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Thread: Christmas Parade

  1. #1

    Default Christmas Parade

    Can we PLEASE get a real Christmas parade back in OKC? One with floats and marching bands, firetrucks and clowns on bikes. I'm sorry, but the River Parade just doesn't cut it, and the Stockyards parade is way too small and themed. I mean a real Christmas parade like every other city has.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Hmmm...so I take it nobody would be interested in the reviving of the downtown Christmas parade? My wife and I have talked about this for a few years, wondering just how realistic it would be to attempt to organize one again, but if there is no interest I guess there really is no point.


  3. Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Sounds good to me. It would be a hoot. Wouldn't want not to do the Devon Oklahoma River parade, though.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    I agree. I think it needs to be revived. It probably just needs someone willing enough to do the organization. I agree the River Parade is cheesy and sponsors/DOKC's money would be better spent on a real downtown parade, similar to the Centennial Parade that was downtown in 2007. I'm sure there are several of the inflatable ballons around as we don't really use them for anything else, unless sponsors Ebay'd them. If we can pull off one of the largest Halloween parades in OKC (aka supposed "bible belt"), then we sure is heck should be able to pull off a quality caliber Christmas parade with all the churches around that could help support it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    I agree. We miss the downtown Christmas parade. I like the river thing, but it just isn't the same as a downtown parade. Actually if they want to do a river parade, they should move it to the canal, ala San Antonio. A christmas parade on the canal with all the decorations on the canal would be great. And you could be much closer to the action. Sitting 100 yards from the boats on the Oklahoma River is not as enjoyable.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    You can't get ski boats, pontoon boats, etc. on the canal.............

  7. #7

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    great idea a christmas parade, i really wish bricktown would have a old fashio christmas night, with carriage rides, along with canal rides, venders set up selling stuff kinda like a craft festival hot peanuts... downtown okc hasa lot to offer for the holidays, i thinka old fashion christmas for one night anda traditional christmas parade is what downtown okc needs to add, they have lots but needs more

  8. #8

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt anything to at least work from a starting point and find out what is needed (permit-wise that is) and look at possible routes, along with ideas for content. I know that financing is a HUGE issue, so I understand that sponsership would be necessary. I am assuming that a good first point of contact would be the city permit's department and the Chamber of Commerce...is this correct?


  9. #9

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    You can't get ski boats, pontoon boats, etc. on the canal.............
    Has anyone TRIED?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCTalker View Post
    Has anyone TRIED?
    Yes...somebody got busted joyriding the Canal if I remember correctly. There is a place at the end to put boats/etc. into the canal.


  11. #11

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Quote Originally Posted by kd5ili View Post
    Yes...somebody got busted joyriding the Canal if I remember correctly. There is a place at the end to put boats/etc. into the canal.

    This is correct. There is a boat ramp of sorts down on the far south end. How do you think they get the water taxis in and out? And they are big pontoon boats. It can be done, and it can be done with ease.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    I don't kow how many of you are familiar with this, but in Austin they have the Chuys Children Giving to Children parade, where they collect toys for their Operation Blue Santa in Austin all along the parade route. I have admired this parade for many years because of what it accomplishes.

    Chuy's Children Giving To Children Christmas Parade


  13. #13

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    . . .OKC (aka supposed "bible belt"). . .

  14. #14

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Well there are plenty on this site that harp all the time about being the Bible Belt. Brings a good point if that's the reality these people believe, then certainly we can get a Christmas parade, if we can have an uber successful Halloween parade.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Well there are plenty on this site that harp all the time about being the Bible Belt. Brings a good point if that's the reality these people believe, then certainly we can get a Christmas parade, if we can have an uber successful Halloween parade.
    Right on. I'm all for a Christmas parade. It wouldn't be anywhere near as fun or unique as the Halloween one, but let's do it anyway.

    I just really like the suggestion that we're somehow not a Bible Belt state. That is what you were suggesting, wasn't it? Or maybe I'm just reading too much into things. Anyhow, carry on.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Right on. I'm all for a Christmas parade. It wouldn't be anywhere near as fun or unique as the Halloween one, but let's do it anyway.
    LOL...NOTHING could be as unique as the Halloween Parade.


  17. #17

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    we sure is heck should be able to pull off a quality caliber Christmas parade with all the churches around that could help support it.
    Why would the churches get involved if they can not celebrate the true meaning of Christmas...the birth of Jesus Christ? I'm sure the ACU and like minds would have something to say about it.

  18. Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Tut, tut, tut!!! Can't call it a "Christmas" parade!!! They have a huge parade in Denver that was nearly cancelled forever over the little do-gooders who professed to be "offended" by the notion of a Christmas parade. The mayor was nearly run out of town on a coal train before he backed down and agreed to call it the Parade of Lights.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Can't celebrate Christmas publically, but we can celebrate any other holiday, MLK Day, Columbus Day (do we really celebrate him finding the "new world"). Might as well call it the December Parade.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    I want a Christmas parade too. I dont care what it's called. I dont like the river elbow rub thing they do. I think the whole downtown night is a good idea too. Hot chocolate, peanuts, carolling, sleigh rides, and maybe a venue or two could show classic movies.
    I'd be willing to help Chris if I can do anything to get it going!

  21. #21

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Well, as long as it's not government-sponsored, anyone can actually put on a parade named Christmas...

  22. #22

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Tut, tut, tut!!! Can't call it a "Christmas" parade!!! They have a huge parade in Denver that was nearly cancelled forever over the little do-gooders who professed to be "offended" by the notion of a Christmas parade. The mayor was nearly run out of town on a coal train before he backed down and agreed to call it the Parade of Lights.

    Ahhhh...BUT, it if was not put on by the city, would their be that restriction? Personally I have pretty much had it with all of the political correctness that goes around. But honestly, if it took calling it the Holiday Parade to get it going again, I wouldn't let that stop it.

    I am going to contact the City and see what the permit process and cost is to start things out. I have organized small events and such, but never something of this scale, so ANY advice is welcomed. I will also put up an informational website as things progress on my web-host server. I don't know if something like this can be organized for 2010...just have to wait and see.


  23. #23

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    As far as the permits, yeah, the city is the place. As far as the mechanics of parade assembly, if I wanted to spearhead this, my first calls would be to nearby communities that have long standing traditions of such parades, to see if whoever is on the permit for 09 would take my call, have a coffee, whatever works to bend an ear and pick a brain.

    Some wheels don't need much reinventing

  24. #24

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    anything new this season in downtown?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Christmas Parade

    You asked!

    2009 Event Schedule

    SandRidge Christmas Tree & Lighting Ceremony
    Mayor Mick Cornett & Santa light the Christmas tree
    North of Kerr Park at 123 Robert S Kerr Ave
    Nov. 27, 5:30 p.m.

    Devon Ice Rink
    201 N. Walker
    Nov. 27 - Jan. 3
    Noon – 10 p.m. daily - $8 including skates
    For group information call (405) 274-1638

    Chesapeake Snow Tubing at the Brick
    AT&T Bricktown Ballpark
    Nov. 27 – Dec. 13 Open Friday, Saturday & Sunday, hours vary
    Dec. 18 - Jan. 3 Open 7 days-a-week, hours vary
    Session size is limited, First-come, first-served. $10 per 1 1/2 hour session
    For group information call (405) 218-1000
    For session times and to buy tickets on-line visit D in D Home

    Automobile Alley Lights on Broadway
    NW 4th St. to NW 10th St. on Broadway
    Nov. 27 – Jan. 3

    OG&E Garden Lights
    Myriad Botanical Gardens
    Nov. 27 – Jan. 3
    FREE Crystal Bridge admission
    6 – 9 p.m. Sundays, Nov. 29 – Dec. 27

    Oklahoma City Community Foundation Free Museum Sundays
    FREE 1 – 6 p.m.
    Nov. 29 - The Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum
    Dec. 6 - American Banjo Museum
    Dec. 13 - Gaylord Pickens Oklahoma Heritage Museum
    Dec. 20 - Oklahoma City Museum of Art
    Dec. 27 - All four museums FREE

    Oklahoma River Holiday Cruises
    Regatta Park at the Oklahoma River
    1 – 6 p.m. Sundays, Nov. 29 – Dec. 27
    FREE festive cruise on the Oklahoma River

    Sandridge Santa Run
    9 a.m. at Leadership Square, 211 N. Robinson
    Dec. 5
    5K, One Mile Fun Run & FREE Kid’s Dash

    Sonic Segway Santa
    Look for Santa as he visits Downtown events on his
    Segway and delivers fun goodies for kids and adults

    Wimgo Holidays on the Canal
    Bricktown Canal
    Nov. 27 – Dec. 27 (closed Christmas Day)
    FREE Canal Rides 6 – 9:30 p.m. Thursday – Sunday

    For more information visit D in D Home or call 1-888-OKC4FUN

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