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Thread: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

  1. #101

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    I thought there was no name calling on here. Can you say dick on here?

  2. #102

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    just ignore what i said

    it's been made clear to me by many of you that i don't belong here and everything i post is BS and I'm just making things up in random threads to appear as if I'm trying to contribute to the forum.

    message received
    Oh come on. Purple, just calm down, let things settle and all will be well.

  3. #103

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by LordGerald View Post
    It is an act. I am a bleeding heart left of center liberal and I know Mark "Shannon." He, at one time, many, many moons ago, was a man that I considered a friend and looked up to. I still consider him a friend. He is a good man, who created a radio persona to make a living. I am sad that he is sick. He and his wife have always been friendly and gracious to me.

    I've always considered him to be a good guy, and my group of friends, whom he hung out with in the mid-1980s always enjoyed his company. He has always been fair to me. I've been a guest on his radio show(s) three times, and always appreciated his candor and honesty. I am disappointed in his latest schtick, but feel that he has (mostly) been true to himself. I understand what he is doing, and I want OKCtalk forum folks to lay off and let him do his thing. It's just for show. That's entertainment, folks, and you all are talking about it. LG
    Lord Gerald, it's illegal to make threats against your president, even if insincere. I really don't think anyone should be making threats against the mayor either. Even if it is a schtick, there are people out there who don't have the ability to distinguish between real and a persona, and, since he's whipping up people on the fringe, it has the potential to cause significant problems. I'm really sorry he's sick, but at that point in my life, I'd be making peace with my life and everyone in my world, not potentially creating disharmony, at best.

  4. #104

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Lord Gerald, it's illegal to make threats against your president, even if insincere. I really don't think anyone should be making threats against the mayor either. Even if it is a schtick, there are people out there who don't have the ability to distinguish between real and a persona, and, since he's whipping up people on the fringe, it has the potential to cause significant problems. I'm really sorry he's sick, but at that point in my life, I'd be making peace with my life and everyone in my world, not potentially creating disharmony, at best.

  5. #105

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikemarsh51 View Post
    I thought there was no name calling on here. Can you say dick on here?
    one could always substitute King Richard the 1st Syndrome should one be inclined to refer to another as a pompous dick

  6. #106

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    I prefer Richard Noggin as a substitute.

  7. #107

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    I met Mark Shannon at the OKC Tax Tea Party. He is a great guy, you must understand that these "threats" (I don't even consider them threats) are 1 dimensional. [to you] They look like a threat, feel like a threat, and have depth.

    When you go to the doctor, the doctor names off every severe thing you can think of, and makes the situation (in this case, the "threat") worse than it is -- to get you to LISTEN! The doctor I see every 6 months says words that absolutely scare me to death when I am in his room, he does that so I know my condition is serious enough to pay attention, but not life threatening.

    Mark uses the same methods -- he says these things so you will understand the gravity of the situation (from his point of view) and to capture the audience.

    There is a reason conservative talk radio has such a high listener ship. The majority of Americans are conservative, whether you want to accept that or not.

    I am a listener of Mark, I personally know at least 42 others who are, so put that in your pipe and smoke it. Your estimates on his listeners might be a bit off.

  8. #108

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    There is a reason conservative talk radio has such a high listener ship. The majority of Americans are conservative, whether you want to accept that or not.

    I am a listener of Mark (Rush), ...Your estimates on his listeners might be a bit off.
    Naw its spot on..

  9. #109

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    The majority of Americans are conservative, whether you want to accept that or not.
    This is not correct.

    About 40 percent of Americans are self-described conservatives, another 30 percent self-described liberal, and the balance consider themselves to be moderate.

    And this is somewhat generational as well. The coming Y generation considers itself to be much more liberal than any generation in decades.

    The number of Americans who actually tune in to right-wing rant radio is around 20 million in total -- out of 350 million citizens. It is a niche market to say the least.

  10. #110

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Young people always say they are 'liberal' ... lots of times that changes.

  11. Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Usually when they start to draw a paycheck and see how much is taken out of it before they get the final pay.

  12. #112

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    He's not a Newstalk radio show host!!
    He's not a radio show disc jockey
    He's an entertainer

    His views change with the wind, just listen to his radio show and read his web site, he is so inconsistent with his views and opinions and will change his stance to fit any given situation.

    As I have mentionerd before, he lost any credability when he constantly talks about having the #1 Rated Local and Live Afternoon News Talk Radio Show, while he never mentions that he has the ONLY LOCAL LIVE AFTEROON NEWS TALK RADIO SHOW.

  13. #113

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    He's not a Newstalk radio show host!!
    He's not a radio show disc jockey
    He's an entertainer

    His views change with the wind, just listen to his radio show and read his web site, he is so inconsistent with his views and opinions and will change his stance to fit any given situation.

    As I have mentionerd before, he lost any credability when he constantly talks about having the #1 Rated Local and Live Afternoon News Talk Radio Show, while he never mentions that he has the ONLY LOCAL LIVE AFTEROON NEWS TALK RADIO SHOW.
    Now see you discovered the "curtain" in which teabaggers,birthers and deniers is about they denounce just about anything but you cant get a solution suggestion out of them.

  14. #114

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Man, you guys have more fun than should be allowed on this thread////See ya....

  15. #115

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    Now see you discovered the "curtain" in which teabaggers,birthers and deniers is about they denounce just about anything but you cant get a solution suggestion out of them.
    We have offered many solutions. The main one being:
    Big Brother Government, get out of my way and let me earn my own money and provide for my family.

    Others include but are not limited to:

    Shrink government; allow more free enterprise; lower spending; lower taxes (assuming lower spending); stop corruption; lower national debt.

    That is not saying we are to rob banks, but we are SICK of the government interfering in everything we do. We want the government to do what it is designed to do: provide and protect individual freedom, allow free enterprise, keep us safe, and to get out of the way when we want to make our own living.

    Why should the government and those who feed off of it be rewarded by taking the fruits of my labor? I don't mind government programs to those who are old and sick. But a person who is capable, but just not willing, to find work, or find a way to legally make their own money is not deserving of my money.

    It is not unfair, it is a fair system: work and be rewarded, don't work (unless you are not capable of work (old, extremely sick, etc.)) and you are not rewarded.

    Fair does not mean everyone gets the same, fair means everyone has an equal playing field. The system we have is fair if the government keeps out of the way, just let people do what they do best: make an honest living, don't tax the hell out of them.

    Also the name calling is getting old. Call us conservative, not teabaggers, birthers, and deniers. I enjoyed the OKC Tea Party...great to see some real people who don't try to feel better then everyone by feeling "Enlightened" by their Ph.D. but have never turned a wrench or broke a sweat working in their lifetime.

    Let me slide the soap box back under the desk.

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru
    This is not correct.

    About 40 percent of Americans are self-described conservatives, another 30 percent self-described liberal, and the balance consider themselves to be moderate.
    I'd agree with that. I do need to amend my original statement though, as that is not what I was getting at. It should read: Most of American's vote conservative to moderately conservative. I think that is a true statement. Most American's are not in favor of this liberal spending, soaring national debt (thanks Bush and Obama), takeover of banks and car companies, and the continuous printing of money used to monetize the debt.

  16. #116

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    We have offered many solutions. The main one being:
    Big Brother Government, get out of my way and let me earn my own money and provide for my family.

    Others include but are not limited to:

    Shrink government; allow more free enterprise; lower spending; lower taxes (assuming lower spending); stop corruption; lower national debt.

    That is not saying we are to rob banks, but we are SICK of the government interfering in everything we do. We want the government to do what it is designed to do: provide and protect individual freedom, allow free enterprise, keep us safe, and to get out of the way when we want to make our own living.

    Why should the government and those who feed off of it be rewarded by taking the fruits of my labor? I don't mind government programs to those who are old and sick. But a person who is capable, but just not willing, to find work, or find a way to legally make their own money is not deserving of my money.

    It is not unfair, it is a fair system: work and be rewarded, don't work (unless you are not capable of work (old, extremely sick, etc.)) and you are not rewarded.

    Fair does not mean everyone gets the same, fair means everyone has an equal playing field. The system we have is fair if the government keeps out of the way, just let people do what they do best: make an honest living, don't tax the hell out of them.

    Also the name calling is getting old. Call us conservative, not teabaggers, birthers, and deniers. I enjoyed the OKC Tea Party...great to see some real people who don't try to feel better then everyone by feeling "Enlightened" by their Ph.D. but have never turned a wrench or broke a sweat working in their lifetime.

    Let me slide the soap box back under the desk.

    I'd agree with that. I do need to amend my original statement though, as that is not what I was getting at. It should read: Most of American's vote conservative to moderately conservative. I think that is a true statement. Most American's are not in favor of this liberal spending, soaring national debt (thanks Bush and Obama), takeover of banks and car companies, and the continuous printing of money used to monetize the debt.
    You may be stretching it a bit too far. It's true that most Americans were opposed to the bank bailout, but now TARP funds are being repaid. It's also true that the stimulus added somewhat to the debt, but doing nothing probably would have been worse. It's also true that more than half of Americans approve of Obama, and fewer than 35 percent approve of the Republican Party's approach, so it's not like the public agrees with Mark Shannon at the moment.

    I agree that if at the end of his first term Obama is not able to show improvement in the debt and economy, he may suffer at the ballot box. But I just read an article last night in Newsweek mentioning the fact the economy is growing faster than any economists predicted, indicating that while imperfect, the stimulus is having some positive effects.

    And if we can rein in healthcare costs (not easy), we might be able to see a lessening of the debt.

    But I doubt you and I would agree on the prescriptions! lol

  17. #117

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    More than half? LOL Did you pull that number out of your ass? Poll after poll has indicated for the past several weeks that his approval ratings have been less than 50%!

    Also, the vote for B.O. was a vote against Bush. Bush screwed us over in his last term, especially near the end. The independents pulled for Obama because he promised change -- they were not expecting this type of change. I do not recognize this country from this time last year. A complete 180°.

    RealClearPolitics - RealClearPolitics Poll Averages

    Average of all the listed polls is 48.4% Approve / 45.4% Disapprove.

    Gallup has him at 48% Approve and 42% Disapprove.

    Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Government, Politics, Economics, Management

    Also, I do not consider myself a Republican, they are just as bad as the Democrats most of the time. People have lost faith in politicians. Hopefully 2010 will restore some trust when we vote some people out of office and get some change back to how it was before this massive expansion of government.

  18. #118

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    More than half? LOL Did you pull that number out of your ass? Poll after poll has indicated for the past several weeks that his approval ratings have been less than 50%!

    Also, the vote for B.O. was a vote against Bush. Bush screwed us over in his last term, especially near the end. The independents pulled for Obama because he promised change -- they were not expecting this type of change. I do not recognize this country from this time last year. A complete 180°.

    RealClearPolitics - RealClearPolitics Poll Averages

    Average of all the listed polls is 48.4% Approve / 45.4% Disapprove.

    Gallup has him at 48% Approve and 42% Disapprove.

    Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Government, Politics, Economics, Management

    Also, I do not consider myself a Republican, they are just as bad as the Democrats most of the time. People have lost faith in politicians. Hopefully 2010 will restore some trust when we vote some people out of office and get some change back to how it was before this massive expansion of government.
    OK, I was sourcing Survey 2000, which was the most accurate pollster during the election. I realize these polls differ and that even Gallup's daily tracking poll differs from other polls and surveys it conducts.

    One of the things you don't mention is the regional variation of the polling on Obama. In places like Oklahoma and the South, he is doing poorly (is this surprising?). However, in places like the Midwest, West, Southwest and Northeast, his numbers are very high. If you take the South out of the mix, he is off the charts.

    For what it's worth, I don't expect Obama to carry the South in the next election, as it is the only region of the country that gives any support to Republicans.

    I voted for the guy and I'm willing to give him a chance. I may be wrong in the end but for now I'm behind him.

  19. #119

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    OK, I was sourcing Survey 2000, which was the most accurate pollster during the election. I realize these polls differ and that even Gallup's daily tracking poll differs from other polls and surveys it conducts.

    One of the things you don't mention is the regional variation of the polling on Obama. In places like Oklahoma and the South, he is doing poorly (is this surprising?). However, in places like the Midwest, West, Southwest and Northeast, his numbers are very high. If you take the South out of the mix, he is off the charts.

    For what it's worth, I don't expect Obama to carry the South in the next election, as it is the only region of the country that gives any support to Republicans.

    I voted for the guy and I'm willing to give him a chance. I may be wrong in the end but for now I'm behind him.
    Actually Rasmussen was most accurate in the last election cycle, and they have Obama at 44% approval.


  20. #120

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by RedDirt717 View Post
    Actually Rasmussen was most accurate in the last election cycle, and they have Obama at 44% approval.

    Rasmussen constantly changes its party ID. Since the election they have boosted GOP ID in the polling surveys. They have about a six point house effect, as their party ID is not matched by any other data and any other pollster.

    I know a lot of you guys are hoping and praying for Obama's failure, but he will be the odds-on favorite to be reelected, particularly if Sarah Palin is the GOP nominee.

  21. #121

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    but we are SICK of the government interfering in everything we do.
    Like telling you you can't marry who you want?
    Telling you you can't smoke weed?
    You have to wear your seatbelt?

    If you think you are taxed to death you need a better accountant.

  22. #122

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    There's no way to predict presidential election outcomes at this point in time, regardless of poll numbers. If things are going well in 2012, Obama will be reelected. If things are going poorly, he might not be reelected. The voting public is fickle and changeable. I think the pollsters have to do something to justify their existence, because their data is worthless, unless you're looking at coattail potential.

  23. #123

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    : Back to the TOPIC Mark Shannon

  24. #124

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    I thought people who were against Government ..were called ANARCHIST. OR what is it they called people who protested the President,??,Hmmm.. lets look back at What the right wing said only months ago.. Were not citizens called TRAITORS..America haters..UnAmerican..??? Talking heads on am radio praising George Bush and his policies, Hannity almost crying because of the things that were said against "MY PRESIDENT"!! Where were you Tea baggers..lol {can't help but laugh..lol TEA BAGGERS,hah-hah!!} Yes where were you, when Bush lied to you and sent our kids to die in Iraq, when we all knew it was not Saddam who took down the towers? Where were you when Bush and Cheney and Rummy, day after day whittled down our constitutional rights, over a LIE!!!!

  25. #125

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    As of Markkk Shannon, Who is Tom,?? Shannon keeps saying "Me and Tom are going to be fired"?? Now that Markkk Fullerton is in trouble for his mouth, he wants to blame someone else for making him say nutty things. and Oh yes, I'm on drugs defense..How does the FCC let someone rant hatefilled tripe, knowing the host is on hallucinogenic drugs..

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