was scorching seemingly adding to the length of the film. I sum it up as "Fern Gully" with a $400 million budget.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Avatar

    Saw the 3D version last night at Harkins, pretty cool. My wife LOVED it. Didnt feel like 3 hours.

  13. Default Re: Avatar

    I saw it at Quail in 3D because IMAX was sold out. I love this movie... lol, I too was thinking Fern Gully though, as my kids loved that movie when they were little and I watched it a hundred times with them.

    I'm taking the rest of the family on Christmas Eve to see it on the 3D Imax screen. This time I got tickets way in advance (like yesterday!)

    I don't like long movies.. but this one had me sitting on the edge of my seat and hoping it didn't end. I didn't feel like it was over 2 hours long at all.

    It was like entering a new world - special effects simply amazing.... everytime I looked at my 12 year old, he was leaning forward and either smiling or looking completely amazed (which is how I probably looked as well!)

    Definitely worth seeing this movie and if you can do the 3D and Imax, even better. You won't be disappointed.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  14. Default Re: Avatar

    Of course, if you *really* want the 3D Imax experience, drive up to Tulsa and watch it on the real Imax screen.

  15. #15

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    The 3D IMAX was amazing. Like the matrix on steroids and the 3d was like you're really there!

  16. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond Earl View Post
    Quail Springs has it on an IMAX screen

    This is a lie. Not a lie created or willingly told by you, Edmond Earl, but a lie nonetheless. The "IMAX" screen as Quail Springs is a "fake" IMAX screen. If you want to see a movie with the "IMAX experience" you need to drive to Tulsa. Otherwise you should save your money and see the movie at Warren or Harkins or, at worst, a "normal" auditormium at Quail Springs.

    I've posted about this before, but this simply isn't a case of "preference" or opinion. The simple fact is that the IMAX at Quail is a cheat and a lie and you should not be tricked into spending so much money on it.

    Here is an excellent article by Roger Ebert on the subject: That's not the IMAX I grew up with - Roger Ebert's Journal

    The 3D isn't better, the screen isn't larger, its not worth the extra cost. Go to Warren Theatres and watch it in the Grand Auditorium if you need a large screen with 3D. If you're not in the balcony you'll be saving tons of money and if you are you're at least getting your money's worth. But don't go to Quail's "IMAX." Please.

  17. Default Re: Avatar

    So much money? My ticket for a 12:45pm showing on Thursday was $7 Imax 3D at Quail Springs. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I might spend a little more in gas for the drive to Tulsa (or even Moore) for a 'Real Imax Experience'.

    Apparently, I'm not all that particular. And, actually, I really could care less, the movie is wonderful.. I loved it! I'm not going to waste my time measuring the screen or lamenting about the fact that Quail isn't a Real Imax.. I'm going to enjoy a great movie with family and friends.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  18. #18

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    *shrugs* Their website says its an additional $4 (which, again according to the website, should have been $11 at 12:45pm), but what do I know?

    Anyway, my point isn't to ruin anyone's experience who has already been, but to deter anyone who will be going for that "true IMAX experience." If you don't care, more power to you. If you enjoyed your visit, great. I'm glad you had a good time. But there are people who care and will probably feel cheated if they to Quail Springs expecting a screen the size of Mount Everest.

    I'd feel cheated if I ordered Dr. Pepper and got Pibb Xtra, or, the comparison more used, ordered a Coke and received New Coke. I don't see what's so wrong about trying to prevent that. If you read the article I linked in my above post it explains everything. Basically, though, the entire idea behind IMAX for the past 30 years has been the epic size of the screen and the different dimensions of the screen. The screen at Quail Springs has neither of those and is simply a brand name being thrown on a marginally modified existing screen. Again, the article I linked above has an example.

  19. #19

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    That Ebert article should be reposted anytime anyone here talks about the "Imax" at Quail Springs. God, what a sham. But then again, I wouldn't expect anything less from AMC.

  20. Default Re: Avatar

    I think we all have different preferences to theaters. Personally, once I went to the Warren when the opened, I refused to go to any other movie house in the area. Harkins was my choice before, but not it is a dump compared to the Warren. Plus the balcony is so worth the extra few bucks. I have no problems having a huge seat, warm restaurant style food, and someone waiting on me.

    With that said, I didn't get to see it in 3D but that is mainly my own choice since the 3D movie glasses give me a headache. Maybe i'll just pack a bunch of advil and try it again.

  21. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    I think we all have different preferences to theaters. Personally, once I went to the Warren when the opened, I refused to go to any other movie house in the area. Harkins was my choice before, but not it is a dump compared to the Warren. Plus the balcony is so worth the extra few bucks. I have no problems having a huge seat, warm restaurant style food, and someone waiting on me.

    With that said, I didn't get to see it in 3D but that is mainly my own choice since the 3D movie glasses give me a headache. Maybe i'll just pack a bunch of advil and try it again.
    It's totally worth the headache.

  22. Default Re: Avatar

    I guess I am in the minority. I didn't like it at all. It didn't have the feel to a james cameron movie and I thought the story was unoriginal and drawn out.

    However, the visuals are worth the price of admission, so I still tell people to go see it.

  23. #23

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    Just saw it in IMAX 3D... Best movie I have ever seen! Makes me not want to be a sky person..

  24. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by citizenkane View Post
    I saw it yesterday at Warren in 3-d. I have to admit I was skeptical at first, but it was actually a very good film.
    ^^^ I also saw it at warren! it was the BEST movie I have ever seen!

  25. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    ... Best movie I have ever seen! Makes me not want to be a sky person..
    Ditto! Great movie. Definately the best I've ever seen.

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