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As noted in a different thread, what's funny is that it is a city govt. employee led opposition started sending out their signs, and for that matter a city govt employee led pro vote did so as well, and BOTH SIDES went out and slapped down their signs just RIGHT BEFORE a sign clean up time frame opens. A time frame set by the city, publicized by the city, a fairly standard time of the year utilized by the city and a clean up operated by the city.
How the freak did city employees, pro or con to MAPs not realize they needed to sit on their signs for a week or so? Perhaps emotions overran some common sense? I dunno.
That ebing said, of course any signs properly in place ought not be removed, pro MAPs or agin MAPs. They just ought not be bothered. The clean up should have only impacted wrongly placed signs, and of those, it should hit all improer signs, whether PRO, AGIN, or not even related to MAPs.