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Thread: Jessica Alba places Shark Posters Downtown OKC

  1. #1

    Default Jessica Alba places Shark Posters Downtown OKC

    Great White Dope -- Alba Defaces Oklahoma City
    Posted Jun 9th 2009 10:09AM by TMZ Staff

    Dumb: Defacing all sorts of public property in landlocked Oklahoma City (including a United Way poster) ... to increase local awareness for great white sharks ... which don't usually dwell anywhere close to Oklahoma City.

    Dumber: Capturing all the stupidity on film and posting it on the Internet.

    People in OKC are pretty upset after these photos surfaced yesterday on TheLostOgle.com. The pics clearly show Alba tagging downtown OKC with the posters, which ironically don't even have a clear message on them ... posters that stoners probably think are just advertisements for Shark Week.

    The most ridiculous part is that one of the spots she's accused of tagging was a billboard for the United Way. A rep for the non-profit organization told us although the billboard was donated, they'll probably have to pay out of their own pocket to replace it. Either way, the U.W. said, "We remain focused on our work rather than this minor distraction."

    So far, cops say no one has filed charges against Alba.

    Filed under: Jessica Alba
    When it rains it pours... but when the blessings come they overflow!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Jessica Alba places Shark Posters Downtown OKC

    She's here for the filming of "The Killer Inside Me".
    When it rains it pours... but when the blessings come they overflow!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Jessica Alba places Shark Posters Downtown OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Faith View Post
    She's here for the filming of "The Killer Inside Me".
    More people will see those photos of her putting up those shark posters than will see that movie.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Jessica Alba places Shark Posters Downtown OKC

    I heard them talking about this on BOB FM this morning. Does she understand that Oklahomans could care less about the plight of The Great White Shark??? Most of us would like to filet one and fry it up in corn meal!!!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Jessica Alba places Shark Posters Downtown OKC

    Wow, let's have like 4 threads on the same topic....

  6. #6

    Default Re: Jessica Alba places Shark Posters Downtown OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Wow, let's have like 4 threads on the same topic....
    Threads about Jessica Alba but without pictures are worthless. Here ya go!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Jessica Alba places Shark Posters Downtown OKC

    As usual.....the littlest of things gets blown out of proportion so some attention-seeking media person can have his/her "15 minutes" Geez....let it go people, no harm no foul. Heres an idea...................get a life.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Jessica Alba places Shark Posters Downtown OKC

    Property owners forgive actress' stunt
    June 11, 2009 13:56 EDT

    OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- The owners of property allegedly plastered with great white shark posters by actress Jessica Alba say they have little interest in pursuing criminal charges against the 28-year-old woman.

    Oklahoma City police said Thursday they are continuing to investigate the allegations, but say they first plan to meet with property owners to see if they are willing to prosecute.

    Alba, who is in Oklahoma filming a movie, issued a statement Wednesday apologizing for the stunt.

    Police found the posters -- aimed at raising awareness about the species' declining numbers -- glued to a downtown bridge and elsewhere, including a billboard for the United Way charity.

    All of the property owners contacted by The Associated Press Thursday say they don't want to see Alba prosecuted.

    I guarentee if it was a average joe, they would be in jailed and fined! Guess they don't have the balls to press charges since they are filming in Oklahoma. Hope someone from the Alba camp is reimbursing us taxpayers to clean up for her stunt....pathetic

  9. #9

    Default Re: Jessica Alba places Shark Posters Downtown OKC

    Looks like the Oklahoman is still milking the Jessica Alba story for all it's worth and then some.

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