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Thread: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

  1. #1

    Angry Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"


    Personally I think this is getting out of hand! I drive around OKC all day, everyday. Everyday I notice more and more property this guy is vandalizing... Billboards, New I-40 (under construction), multiple signs on the highway, multiple buildings, the list goes on and on!! I hope they catch this douche and do something harsh to the scumbag. If I'm not mistaking, didn't he use to be a member here?!? If he cared about OKC so much why the hell is he vandalizing it??? Help find this guy and get him off the streets. If the City of OKC would just make a specific area where "taggers" could tag, we may or may not be having this discussion...

  2. Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Cier was the guy who posted here.

    I, for one, hope they don't catch him.

  3. #3
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Perhaps you could offer the use of your home for his art as an alternative then?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    I hope they catch him.

    There's a special place in hell for vandals.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    his art isnt even that good.

    but im with mayo.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Quote Originally Posted by Watson410 View Post

    Personally I think this is getting out of hand! I drive around OKC all day, everyday. Everyday I notice more and more property this guy is vandalizing... Billboards, New I-40 (under construction), multiple signs on the highway, multiple buildings, the list goes on and on!! I hope they catch this douche and do something harsh to the scumbag. If I'm not mistaking, didn't he use to be a member here?!? If he cared about OKC so much why the hell is he vandalizing it??? Help find this guy and get him off the streets. If the City of OKC would just make a specific area where "taggers" could tag, we may or may not be having this discussion...
    Totally agree. I wish they would catch this clown. Just drive on I-40 from Downtown to about N. Rockwell and you'll see a good dozen or so billboards, highway concrete and signs, and buildings that he's tagged ZAR. They even had a segment on the news last night about this loser, he's cost taxpayers at least $26,000 since November so far that we know of, I'm sure there is way more out there, as most of it hasn't been cleaned up yet. Hope he gets caught and a long jail sentence (probably won't happen). Cier is back on the streets and back to his old ways again too. Morons. I too wish we would have a dedicated graffitti wall or something. The least the city could do is give it a test run and see if it helps the problem.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    I hope they catch him. A crime is a crime whether you like it or not. I say make him and all those other thugs spend their time doing community service cleaning up graffiti until it's elimintaed. And pay the $26,000 in damages. Like others have said his tagging isn't even very good. I've seen more artistic expression in slug trails.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Anyone with information about the serial tagging is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 235-7300.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Definitely not artistic. But a dedicated wall, street, etc. is not a solution. this type tag strikes me as being about risk, recognition and the reward that comes from pulling it off.
    You won't find any of those desires met via a city sanctioned out of the general public view art board.

    Perhaps if it included a live feed to all the digi billboards to enhance the exposure, but doubtful otherwise.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    concurr kp. . . the legality eliminates the thrill factor for these idiots.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    The douchebag recently tagged some businesses on 23rd street. I have zero respect for taggers...imo it is the most useless crime. They should be publicly caned!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    I am surprised the city or some of these sign companies do not invest in a camera or an alarm system that could be checked by a local security company. Sooner or later they would catch these guys.

    I am also surprised that nobody reports these fools. Somebody has to have seen them at one time or another. Then again there are some people in this city that only know the path they drive they do not know the street names or the geographically area.

    A police officer told he is amazed how people act when they have to close a street. One time he and some other police officers shut down Northbound Broadway Extension because of a bad wreck. People were coming up to him left and right asking "How do I get Edmond?" Very few people could comprehend the concept of driving to the first major street east or west and heading North.

  13. Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    So, the video vigilante's on here now? Perhaps he can turn his focus from finding people having sex in vans with their secretaries or with hookers and start catching this guy.

    Just a suggestion...
    Still corrupting young minds

  14. #14

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Tonight, on TagTV, Senseless Painters Caught on Camera

  15. #15

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Hey guys, if the police used modern day techniques, they could probally catch him. If you goto myspace and search "zar" oklahoma city, only one person comes up, and guess what his picture is, its graffiti! LOL

  16. #16

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Definitely not artistic. But a dedicated wall, street, etc. is not a solution. this type tag strikes me as being about risk, recognition and the reward that comes from pulling it off.
    You won't find any of those desires met via a city sanctioned out of the general public view art board.

    Perhaps if it included a live feed to all the digi billboards to enhance the exposure, but doubtful otherwise.
    BINGO! Taggers don't care about their "art," they care about tagging as many places as they can in as hi-risk an environment as possible. It's all about the adrenaline rush and figuring out what they can get away with. If they could figure out a way to tag the top floors of skyscrapers for all the world to see, they would.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Quote Originally Posted by circuitboard View Post
    Hey guys, if the police used modern day techniques, they could probally catch him. If you goto myspace and search "zar" oklahoma city, only one person comes up, and guess what his picture is, its graffiti! LOL


  18. #18

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Too bad the big brother cameras on the highway are no use for something like this...

  19. #19

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    I can't believe anyone would stick up for people who paint on others property, state or other wise. I bet they would change their minds if it was done to their cars or homes.

  20. Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Artists rarely tag automobiles. The only "cars" that get tagged are train cars.

    An interesting read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graffiti

  21. Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    I concur, catch him and prosecute him. Vandalism is vandalism.

  22. Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Why wouldn't anyone want to throw the book at these people?

    Have you priced paint and labor to repaint a business??? ... It's an outrage.

    I think they should give them months and months of community service.... painting, especially over Grafitti.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  23. #23

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    I have little problem with street art, but street art is to tagging, in my opinion, what some dead cow house like Red Prime is to Mickey D's.

    Both have meat, both have fans, but there are few other similarities in the two.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    CuatrodeMayo, How about I come tag your house, your parents house, your church, your car, any of those would be Ok, I assume.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

    Grafitti art/artist is really an oxymoron (emphasis on the moron)!

    While it is true that much grafitti, especially the large murals, can be seen as an artform, the bottom line is, when you cause destruction to other people's property, costing money to both private landowners and taxpayers, there is no art in that. It's a crime, period.

    When taggers go and tag our parks, for instance, we have to send crews out to remove it. This costs the city money, the taxpayers money, and takes money away from other programs and activities that could better serve the children in this community. It is completely unproductive.

    In addition, the places where tags have been removed always leave a scar, either in the way of more paint (which rarely matches exactly) or "scorch marks" from the sandblasters or high-powered washers. Go by any heavily-tagged building and you'll see nothing but splotches from where it's been removed. So, they are altering the community's aesthetic in a negative way. These guys take from the community, and give nothing back to it.

    And I agree with Karried. Fining these guys ins't the answer. Throwing them out with a remediation crew to remove the stuff day-in, day-out for a few weeks or months might just stop them in their tracks.

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