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Thread: Jack in the Box

  1. #101

    Default Re: Jack in the Box

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesseda View Post
    if jack in the box comes please bring in-n-out burger
    Don't hold your breath.

  2. #102

    Default Re: Jack in the Box

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Der Wienerschnitzel tried the Del City area about three years ago or thereabouts, knocking down a *reallly* old-style former Arby's location and putting up a new building....and I think they were in business six months before shutting down. The place became a Starbucks...which was closed late last year.
    you sure weinerschnitzel knocked down an old arbys location? i couldve sworn it was a chinese restaurant called "New China"?

    (btw, how many times have i run across chinese restaurants called "new china"??, youd think they could be a little more creative with coming up with more diversified names, oh well)

  3. #103

    Default Re: Jack in the Box

    Yumm breakfast burritos.

  4. #104

    Default Re: Jack in the Box

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Der Wienerschnitzel tried the Del City area about three years ago or thereabouts, knocking down a *reallly* old-style former Arby's location and putting up a new building....and I think they were in business six months before shutting down. The place became a Starbucks...which was closed late last year.
    It was there much longer than that as i recall. I ate there frequently. It was just in a terrible location. I can't think of a worse place to introduce a new chain to an area.

  5. #105

    Default Re: Jack in the Box

    i told my parents about wienerschnitizel and they said right away where ( they use to live in cali and loved ws) i cant beleive i didnthere about it in midwest city, but i live in moore last time i went to midwest city was about 2 years or so ago

  6. Default Re: Jack in the Box

    Quote Originally Posted by possumfritter View Post
    ...OKC NEEDS a good hot dog!...
    That's why one goes to Freddie's

  7. #107

    Default Re: Jack in the Box

    El Gato,

    Where is Freddies? I sure hope it's not that place downtown OKC!

  8. #108

    Default Re: Jack in the Box


    California is where I lived too and I used to go to Der Wienerschnitzel almost every day between college classes. Directly across the street from the campus was a DW on one corner, a Taco Bell on another corner, and a Jack-in-the-Box on the other corner, next to a gas station that was selling gas for .28 a gal for hi-test. Best I can remember, Taco Bell was .19, I think burgers were .23, and DW was .27. Back then, late 60's, Jack would sell 10 tacos for a buck...which was very popular down along the beach where all the hippies lived :-)

  9. #109

    Default Jack in the Box????

    Seriously, another freaking fast food restaurant??? I'm so sick of this. I think the City of Moore really should consider a moratorium of fast food establishments in Moore. On either side of I-35 within a half mile of 19th, there are 16, 16!, fast food eateries.

    City Bites, Taco Bell, Braums, Whataburger, Arby's, Sonic, Taco Mayo, Panda Express, Freddy's, Carl's Jr., Chick-Fil-A, Burger King, Subway, Quizno's, and TWO freaking McDonald's.

    Yes Jack in the Box is EXACTLY what we need!!!!

  10. Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    careful, youre going to ruffle the feathers of the jack in the box lovers on this board.

  11. #111

    Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    I really have nothing against Jack in the Box, I just think a 17th fast food restaraunt in a 1 mile radius is getting ridiculous.

  12. #112

    Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    how dare you talk bad about jack in the box you really ruffled my feathers, how dare you!!! I say good day good day to you!!!!!! we do need another fried greasy place, i mean common we need one ast food place for ea day of the month, so we will never get bored with the same old fast food

  13. #113

    Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    Especially since it is the only Jack In the Box in the OKC Metro area and many people have been waiting for it to return to the metro for decades. Do you not realize as silly as it is, it will be an economic boon to the City of Moore, at least until they build more locations?

  14. #114

    Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    Where is this going to be located and when?

  15. #115

    Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    Never mind I found it in the other thread.

  16. Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Especially since it is the only Jack In the Box in the OKC Metro area and many people have been waiting for it to return to the metro for decades. Do you not realize as silly as it is, it will be an economic boon to the City of Moore, at least until they build more locations?
    How, exactly, is one new lousy hamburger joint - the 17th at that - going to be an economic boon to Moore? I guess some of the folks out there may make it like a Krispy Kreme religious experience but that will fade away after a couple of weeks. Its taking the same fast food obsessed people and splitting the pie a 17th way. The pie doesn't necessarily become bigger.

  17. #117

    Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    JIB has a few things going for it that set them apart from other places, one being that they serve their entire menu including breakfast 24hrs a day. Sonic is the only fast food place that does breakfast all day, but they're not open 24hrs...Whataburger is open 24hrs but only serves breakfast 11pm-11am. JIB also has a ridiculously extensive menu...they're like three different fast places rolled into one. I'm not saying that this excuses them from being the 17th place in the area - that IS a bit excessive! I'm just saying that at least they offer something that the other places don't.

    Burger King, Sonic, Wendy's, Taco Bell, KFC, LJS, A&W, Grandy's, Braum's, McDonald's, Taco Bueno, Church's, 2 Little Ceaser's...there's 13 that are on 12th Street alone, from Eastern to Santa Fe. You can take just about any area in the metro area & find a large cluster of fast food places...while the new JIB is technically "new", the fact that it's fast food isn't a new concept.

    As far as it being an economic boon to the area, I'll have to agree with that. With it being the first JIB in the metro after so many years, people will flock to it. I don't think the shiny will wear off after a few weeks, I think it will be steadily busy just like Chick-Fil-A is. If you're still unconvinced, try going to the JIB in Ardmore & ask them how many folks they see there that are from the OKC area and have stopped in Ardmore specifically for JIB. I think it's probably a lot more than most would think.

  18. Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    Quote Originally Posted by MsDarkstar View Post
    JIB has a few things going for it that set them apart from other places, one being that they serve their entire menu including breakfast 24hrs a day. Sonic is the only fast food place that does breakfast all day, but they're not open 24hrs...Whataburger is open 24hrs but only serves breakfast 11pm-11am. JIB also has a ridiculously extensive menu...they're like three different fast places rolled into one. I'm not saying that this excuses them from being the 17th place in the area - that IS a bit excessive! I'm just saying that at least they offer something that the other places don't.

    Burger King, Sonic, Wendy's, Taco Bell, KFC, LJS, A&W, Grandy's, Braum's, McDonald's, Taco Bueno, Church's, 2 Little Ceaser's...there's 13 that are on 12th Street alone, from Eastern to Santa Fe. You can take just about any area in the metro area & find a large cluster of fast food places...while the new JIB is technically "new", the fact that it's fast food isn't a new concept.

    As far as it being an economic boon to the area, I'll have to agree with that. With it being the first JIB in the metro after so many years, people will flock to it. I don't think the shiny will wear off after a few weeks, I think it will be steadily busy just like Chick-Fil-A is. If you're still unconvinced, try going to the JIB in Ardmore & ask them how many folks they see there that are from the OKC area and have stopped in Ardmore specifically for JIB. I think it's probably a lot more than most would think.
    Try finding a healthier, Oklahoma or individually owned place to eat, then.

  19. #119

    Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    Quote Originally Posted by MsDarkstar View Post

    As far as it being an economic boon to the area, I'll have to agree with that. With it being the first JIB in the metro after so many years, people will flock to it. I don't think the shiny will wear off after a few weeks, I think it will be steadily busy just like Chick-Fil-A is. If you're still unconvinced, try going to the JIB in Ardmore & ask them how many folks they see there that are from the OKC area and have stopped in Ardmore specifically for JIB. I think it's probably a lot more than most would think.
    Exactly the point I was making, silly as it is, Moore will reap quite a bit more money in tax revenue because of this. It will last far longer than a few weeks, and probably at least a year or two. As you said, don't believe me, look at Chick-Fil-A. The one on NW Expressway and Rockwell opened up 2-3 years ago and they are still SWAMPED every day. People will flock to this not just because of novelty.

  20. Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Exactly the point I was making, silly as it is, Moore will reap quite a bit more money in tax revenue because of this. It will last far longer than a few weeks, and probably at least a year or two. As you said, don't believe me, look at Chick-Fil-A. The one on NW Expressway and Rockwell opened up 2-3 years ago and they are still SWAMPED every day. People will flock to this not just because of novelty.
    Are you truly going to go on a special trip to Moore (unless you already live there) to eat at JIB? Its not that I don't eat fast food, I have a 9 year old! But sheesh! Their food isn't any better than any other place. You can just get a funny antennae ornament there. Plus, I do like Jack in the commercials but it doesn't make me want to jump up and eat there.

  21. Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Their food isn't any better than any other place.
    Can you show us a link that proves your accusation?

  22. #122

    Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    Consider all the new shopping in this immediate area.
    Consider Warren movie haus location.
    Consider how many are driving into Moore for shopping and movies, in addition to the local base.
    Consider locals and travelers need to eat, and with many choices, triggers erupt in the brains of a please me now, right now society.
    Consider who gets the traveler's taxes if they eat within a mile of shopping and/or a movie.

    Moore may have its Moorons, but they gots them some sharp cookies too.

  23. #123

    Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    I have no problem that it is another restaurant, just another fast food restaraunt.

    Some of you argue that it would be an economic boon to Moore. We'll so would a intermediate priced sit down restaurant (Friday's, Ruby Tuesday, etc.). Chili's is always packed, and Buffett Fresh is ridiculous, so demand is there.

    I'm not a economic analyst for business locations by any means, but I think at least 2 of the burger places will have shut doors in the next few years, there are just too many locations. (IMO, I think BK and Freddy's would be the places to go under)

  24. #124

    Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    welcome to moore.. home of toby keith and also known for fast food capital of the world, adjust your belt a notch and stop by and enjoy what moore has to offer.

  25. Default Re: Jack in the Box????

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    Can you show us a link that proves your accusation?

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