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Thread: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

  1. #1

    Default Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    So what restaurant would you recommend to a couple for valentine's day? My pick: The Haunted House It is very unique and charming. Plus, the steak is delicious.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    Jamill's Steak House

  3. #3

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    The above, and oh so many more, but I suspect many hot spots are filling up fast or already booked solid.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    Red PrimeSteak is offering all customers 10% off entire tab on Sunday, February 15th. We are full Friday and Saturday; I think most are.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    Red Prime, Tom & Jerry's, Rococo, Bellini's

  6. #6

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    we normally stay home and he makes his fabulous spaghetti + meat sauce
    we dress up, have candlelight dinner with wine

    if we decided to venture out, my perfect date would be at Flip's
    sitting in front of the fireplace

    their homemade spaghetti & meatballs
    (thick pasta and HUGE meatballs)
    + ceasar salad (they do it right!)
    + a couple glasses of wine

    share the italian creme cake (its huge)

    tres romantique!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    We once went out on the 14th on a spur of moment decision. First 3 places were 1-2 hour minimum, 4th was 10 minutes. Having never been there before, it almost made me say thanks but no thanks since it was so outside the norm. Not fancypants for certain, but a right fine meal all the same. Sliding in and out in about the same time as we would have waited to be seated elsewhere was a make you smile kind of eve.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    Wife and I and our best friends have hit Shogun's the last 4 years so we are keeping with tradition sat night

    If not there we would likely go to The Melting Pot...Pretty romantic place and enjoy the slow pace of the dinner

  9. Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    something on a less traveled path, w/o a wait, and not a chain would be my recommendation:
    *Vivo's Italian on 122nd *Thai House II on 23rd *Elephant Cafe in Bethany
    *Sean Cumming's Pub on N. May *Taj on NW Exp *Zorba's on May

  10. #10

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    Do any of you know a good East Indian restaurant in the area? We have been looking and are unsure about what to pick.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    Indian food and Valentine's Day? Doesn't sound like a good combo.........

  12. #12

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    As others have said, good luck finding anything available on V-day. Everything seems booked...

  13. #13

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    lets see the first valentines day with my wife she was 3 month pregnant, we went to carinos, when we sat down it was really nice they sat us in a private quiet area, we ordered our food, then her morning sickness kicked in and we got it to go. the second year we decided to try bourbon street, the food was great really romantic comfy setting, halfway through the meal the sitter called, our son was running a temp and sick, so last valentines we gave up and all of us went to chuck-e-cheese and had a great time not romantic but a non-problem time. So i dont know what to do this year, chance it and venture out or family night. Anything close in moore that is a romantic diamond in the rough as to dinning type?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesseda View Post
    lets see the first valentines day with my wife she was 3 month pregnant, we went to carinos, when we sat down it was really nice they sat us in a private quiet area, we ordered our food, then her morning sickness kicked in and we got it to go. the second year we decided to try bourbon street, the food was great really romantic comfy setting, halfway through the meal the sitter called, our son was running a temp and sick, so last valentines we gave up and all of us went to chuck-e-cheese and had a great time not romantic but a non-problem time. So i dont know what to do this year, chance it and venture out or family night. Anything close in moore that is a romantic diamond in the rough as to dinning type?
    I'm not too familiar with Moore, but you could take her to that new movie theatre, sit in the balcony, and have dinner there. It's suppose to be pretty cool.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    My wife and I have a tradition of going to Charleston's for Valentines Day. We'll probably do the same this year.

    Good food. Nice atmosphere.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    We did something a little out of the ordinary this year. We decided to go out for breakfast at the Cattleman's Steakhouse. Breakfast on Valentine's Day with your Sweetheart? It only gets more romantic if it's in bed. This was the next best thing. And because we ordered fancy, our waiter was very solicitous. I imagine breakfast tips are a little on the small side, usually.

    Next year, Valentine's Day is on a Sunday, so if anyone wants to borrow my suggestion... (just leave us a table at Cattleman's because I think we're going back)

  17. #17

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    I ended up out of town on V-Day. So, no meal together, sigh. On the bright side, I actually located a Braum's that was not only impeccably clean and friendly, the service was also [GASP] FAST. That was a first for me, and I liked it!

  18. Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    Blu in Norman was great.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    this is from my other post on the board of what me and my wife did for valentines, we included the kids.. what we really wanted to do was takethem to the zoo, but way to cold.. but we had fun with what we did do. plus there is not need for me and my wife to be alone on valentines and get to romantic, with this economy we cant afford another child right now lol.

    okay so here is where we ate for valentines days.

    Okay I know not that romatic, but we took our two little kids our girl age 4 and our boy age 2. well we arrived at the restaurant for lunch, we decided to order on the menu and with a salad bar, it has been awhile since i went a western sizzling so i didnt really know what was really good to get, so i got the sirlion. well moving on as we where sitting down the staff was passing by us speaking really loudly telling us happy valentines, and they really got excited with it with our kids telling them (thanking for join us on valentines day, wow what a treat) so my kids got all excited and was saying it back to the staff. Our waiter was top notch, he acted like we where the most important people in the world and that our kids where the best in the world, which actually made the kids act really good the whole time. The food was great, a good selection to choose from adult friendly and kid friendly items as well. One of the lady waitresses came by our table and made my little boy blush when she said oh look heres my valentine, and she was giving him little tickles. needles to say Western sizzling made our valentines day especially our little ones really special, my wife and i will probably be taking our kids there now knowing the waitstaff seems to enjoy children at there establishment

  20. #20

    Default Re: Restaurant suggestions for Valentine's Day?

    It's funny that Valentine's use to be celebrated with a simple card and chocolate, then it turned into going out to dinner, then it turned into going out to dinner, plus the symphony, and now some people are going weekend getaways. Where does it stop? I love celebrating v-day with a nice dinner and an activity, but some times it's built up to be more than it really is.

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