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Thread: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

  1. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    And how is that different then the NOT THIS MAPS supporters showing up at shopping malls/stores on black Friday, shoving their pamplets in the faces of Christmas shoppers.
    1. I do not know anything about any Black Friday issues as I do not do Black Friday.

    2. I never said it was different than anything else HOWEVER - I did PAY to attend the game. You do not PAY to walk into a store unless it is a club store that requires membership. If I PAY to enjoy a NON political event - I should not be harassed about political issues.

    3. My email and postal box has been crammed with vote for MAPS3 and my telephone answering machine was full of Vote Yes for MAPS3 which took 20 minutes of deleting to get rid of it.

    I have not had a single person ask me to Vote no.

    I have had well over 60 contacts of people by telephone, email, postal mail and in person telling me to vote YES.

    So the Vote Yes People have basically turned me off voting yes just by the harassment.

  2. #52

    Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    I'm starting to realize that instead of t-shirts and signs, the NTM funds would been far better invested in some blocks of cheese.

  3. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by JustTheFactsPlease View Post
    I have had well over 60 contacts of people by telephone, email, postal mail and in person telling me to vote YES.
    I call B.S. I'm on the YESforMaps email list and I've received nowhere near that many contacts, and not a single phone call.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  4. #54

    Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    My mother can attest to it, she said she threw away 8 pieces of pro MAPS mail she received on Monday alone. She said she has received numerous phone recorded phone calls from the Governor, Mary Fallin and others. i personally have only received 1 mailing piece and it was from the NTM folks. Don't know about phone calls, because my land line doesn't have an answring machine and I rarely am awake to receive calls during the day (work graveyard shift, ringer turned off). So 60 combined contacts doesn't seem to be out of the question. May be a little high.

  5. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I call B.S. I'm on the YESforMaps email list and I've received nowhere near that many contacts, and not a single phone call.
    Well, now... lucky you!

    Call what you want - truth is the truth no matter what you call it.

    The Daily Oklahoman sent me the emails (they actually sent some to my work email also) or at least some of them and I still have some of the postal mail but I dumped some of it in the nice recycle bins the post office now has for us postal box holders to dispose of junk mail like political junk we do not want.

    I am sure my name and information is on many lists since I vote EVERY issue no matter how big or small. Up to now I have voted yes on all the MAPS and the Ford Center vote.

    I was on the fence until I started getting bombarded with Yes people.

    Maybe they don't call you since they know you are for it.

    I did not waste my time trying to track all the contacts down - especially since the vote is so soon. If it was longer - like a presidential election - then I would have tried to track the sources and asked to be removed.

    Did you go to any Thunder games incognito lately? If so - you could have racked up quite a few contacts in one fell swoop. But if you were "scarlet lettered" then no one would have approached you in an effort to get your vote.

    I will be glad when the vote is over so people will quit bugging me to vote yes.

  6. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Voting no because you are annoyed with people promoting MAPS 3.

    Great reason!
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  7. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Voting no because you are annoyed with people promoting MAPS 3.

    Great reason!
    Again another person putting words in my mouth. I never once said that I was voting no because yes people annoyed me. Those are strictly YOUR words. I said I was on the fence until then.

    The hard sell got me to looking at it even closer. Like all the speeches about MAPS3 will do 1, 2, 3, etc. The ballot however, says MAY include...

    Well, which is it? It either will or won't. Any capitol improvement can be done over the next few years. That is pretty broad. I do not have to approve of anyone doing any capitol improvements that happens to be the whim of the moment.

  8. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    My mother can attest to it, she said she threw away 8 pieces of pro MAPS mail she received on Monday alone. She said she has received numerous phone recorded phone calls from the Governor, Mary Fallin and others. i personally have only received 1 mailing piece and it was from the NTM folks. Don't know about phone calls, because my land line doesn't have an answring machine and I rarely am awake to receive calls during the day (work graveyard shift, ringer turned off). So 60 combined contacts doesn't seem to be out of the question. May be a little high.
    Thanks, Larry. I am in several organizations, mail lists, call lists, etc. Besides having been to Thunder games which were proliferant with YES Maps people.

  9. #59

    Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Interesting. I got one piece of mail thanking me for my donation to the Yes for MAPS campaign and no phone calls.

  10. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Interesting. I got one piece of mail thanking me for my donation to the Yes for MAPS campaign and no phone calls.

    lol Well, you can have some of mine, Betts. I will share with you! I still have more than a dozen hard pieces of mail from MAPS3. I wish now I had kept ALL of them as tally cards in case it passes to see how close they keep or don't keep their words.

  11. #61

    Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    I guess I'm invisible, or they knew they could count on my vote. Dunno. I didn't get any mailings from the unions either, although some of my friends got some.

  12. #62

    Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I guess I'm invisible, or they knew they could count on my vote. Dunno. I didn't get any mailings from the unions either, although some of my friends got some.
    betts, is there anyone in OK County that dinna know your position on MAPs?

  13. #63

    Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Haha! Seriously doubt it.

  14. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I guess I'm invisible, or they knew they could count on my vote. Dunno. I didn't get any mailings from the unions either, although some of my friends got some.
    I am sure it depends on how many lists you made it on over the years and whether or not they did a computer match of known/unknown views of the voters.

    I guess you would have to ask all the groups promoting how they got their lists.

    I have a PO Box if that makes a difference.

    They could have pulled voter lists, PO Box holder lists, and perhaps others that are public lists. They could have pulled information from party lists (Dem/Rep/Lib) etc. All have my HOME telephone number which was what was called except I do not think my voter information asked for a telephone number at all.

    All of the mailed ones say The (my last name) Household.

  15. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Funny, I have a mail out here from the say YES promoters which ONLY talks about the Police and Fire negotiations and ends with "Don't let the union bosses stop our city's momentum for the sake of their own agendas."

    Now, I see how the Police and Fire VS MAPS3 got started...

  16. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    How does that prove who started it?
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  17. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    How does that prove who started it?

    You are right - it doesn't prove it. But I didn't get ANY contact from any NO people unless you count this forum.

    So it sounds like the Yes people may have started it to me since I didn't get any contact from the NO side saying why they were NO. That is the appearance to me.

    I wonder how much money the YES side had to spend to get 15,000 yes votes?

    Anyone out there know?

  18. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Who cares? Money was raised and spent by both sides. We'll never know how much was spent by the no side because the unions will never tell. The vote is coming in and its a(n almost) done deal. Its time to move forward.

  19. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by JustTheFactsPlease View Post
    I wonder how much money the YES side had to spend to get 15,000 yes votes?
    What does it matter? The people that donated to that cause did it willingly.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  20. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    What does it matter? The people that donated to that cause did it willingly.
    Again, I never said it was unwilling. You just like to try and incite people it sounds like to me.

    I am CURIOUS because I received nothing from the No side and tons from the YES side. Just curious. Have you never been curious about anything? If you have ever asked a question (and you do) then you were curious about something, too.

    Or is it illegal to be curious if you are not on the yes side?

  21. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    You're free to be curious. It sounded as if you were trying to insinuate that money was mishandled or something. If not, I apologize.

    I didn't receive anything in the mail or by phone from either side, so it's hardly a representation.

    But it's been published by the Oklahoman and here that the YES campaign had quite a bit more money. The NO campaign only had $250 in donations outside of what the 2 unions provided.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  22. Default Re: City Manager didn't know there was a problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    You're free to be curious. It sounded as if you were trying to insinuate that money was mishandled or something. If not, I apologize.

    I didn't receive anything in the mail or by phone from either side, so it's hardly a representation.

    But it's been published by the Oklahoman and here that the YES campaign had quite a bit more money. The NO campaign only had $250 in donations outside of what the 2 unions provided.
    I honestly was not trying to insinuate anything at all. Just curious. Thanks for the information. I had not heard anything at all about this part of the campaign although I was sure the YES side had more money for me to have gotten so much from them.

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