Actually, I recently saw a CA commercial about 1 min in length. It had Gv. Arnold and many, many celebrities, all selling CA as a great place.
I see California advertising out here all the time, especially on cable. They spent some MEGA-bucks on their commercials too. It's star studded big time. Ends with the Governator....
The Governators closing line in the ad: "When can you start?" ...too funny
I think this thread has highlighted what states are doing right now to get people and businesses into their state. Especially with the economy and unemployment the way it is, it appears to be shifted up a few notches.
I really wish we could get our hands on some of these ads to see how well our sales pitches match up, you know?
Probably a lot of them are on state travel sites.
OK State Parks has their new spots up on their site. I watched the new state travel spots somewhere recently, but can't find them now. Haven't seen the OKC ones online anywhere either, but the one that they've aired for OKC during the nationally televised Thunder game was fantastic.
Don't Edmond My Downtown
We really are lucky right now to have city leadership that is moving in a progressive direction. I honestly never dreamed we would see this. Again, I don't agree with everything and there are many areas for improvement, but it's amazing how far this city has come in ten years. Kudos to OKC CVB, the Chamber, whoever had the stones and vision to do this. Oklahoma could be a real national leader in getting us out of the economic ditch. We have affordable housing and a good quality of life that is slowly improving. OKC is definitely leading the way, although Tulsa and Norman are doing good things also.
Unfortunately, those Okies who speak for us often are morons. That certainly doesn't help to change the perception.Agreed, now if we can just get the perception that all Okies are not like those depicted in the grapes of wrath..
Why on Earth would a liberal want to move out of California? They have everything in California a liberal could want. Once all of California conservatives get out they will have the whole state to themselves. I left California nearly 20 years ago and it is the best thing I ever did.
Am I being paranoid, or does it seem that every single time someone from Oklahoma is interviewed on national news (usually for some disaster) they typically are the most redneck bottom feeder every seen. Seriously, there is a direct correlation in the number of television cameras and the number of toothless meth addicts that are interviewed.
it must be working cuz at the Colcord i've been chatting and hanging out with this lady from LA who is vacationing in okc.
btw, she had a blast here.
hmmm... when i look at america i see something totally different. everywhere is effed up, friend. i can't think anyone else could do any better in our shoes. i feel blessed to live in america.
btw, i bought 8.1 percent beer in texas all the time in the corner store. steel reserve made in ft. worth, tx.
That's good to hear. Now when one person here and another person there turns into thousands filling up our hotels as vacationers to Oklahoma City for no other reason than to vacation in Oklahoma City, we'll know the advertising worked. OKC is a lot of good things, but a destination city for tourism from states away it is not. We may get there some day, but there aren't too many kids that are going to get real excited when mom and dad say, "Guess where WE ARE GOING on vacation this summer????? when the answer is Oklahoma City. I'm just being realistic. We're a nice destination for people in bordering states to get away for the weekend, but Californians booking trips to Oklahoma City for summer vacation? Dream on.
I also really agree with mcgrawsdad. I remember after the pond rescue at Ski Island that was covered by all the cable news channels, the first few people they talked to sounded like caricatures of what so many people think of our state. It's like the cameras attract them. That kind of thing negates thousands of dollars worth of tourism advertising.
San diego is really a beautiful place, my wife told me last time we where there she said it feels like we are on a island because of all the plants and flowers and the breeze. The best thing about san diego to me is the morning sunrise, the cool dry air, it so peaceful in the morning, and you can actually sit outside and have breakfast without feeling sweaty. now back to the subject of advertising, I do apologize I remember seeing the california ad with arnold and his wife sipping wine.
Some people are really too pessimistic. I don't think OKC is going to become a major tourist destination, but spending advertising dollars in California sure doesn't hurt. The fact is, people in the coastal states have all sorts of reasons to travel to the middle of the country. But it's not just tourism -- it's improving the overall image of the state.
Suppose a businessman in California is looking for a place to move his company headquarters, or is looking to establish a regional headquarters somewhere. A timely OKC commercial might help us stick around in his memory when it comes time to make a decision.
Why do you think people spend millions of dollars on Superbowl ads? Do they believe that each and every person watching the game is going to go out and buy their product? Nope. But it does increase viewer awareness of your product, and a good commercial can sway someone who is on the fence. It establishes brand recognition as well. That's what OKC needs: brand recognition. Once we get the new Crosstown built, and we've got that scissortail pedestrian bridge, you can bet that will appear in new OKC commercials. And people who see it will say "Hey, that's a cool bridge." Maybe one in ten thousand will choose to visit here because of that, but there are a lot of people in California. The real benefit is long-term. Long term advertising like this will generally lead to a more positive image for OKC and the state as a whole. That's important for people looking to move somewhere.
hoya, i think we're all in agreement branding is good and much needed for our state and city. it already has proven itself.
At one time San Antonio was not considered a tourist destination.....
My point is, edcrunk, that every state has its equal share of good and bad, and I am tired of of the cynicism and superficiality against Oklahoma. We'll never improve as a country if people are out to pigeon-hole certain parts of the country in favor of others.
And at 8.1 percent, you're past beer and in the barley-wine zone.
Continue the Renaissance!!!
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