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Thread: Uniquely Okie

  1. #26
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by NativeOkie View Post
    Thinking of the month of April, Something that is true Oklahoma is the land
    run. 89'ers.I remember every year in elementary school staging a land run on
    the playground. They also had Sadie Hawkens? day something about the girls
    chasing the boys can't recall all of that one. For some reason that was not as
    important at the time. Do they still do 89'er day or has political correctness
    killed that as well?
    The landrun in elementary school was the best. We got to bring wagons and
    dress up like cowboys.

    Sadie Hawkin's day was when the gals asked the guys out. It seems to me
    that we were auctioned off in junior high. Of course, that kind of fun went
    out with pc.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    The landrun in elementary school was the best. We got to bring wagons and
    dress up like cowboys.

    Sadie Hawkin's day was when the gals asked the guys out. It seems to me
    that we were auctioned off in junior high. Of course, that kind of fun went
    out with pc.
    I recall in the school land run Mr. Knippers (the principal) and yes that was his name would shoot a starters pistol to mark the beginning of the run. Imagine the principle doing that today.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    The open range in the panhandle is something to behold. In May it looks like an ocean.
    It is unlike other parts of the state, isn't it? Hardly any trees from horizon to horizon. When I drive through it, I'm always struck by what hardy individuals it must have taken to live in that area.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    It is unlike other parts of the state, isn't it? Hardly any trees from horizon to horizon. When I drive through it, I'm always struck by what hardy individuals it must have taken to live in that area.
    My wife is a Quilter and also collects quilts. So, for a Good Guy Gift I bought her an antique quilt dated 1909. She is going to enter it in the state fair this year since it is now 100 years old. I tried to do some research on it and by a stroke of luck I actually found who the quilt was made for, the names (friendship quilt) that were on it were found etc. Those people move (covered wagon) from Ohio to the Oklahoma Panhandle and then part of them moved on the La Junta, Colorado. Can you imagine doing that? The quilt was bought in an estate auction and ended up in Springer, New Mexico and then we now have it back Oklahoma....So, from Ohio to Okla. to New Mexico and back to Oklahoma quite a trip for a 100 year old quilt...Huh????

  5. #30

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    My wife is a Quilter and also collects quilts. So, for a Good Guy Gift I bought her an antique quilt dated 1909. She is going to enter it in the state fair this year since it is now 100 years old. I tried to do some research on it and by a stroke of luck I actually found who the quilt was made for, the names (friendship quilt) that were on it were found etc. Those people move (covered wagon) from Ohio to the Oklahoma Panhandle and then part of them moved on the La Junta, Colorado. Can you imagine doing that? The quilt was bought in an estate auction and ended up in Springer, New Mexico and then we now have it back Oklahoma....So, from Ohio to Okla. to New Mexico and back to Oklahoma quite a trip for a 100 year old quilt...Huh????
    Oh, that's lovely and you are a WONDERFUL husband, clearly!

  6. #31

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    Oh, that's lovely and you are a WONDERFUL husband, clearly!
    `````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````````````

    CAN I QUOTE YOU ON THAT???? Just kidding...We've been married going on 43 years and she's the best friend I have. We have more fun just digging in the small town "Junk" stores than just about anything. Marriage has always been more than a piece of paper and a credit card to us.....Thanks....Generals64.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    This may take this tread in a direction it should not go, however I could not decide where to place it if I began a new one so here we go.
    The Land run of 1889 is obviously Okie. I understand 120 years is a long time but I was wondering how many people who received free land (Gov. Bailout of 1889) still have that land in their family today?
    My guess would be very few.
    I had an economics professor years ago state that if you took all of the wealth in America and spread it out equally that it would take a while but most of the money would find its way back home.
    Meaning the Capitalist and the person willing to work and take risks would eventually own what you were given free.

    I have been searching for people who still own the land their families ran for in 1889.

    (if this needs to be moved to political I am sorry and feel free to move it)

  8. #33

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by NativeOkie View Post
    This may take this tread in a direction it should not go, however I could not decide where to place it if I began a new one so here we go.
    The Land run of 1889 is obviously Okie. I understand 120 years is a long time but I was wondering how many people who received free land (Gov. Bailout of 1889) still have that land in their family today?
    My guess would be very few.
    I had an economics professor years ago state that if you took all of the wealth in America and spread it out equally that it would take a while but most of the money would find its way back home.
    Meaning the Capitalist and the person willing to work and take risks would eventually own what you were given free.

    I have been searching for people who still own the land their families ran for in 1889.

    (if this needs to be moved to political I am sorry and feel free to move it)
    Hey girl:...I have a friend that his family made the run and his father and he still own it in Moore...

  9. #34
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by NativeOkie View Post
    This may take this tread in a direction it should not go, however I could not
    decide where to place it if I began a new one so here we go.
    The Land run of 1889 is obviously Okie. I understand 120 years is a long
    time but I was wondering how many people who received free land (Gov.
    Bailout of 1889) still have that land in their family today?
    My guess would be very few.
    I had an economics professor years ago state that if you took all of the
    wealth in America and spread it out equally that it would take a while but
    most of the money would find its way back home.
    Meaning the Capitalist and the person willing to work and take risks would
    eventually own what you were given free.

    I have been searching for people who still own the land their families ran for in 1889.

    (if this needs to be moved to political I am sorry and feel free to move it)
    Gen64 knows some people and I've know a few who still own their property.
    They're capitalists!

    Your economics prof was right. Not that capitalism is bad, it's just that
    people are greedy and are thrilled at what they believe to be a profit!

    Risk takers prosper while "get it now" doesn't.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    [QUOTE=NativeOkie;210467]This may take this tread in a direction it should not go, however I could not decide where to place it if I began a new one so here we go.
    The Land run of 1889 is obviously Okie. I understand 120 years is a long time but I was wondering how many people who received free land (Gov. Bailout of 1889) still have that land in their family today?
    My guess would be very few.
    I had an economics professor years ago state that if you took all of the wealth in America and spread it out equally that it would take

    I have been searching for people who still own the land their families ran for in 1889.
    Have you any TRUE idea where the actual run of '89 took off in the central part of the state????I have asked this question many times...Some say Purcell but even they don't know exactly where...How about you???

  11. #36
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    The Land run of 1889 is obviously Okie. I understand 120 years is a long time
    but I was wondering how many people who received free land (Gov. Bailout of
    1889) still have that land in their family today?
    Government Bailout money?
    Are you looking for a fight or just trying to get beat up?

    Government Bailout money... get out of here...

  12. #37

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    Government Bailout money?
    Are you looking for a fight or just trying to get beat up?

    Government Bailout money... get out of here...
    Tomorrow, we'll discuss the matter.....or whatever.....or a Hot Dog and a FROSTED Root Beer...or we can forget the Frosted Root....

  13. #38

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    seeing this thread (seems to be retired) I still would like to know the exact location of the land run 1889...Does anyone know?????

  14. #39
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    seeing this thread (seems to be retired) I still would like to know the exact
    location of the land run 1889... Does anyone know?
    Here's a link to Wikipedia. Land Run of 1889

    All I know is that it was in central Oklahoma and started around Guthrie, as
    the north boundary.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    seeing this thread (seems to be retired) I still would like to know the exact location of the land run 1889...Does anyone know?????
    I can look through some books I have for a better description if you need it.

    Below info. from:

    LAND RUN of 1889

    digital.library.okstate.edu/encyclopedia/entries/L/LA014.html - 20k

    The Unassigned Lands, left vacant in the post-Civil War effort to create reservations for Plains Indians and other tribes, were considered some of the best unoccupied public land in the nation. The surrounding tribal-owned lands included the Cherokee Outlet on the north, bordering Kansas; the Iowa, Kickapoo, and Pottawatomie reservations on the east; and the Cheyenne and Arapaho Reservation on the west. These, too, would later be opened to settlement. To the south lay the Chickasaw Nation.

    In the spring of 1889 the largest accumulations of would-be settlers massed in camps at the Kansas border towns, mainly at the railroad towns of Arkansas City and Caldwell. With people being restrained there by U.S. troops, the boomer camps grew larger and larger. On the south, however, long lines of white-sailed wagons wound their way up from Texas directly to the south line of the Unassigned Lands at Purcell in the Chickasaw Nation. From that point many of the settlers moved northward up the eastern line and along the main (south) branch of the Canadian River, which formed the southern boundary of the target area. On the west, clusters of drought-stricken families from the Texas Panhandle and No Man's Land flooded to the boundary near Fort Reno and west of Kingfisher stage station.

    The anxious crowds at Arkansas City and Caldwell demanded and received permission to begin on April 18 their journey across the Cherokee Outlet. Following a nighttime rainstorm, U.S. troops began leading long trains of settler wagons over muddy trails across the Cherokee Outlet toward their "promised land." One memorable event during the Arkansas City exodus occurred when the contingent crossed the flooded Salt Fork of the Arkansas River. They tore boards from a nearby Santa Fe Railway station and planked the railroad bridge that spanned the river. Settlers then unhitched their teams, pulled their wagons, and led their horses across the bridge.

    The Caldwell crowd, a harmonious and happy conglomeration of ten thousand farmers, cowboys, and old soldiers in buggies, wagons, and on horseback, helped one another ford the Cimarron River before making final camp at Buffalo Springs north of Kingfisher. There on the day before the opening, Easter Sunday, they played baseball, held foot races, and conducted religious services. The frontier fellowship continued that night when the old army-camp call of "Oh, Joe, here's your mule!" circulated from one bed site to another through the darkness.

    Many hopeful land-seekers at Arkansas City intended to ride in on the Santa Fe Railway line that crossed the territory through the very heart of the Oklahoma Lands. Similarly, thousands crowded the station at Purcell, filling a special "boomer train" to overflowing.

    Rail stations at Guthrie, Edmond, Oklahoma (City), Verbeck (Moore), and Norman, created when the line was built in 1886-87, offered high potential for townsites. Kingfisher, not then a rail town but a land office location like Guthrie, was also a site of choice for settlers and townsite companies.

    Although the opening was directed principally to agricultural allotments, many who made the run were just as

    There used to be Historical Markers along state highways. Not sure about that today.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    I have re-read this thread and I remember so many true "OKIE" plans and things from our past. Yesterday I saw a memory still in existence on south May at what was know as "Sand Town". There is a Railroad car from the Wilson packing company that a family had moved in there a long time ago and lived in it....It's still there along with a few other houses. Some people don't ever want to be called and "OKIE" but I am extremely proud of my heritage....How about you????
    People like the ones in old "Sand Town" were the backbone of this nation. They never gave up they kept plowing while others in the nation were jumping out of Business windows....The Okies from back then were there then, through the "Great War"...the second World War and through all other types of problems but, they NEVER gave up.....

  17. #42

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    I gotta tell this story. I met this guy at work and we got to talking so I ask him where's he's from and he says Texas. I then reply What! Texxasss? And he says please don't hold it against me, I came to Oklahoma as soon as I learned to swim. I LMAO. We became good friends.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Now days a "true okie" is a wetback that made it through Texass.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    Now days a "true okie" is a wetback that made it through Texass.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by grantgeneral78 View Post
    si Senor'

  21. #46

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    si Senor'
    Just found out that one of the ORIGINAL land run sites of 1889 was in Lexington, Oklahoma and around Purcell...My next project is to find out exactly where...

  22. #47

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    The markers may not be where the starting line was, but will tell you how far away the actual run started. Many historical sites are on private property.
    At one time there were historical markers all around the state. Don't know if they replace them when needed or not. I have tried several times to find the original Ft. Arbuckle. It is west of I35.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    The markers may not be where the starting line was, but will tell you how far away the actual run started. Many historical sites are on private property.
    At one time there were historical markers all around the state. Don't know if they replace them when needed or not. I have tried several times to find the original Ft. Arbuckle. It is west of I35.
    ================================================== ============
    Now that I am officially on the government payroll, I'd be game for a road trip. I'd like to see that myself....(social Security kicked in).....

  24. #49

    Default Re: Uniquely Okie

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Just found out that one of the ORIGINAL land run sites of 1889 was in Lexington, Oklahoma and around Purcell...My next project is to find out exactly where...
    My ancestral neck of the woods. My great grandfather got land in Lexington during the land run. I can show you the land. The old homestead used to be on it, now it's a sad little trailer park.

    AND we did not come through Texas, came out of Kansas. GreatGrandma stayed in Kansas to deliver my Grandpa who was born Sep. 1889.

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