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Thread: There are no forums for this... i don't think

  1. Default There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Last night i'm headed out to the Greenhouse on Classen. Headed from midwest city on I-40 and I'm in the left lane, minding my own business doing about 70mph and I look in my rear view mirror to see this white Ford F350, probably about a 2007 model come cruising up my lane pretty fast. The truck gets right behind me and turns on flashing white and yellow lights. I slow down and get over. He passes me and there are no signs on his doors or anything. His tag is in the back glass behind window tint. I followed behind him doing 90 to try and get his tag number but even then I couldn't keep up. He also did it to another car about 1/8 of a mile in front of me after that.

    I don't know who this guy is, or if you guys have experienced this, but it pretty well pissed me off and if I see the guy there are going to be some issues. I don't believe anyone who is not law enforcement or emergency medical vehicles should have the right to do this.

  2. #2

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    so i guess the title of this thread could be summed as "redneck road rage"??

    yeah, i usually dont encounter too many idiots when driving on short commutes throughout the city (i reside in dallas, but visit my hometown of okc often). however, when i make that 200 mile drive back and forth along I-35, thats when i usually run into some sort of trouble.

    im not a speeder at all, i was when i was younger but then got tired of shelling out big bucks for tickets so i stopped it.

    ill do the maximum legal limit and then lock on cruise control and try to do my part of getting into the slower lane. so whats the problem?

    well, there are others in the right lane who are going slower than me, so ill eventually catch up to them.

    usually im fortunate enough to pass them by using the left lane and then getting in front on them again in the right lane without it interfering my cruise control setting.

    but it tends to happen so frequently sometimes, that i might as well just be staying on the left side, you know,... in whats called.. "the passing lane"...(not the "fast lane", idiots)

    all along this extensive 200 mile stretch, there are numerous white signs posted with the maximum permissible speed limit...so why on earth do so many drivers exceed it? its bad for two reasons: 1. the law may catch you and issue a fine. 2. it takes a real mechanical beating on your car

    so anyways, there i am hanging out in the left lane, the passing lane of traffic..locked on to 70mph, or the highest possible speed allowed..and on cruise control. everything seems dandy and perfect cause im now able to pass up large semi trucks and everyone else who is locked onto cruise control and is doing a slower speed than me. right??


    nope..i cant win. cause before i know it, im looking in my rear view mirror and seeing some idiot who is gaining steadily on me doing at least 90 mph and is wanting to pass me. then eventually they are tailgating me.

    am i at fault here? im doing the maximum speed limit already. if i go any faster i will be officially breaking the law. i cant get over to the right just yet, cause im passing someone else up. otherwise, if no one else was on the right, i would assuredly get over so the idiot would pass me.

    the worst is when, theres someone im trying to pass in the right lane, who is doing..say 65 mph..and they are locked onto cruise control and im passing them slowly doing my 70mph on cruise control..so it will take some time..especially if its a long semi truck, or multiple cars im passing...

    ...then i have some idiot come shooting down the road behind doing about 100mph, and then they are in my rearview flashing their headlights...why? i cant get over just yet..im passing vehicles to the right...but im not going to be intimidated to illegally speed just to pass them and make the idiot behind me happy. not to mention it pains me to keep having to reset my cruise control setting.

    so, i just ignore them and go about my business and pass the vehicles like normal..which to them seems that im taking forever.

    and lo and behold, one of those magical "slower traffic stay to the right side" signs magically appears out of no where to intensify the situation. lovely.

    ..really now? .."slower traffic stay to the right side"??...ok, thats kind of a vague interpretation there, huh. ...maybe the sign should read instead "vehicles doing less than 70mph stay to the right side"...because im doing the top permissible speed limit already trying to pass up "the slower traffic on the right lane".

    but with this idiot tailgating me, it makes me seem like i should also be in that right lane too...but i cant, because they are going so slow that i would crash right into the rear of their vehicle.

    should there be 3 lanes of traffic on I-35 then? the left lane as a sort of "no-holds-barred" autobahn, the middle lane for a lesser legal speed, and the right lane for much slower vehicles? would that alleviate or resolve the issues i encounter??

    so anyways, back to the guy who is tailgating me as im trying to pass vehicles in the right lane...

    good thing im wearing sunglasses so the idiot behind me can not try to ascertain any direct eye contact with me.

    so anyways, thats my two cents on road rage, im not much of a retailiater..and really dont like to start things either. but from my perspective, no matter how hard you try to avoid road rage, theres always idiots that try to get you involved..so it would seem that its unavoidable at all levels. so i feel your pain in that regard.
    Last edited by mireaux; 06-17-2009 at 12:31 PM. Reason: typo

  3. #3

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Yeah, I hate driving between any two cities on highways, idiots keep making you get off your cruise control because they decide to fluctuate their speed constantly. Just drove to Tulsa yesterday and there were plenty of them.

  4. #4

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Passing in the left lane is fine, nobody likes being stuck behind somebody going slower then them. Though, as long as your passing somebody, more then likely they will be civil. Sitting in the left lane without passing anybody is where the road rage usually shows up... Its against the law and inconsiderate.

  5. #5

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Yeah, I hate driving between any two cities on highways, idiots keep making you get off your cruise control because they decide to fluctuate their speed constantly. Just drove to Tulsa yesterday and there were plenty of them.
    ohhhh yeeahh...the turner turnpike is full of renegade rogues who love to speed like devils. i wont lie, that 100 mile stretch of countryside gets pretty boring, but these speeders need to lay off watching star trek so much, ,...it does indeed take time to travel a distance, and no one has yet invented teleportation yet.

    good thing plenty of speed traps are set up all along the turner, especially coming into okc/edmond...yeeeeowww!!

  6. Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    I will also add there was 1 other car, about three car links behind me, in the middle lane, and no other car in site until about a mile later, then there was three.

  7. #7

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Sounds like an electrician or road maintenance man was abusing his lights haha. If I recall correctly, the only lights that are for emergency vehicles in Oklahoma are red, blue and white, and I believe green for Wildlife Dept. Amber lights can be used by anybody, really, including private security, work trucks, etc.

  8. #8

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    I'm glad there's no forum for this. If we needed a forum for this sort of subject, that'd be a bad thing I think.

  9. #9

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    I have a sunroof and a penny collection.....

    Do the math! LOL

  10. Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSkater View Post
    I have a sunroof and a penny collection.....

    Do the math! LOL
    I've got a big net.

    I mean, you know with this recession and everything...

    [insert Bruce Willis smirk here]

  11. #11

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSkater View Post
    I have a sunroof and a penny collection.....

    Do the math! LOL
    sounds like the math equates to severe damage to various driver's windshields if youre hauling ass down any freeway tossing those pennies out the sunroof.

  12. #12

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    This is the correct forum for this.

  13. #13

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    You don't toss em blatent like, you leave your hand on the armrest and flick em, sneaky like up and out the sunroof. If it happens to chip someone who was following too closely, well, perhaps they should back up.

    My truck has deep treads on the tires, it might have just been a rock I picked up. At highway speeds its hard to tell......

    I haven't had to do that in years btw. I've mellowed quite a bit both in my driving habits and my offensive driving. LOL

  14. #14

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gato Pollo Loco!!! View Post
    I've got a big net.

    I mean, you know with this recession and everything...

    [insert Bruce Willis smirk here]
    Well, flash your lights twice then, and I'll switch to quarters for ya!

  15. #15

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    I will also add there was 1 other car, about three car links behind me, in the middle lane, and no other car in site until about a mile later, then there was three.
    You were in the wrong lane. Get out of the passing lane unless you are passing people.

  16. #16

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by Caboose View Post
    You were in the wrong lane. Get out of the passing lane unless you are passing people.
    at least you have the intellect to call it what it is...A PASSING LANE...not a damn "fast lane"

    (screw The Eagles for popularizing the incorrect terminology in one of their songs)

  17. Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    I'm already speeding in the "Passing Lane" even though in my original post I called it the "left" lane. If the jack a$$ wanted to go around, he could have switched to one of the other two lanes and gone around me, not sped up behind me and illegally flash non emergency lights like a dick just so he didn't have to switch lanes. Seems it would have been easier for him to switch lanes as he was approaching than to have to use his breaks, slow down, and wait for me to get over. Non the less, if I see this guy again, i'm taking his tag or as I too have a cup full of change in my console, I may be as so inclined to fling it out the window.

  18. #18

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    I'm already speeding in the "Passing Lane" even though in my original post I called it the "left" lane. If the jack a$$ wanted to go around, he could have switched to one of the other two lanes and gone around me, not sped up behind me and illegally flash non emergency lights like a dick just so he didn't have to switch lanes. Seems it would have been easier for him to switch lanes as he was approaching than to have to use his breaks, slow down, and wait for me to get over. Non the less, if I see this guy again, i'm taking his tag or as I too have a cup full of change in my console, I may be as so inclined to fling it out the window.
    It doesn't matter if you were speeding or not. If you weren't actively passing someone then you have you no business in that lane. It isn't the "fast lane" it is the "passing lane". It has nothing to do with how fast you are going relative to the speed limit. In fact, you being in the passing lane while not passing is just as illegal as the other guy flashing his emergency lights like a dick. If someone has to pass you on the right then YOU are in the wrong. You had no reason to not be in the right lane in the scenario you described. Stop breaking the law and driving like a prick.

  19. #19

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    if there was just but only ONE sole style of automobile that every driver globally was forced to drive,,it would solve a LOT of problems with road rage.

    NO more, "I have the sleek (insert: BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, Porsche, Acura, Infiniti, etc) and will pass you up stylishly" (rather than needfully, because really I have no real need to pass you other than to show you how much better my car is than yours is)

    So, yeah, take all applicable elements that make the roads an Automotive Fashion Show, and theres no more need to brag.

    It would at least solve that aspect. Solving the aspect of idiotic drivers is a whole other ballgame.

    so why cant we all conform to and use just one style of automobile?..i mean we all agree upon and conform to just one style of toilet. You dont walk into restroom and are presented with options for basic OR luxury toilets. (they have them in Japan..complete with silent flush, heated seats and even a small lcd tv affixed to pass the time better)

  20. #20

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    I'm already speeding in the "Passing Lane" even though in my original post I called it the "left" lane. If the jack a$$ wanted to go around, he could have switched to one of the other two lanes and gone around me, not sped up behind me and illegally flash non emergency lights like a dick just so he didn't have to switch lanes. Seems it would have been easier for him to switch lanes as he was approaching than to have to use his breaks, slow down, and wait for me to get over. Non the less, if I see this guy again, i'm taking his tag or as I too have a cup full of change in my console, I may be as so inclined to fling it out the window.
    You were both at fault. Get over it.

  21. Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    He was in the passing lane to pass another car is when the stupid white truck was speeding up behind him. So, technically, mmonroe wasn't at a fault.

  22. #22

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    He was in the passing lane to pass another car is when the stupid white truck was speeding up behind him. So, technically, mmonroe wasn't at a fault.
    Not really. Monroe was already ahead of the other car and did not get out of the passing lane. On top of that, why was he in that lane to begin with? The right lane was clear! Ideally, both Monroe and the other car should have been in the far right lane OR the other car should have been in the right lane and Monroe in the middle. But in the scenario Monroe described, there was no reason for him to have ever been out of the right lane.

    Had Monroe been in the proper lane the incident would not have happened.

  23. #23

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Sorry, but it drives me NUTS when people sit in the left (passing) lane even if they are technically speeding. If you move over after passing someone there isn't an issue.

  24. #24

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by bretthexum View Post
    Sorry, but it drives me NUTS when people sit in the left (passing) lane even if they are technically speeding. If you move over after passing someone there isn't an issue.....
    ....unless you get back over to the right lane and are on cruise control and keep on catching up to folks who are also on cruise control, but a slower setting. so at that point, its better just to rock on back over to the passing lane...set your cruise control to the highest legally possible speed, and watch in your rearview as all the tempermental idiots who desire to break the law and speed come rushing up on your rear bumper with headlights a'flickering.

    this thread is a never-ending circus of opinions.

  25. #25
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    I stay out of the left lane unless I'm passing someone as a general rule. However, if I'm in the left lane, and someone comes up behind (or I see them coming) I get back on the right to get out of their way. The whole lights flashing thing...it's to let you know they want to pass, so get out of the way

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